Is Time An Illusion?


Well-Known Member
Time isn't real. It's an imaginary real thing(like Santa), based on a real measurement we have(Like history is for Santa).
Here's a challenge for you shaggy. Find me one other 'thing' that can be measured as accurately and precisely as time that is also imaginary. We can't measure Santa.


Well-Known Member
I believe TIME is a real thing.. but where the confusion comes is when people relate that to how us humans use TIME as a tool for certain aspects of our life from earths point of view.. ^_^


Well-Known Member
Time exists to explain change....

That is, you can't explain a difference from one point to another without the concept of time.

It's a byproduct of language and we have no way of determining whether or not "time" is actually a conceivable thing, or whether we invented it...

If time travel is possible, any event that was influenced by someone or something in the future had to have happened in our time continuum... let me explain --

If, in the year 2045, "you" went back in time to kill Hitler in 1939, as far as "the observers*" are concerned, killing Hitler would have actually happened in history.... There is only one 1939, and if "you" went back in time "you" were there the one, and only time 1939 happened.

It's a misconception that "time" can happen more than once, when in fact each segment in the time continuum only happens once.... I say continuum, because there is no smallest divisible amount of time...

* - The observers refers to everyone in "the present" that didn't travel through time, back to 1939.


Ursus marijanus
Time exists to explain change....

That is, you can't explain a difference from one point to another without the concept of time.

It's a byproduct of language and we have no way of determining whether or not "time" is actually a conceivable thing, or whether we invented it...
I like this. Time, duration, change, entropy ... all congeneric but distinct. cn


Well-Known Member
^_^ when you guys say HUMANS invented it, we invented our OWN method of using what WE perceive as Time to keep track & improve our knowledge of the world we live in. It has NOTHING to do with what Space/Time Actually is or how is works.

leave the details to the scientists please. Many of the RIU community ^_^ cannot entirely wrap their heads around politics.. & you wanna have an In-depth convo on This Subject.!!. o_O


Ursus marijanus
That's because time was money when money was worth something. Now time is the square root of negative credit. cn


Well-Known Member
Time exists to explain change....

That is, you can't explain a difference from one point to another without the concept of time.

It's a byproduct of language and we have no way of determining whether or not "time" is actually a conceivable thing, or whether we invented it...

If time travel is possible, any event that was influenced by someone or something in the future had to have happened in our time continuum... let me explain --

If, in the year 2045, "you" went back in time to kill Hitler in 1939, as far as "the observers*" are concerned, killing Hitler would have actually happened in history.... There is only one 1939, and if "you" went back in time "you" were there the one, and only time 1939 happened.

It's a misconception that "time" can happen more than once, when in fact each segment in the time continuum only happens once.... I say continuum, because there is no smallest divisible amount of time...
That may not be true. Time might be quantum just like the rest of the universe. Ever hear of Planck time? That's one possibility.


Well-Known Member
"Abstract" and "imaginary" are not the same thing. Santa is imaginary. An isosceles triangle is abstract. Time is an abstract concept but I would not go so far as to call it imaginary or unreal. cn
I would. It is something that we pretend is real because we can see the sun move, and the clocks are the same for us everyday at the same sun area. So in are brains this makes it seem real. Further the fact that our cells deteriorate, and that we have to sleep makes it seem even MORE real. But we ourseleves are but a side effect of plant life, which it itself is a side effect of water and the sun working together in elements. When "gods" creations side effects side effect makes something up...It's imaginary. Even Mcdonalds is just bricks and mortar till you put a playground fries and people inside and tell everyone it's a Mcdonalds. Time is Mcdonalds here. It is nothing but an idea put into action, based on observations. Nothing more.


Well-Known Member
It's a byproduct of language and we have no way of determining whether or not "time" is actually a conceivable thing, or whether we invented it...
And again exactly. Time is something we invented. I am simple saying that it is not any more than that. It can not be traveled within, it can not be bent, it can not be changed, touched, altered, warped, wrinkled, anything. It is not real, it is in your mind.


Well-Known Member
Inches are not real, they are a measurement of space.
Centimeters and everything are a figment of our imagination.

These words you are reading on this screen aren't real. Psychotic breakthroughs by our ancestors have brought us here. These prints are equal to the paw print of a bird or fox, but we put TRUE meaning in them.
Here's where inches are explained.


Well-Known Member
^_^ when you guys say HUMANS invented it, we invented our OWN method of using what WE perceive as Time to keep track & improve our knowledge of the world we live in. It has NOTHING to do with what Space/Time Actually is or how is works.

leave the details to the scientists please. Many of the RIU community ^_^ cannot entirely wrap their heads around politics.. & you wanna have an In-depth convo on This Subject.!!. o_O
Perhaps "invented" wasn't the right term - but it was the closest thing I could think of...

Maybe this is a closer definition;

When "we", as a species, became able to express "time" as a concept....

It has NOTHING to do with what Space/Time Actually is or how is works.
You're right, our general agreed upon concept of what "is" has nothing to do with space/time - I'm just not sure we actually know what "space" and "time" are....

Don't get me wrong - I'm not a practitioner of solipsism or nihilism, but after a a few classes in Metaphysics I'm not so sure we can define what time is, or if it even exists.
I know the present exists; I'm in "it", but whether the past/future exist in a state where I can travel to "it" is shrouded in mystery....

Heh, even our language is biased towards the concept that time is a thing we can move about in... language would almost lose its usefulness if we described things how they actually are/were...

Just think about "feelings"; when you hurt your hand you don't really "feel" pain in your hand...

Your nerves tell your brain to react through a chain of electro/chemical reactions; making it seem like you're hand is hurting. In all actuality your hand doesn't hurt, your brain is just receiving signals from the nerves in your hand telling it to respond to the stimuli in a way that makes you react... it's your brain that hurts, not your hand... in essence....


Well-Known Member
Inches...Read back I explained this.
That is not analogous! Inches aren't a thing, it is the unit of measure, like seconds or minutes. What are we measuring inches with? More inches?

We measure distance or space between with inches. We measure time with seconds. Stop conflating the 'thing' that we are measuring with the units of measure. You already admitted space is real and that is what is measured with inches, feet, miles, etc. Funny how I can measure both things using the speed of light. I can measure space in light-seconds or I can measure time in light-meters.

So you still have to come up with some THING that we measure, that is also imaginary.


Well-Known Member
That is not analogous! Inches aren't a thing, it is the unit of measure, like seconds or minutes. What are we measuring inches with? More inches?

We measure distance or space between with inches. We measure time with seconds. Stop conflating the 'thing' that we are measuring with the units of measure. You already admitted space is real and that is what is measured with inches, feet, miles, etc. Funny how I can measure both things using the speed of light. I can measure space in light-seconds or I can measure time in light-meters.

So you still have to come up with some THING that we measure, that is also imaginary.
Time is not the THING. The thing is deterioration, or age, or the movement of the sun. TIME IS A MEASUREMENT OF THOSE. Like inches is for space. Those are simply things that happen within space. They are not happening because they are moving through "The fabric of time". That's not real in my mind. It makes no sense.