Is there something wrong here or is this normal on an auto

Much better. I'm still green myself. This fourm has taught me much of the misguidance I got from my grow mentor. Yeah if you think about a 1sq foot panel pushing a 4 Sq foot tent that's a lot of light going outside the panel you want your cross lumins to be about equal to your highest concentration under the panels if that makes sense. When it is time to upgrade your space look into the bar style leds they do a much better job of spreading lumins out across your grow space more evenly. As you get later in your bloom cycle the plants tend to like a little less intense of light think of the change from summer to fall the sun gose from passing directly over head to more of circling the horizon. You still need some N at the beginning of flower but it become less needed the later in flower you get.
N is for growth K is for blooms.
Take some time studying "Mulder chart" to understand how different nutrients effect each other
Can you link me to a Mulder Chart or is that something easy enough to just Google?
Yeah so it looks like you just kind of want to make it into a square mentally that fills your tent and then basically you want the lights to be in the middle but outer parts of the square not at the outside outside but it's slightly inside from the outside, hopefully that makes sense, do you guys think this plant is savable yet? Or is it just going to naturally be less potent or otherwise less good but, I'm just wondering what y'all think if it goes well from here what it's capable of yet
Yes she'll be OK. Rememeber there is a reason why it's called weed, in soil you got to f up pretty bad to totally trash a crop(I've done it though) the damage isdone and the end result will suffer(yeild and potency) for it but your this far along there's no reason to throw in the towel you will still get some decent smoke.
Do you guys think, that with the PPM being too high now that I've adjusted the lights to get proper lighting to each part of the plant and and the rest of the tent more evenly, do you think I could just Coast on pH balance water at like 6.3 to 6.5 until the end or would you keep feeding it? And would you be open to me showing you all the fertilizers I use and helping me construct a better feeding system? I know it's kind of a lot to ask but that's why I'm here, I wouldn't be here if I didn't need help.
I've never gone over 650 ppm with any auto and any fert that I've used. Look in the manual for your lights and see if it has a par map to help you adjust your lights.

(EDIT) nevermind , I found your grow light on amazon and if you trust their par map hang it about 15-16" off the tops during flower. And the next time you buy a light I highly recommend checking out Migrow youtube channel for a better understanding and review of lights.
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