Is the Market crashing everywhere?

This sucks, I really don’t want to shut down a room. But I can’t see running this one out. It cost me 5k or a little more to take a crop to finish. My patients only want the free ones, then they smoke outdoor or cheap dispensary weed the rest of the month. I have cost I can’t sell as cheap as outdoor.

And brokers are making a killing chasing the cheapest lbs possible. I’d say it can’t go on forever, but it can when you have multimillion dollar facilities backdooring and the state choosing to look the other way.
Hey just food for thought. Most caregivers I know who are legit stopped giving free monthly oz years ago. Patients should be expected to donate. Actually at one point I was requiring patients to donate min $ per month or they got dropped.

A patient whom excepts me to sell weed on the black market while they sit and do no work, no investment and take in free meds. Even st the pharmacy we all gotta pay.

Just saying we are not raking in cash like it’s 2011 anymore. Nobody should get free meds.

I do pay for any doctor and renewal fees out of my pocket for patients tho…
Hey just food for thought. Most caregivers I know who are legit stopped giving free monthly oz years ago. Patients should be expected to donate. Actually at one point I was requiring patients to donate min $ per month or they got dropped.

A patient whom excepts me to sell weed on the black market while they sit and do no work, no investment and take in free meds. Even st the pharmacy we all gotta pay.

Just saying we are not raking in cash like it’s 2011 anymore. Nobody should get free meds.

I do pay for any doctor and renewal fees out of my pocket for patients tho…
Yeah we just let a few of them know, they understood. And I understand as well, things have gotten so expensive for everyone that low income people aren’t going to buy top shelf weed even if it is at a hell of a discount when they can buy 50-70 oz from the store.

I live near a high income area and I’m sure I can find heavy smoking patients there.

And again these people weren’t even patients before I paid for them to sign up, I am not dropping terminally ill patients. And am always willing to help any sick people I know for free regardless if they are my patients or not.
Wow! I have not been to one at least knowingly...your stories and info are great OG!

What happens to the people when the bust comes? Are the same people back selling the next day? I have no idea what enforcement CA has these days.

It used to be about the cartels growing in the forests I haven't been up to date since then. I like legal but kind of miss the days when something from Humboldt simply meant AWESOME and nobody dared go into those hills without knowing the people!
Like I said. The same people. Same places. Same bud. All back and running in I’d say no more than 2-3 days.

Fact of the point is. The legal market is crummy. At the better choice of words.
Lovin in her eyes claims a 10% increase in cannabinoids with prevention of post harvest trauma. That alone is enough for me to understand that the pot in the shops are handled to much before it reaches the consumer. So when I have to go to a shop. I go for a shop that’s not on the map. Usually not disclosed as a cannabis dispensary. Usually cbd or something to coverup. And the flower is as fresh as when I pop my jars for the first time. Terps haven evaporated like all this bud prepackaged. And that California tax is a Doozie. 4.93 per 20 dollar product. So everything 20 bucks. Is 25. What weed man do you remember doing that.
Yeah we just let a few of them know, they understood. And I understand as well, things have gotten so expensive for everyone that low income people aren’t going to buy top shelf weed even if it is at a hell of a discount when they can buy 50-70 oz from the store.

I live near a high income area and I’m sure I can find heavy smoking patients there.

And again these people weren’t even patients before I paid for them to sign up, I am not dropping terminally ill patients. And am always willing to help any sick people I know for free regardless if they are my patients or not.
Have you tried looking at the gay bars? Those cool fuckers operate like no ones business. Where I live there are millions and they love great looking weed that has tons of nose.
Have you tried looking at the gay bars? Those cool fuckers operate like no ones business. Where I live there are millions and they love great looking weed that has tons of nose.
Let’s just say I know a guy that back when he was trapping had plenty of gay customers and they never complain about being broke or prices.
I don't even know what I've got curing yet (lab test wise). Been on the cure for a month. The local lab is running a 2 full panel Compliance for $222 special every Tue. for the month of May, so next week im gonna bring in my samples. I got a buddy that works there. I have 7 batches to test. He said, "just bring in 2 batch samples, and come back later in the day for 2 more"... Love having friends in the biz, but ... word on the street is, your 28% THC is gonna bring about $800.
It’s $85 here for just THC or full with terpenes is $130. But unless the sample is in the METRC system it’s identified as “unknown strain” so in that case there’s going to be doubters. And I don’t blame them.
Comparatively speaking alcohol can be legally produced at home. I've never been approached to buy homemade liquor to save a few bucks.

How much does a pack of cigarettes go for? That's a potential price point for specialty smoke.
Comparatively speaking alcohol can be legally produced at home. I've never been approached to buy homemade liquor to save a few bucks.

How much does a pack of cigarettes go for? That's a potential price point for specialty smoke.
Yeah no one wants moonshine.
But it’s true lol, Pot isn’t hard to grow if you have a background in basic horticulture.

You don't even need a background in horticulture. I have a friend that had never grown a plant in their life. A few years ago they decided they wanted to grow the 4 plants they're allowed. They asked me for some help so I set them up with some plants. That first year they had 8 ft tall plants. Since then they've been growing 4 plants a year and are able to harvest enough to last them until the next harvest.
My market didn’t just change a “bit” it’s currently at the point where I’m spending money to grow more and I’m not even sure why as you can’t even get enough to cover cost.

Maybe you didn’t see what i said. My patients aren’t shopping with me at all. I see them for their one free ounce and then again the next month. It’s not like their cancer patients or some shit so get off your high horse. I’m supposed to grow weed and just give it away to someone cause they have a medical card I paid for yet when they run out they go up to the store and buy weed.

And I’m not screwing over anyone, they still have a card I paid for and could come buy ounces if they want, Meanwhile I can’t afford to run my rooms and your gonna give me shit saying I’m chasing profit.

And I will get a different career, I’m not gonna continue to pump time and money into growing fire just to give it away. The consumers are screwing themselves buying the cheapest weed they can find. Grows are shutting down daily and listing equipment. I can grow for myself and the few loyal patients I have. Unless you run a big grow without the help of anyone but your wife I don’t think you understand the amount of work and money that goes into it. And it’s everyday no matter what’s going on, I haven’t been away from my home over night in years.

They didn’t seem to care at all, they are close friends of my wife’s and seemed to be understanding.
Here is my 2c on the matter. I have many friends who have lived this career for decades and I have watched most people go elsewhere.

I would tell the patient clientele the truth...costs still exist and income coming in has gone down because folks are hitting the stores after taking their free ounce. They may actually be unaware that their default process is causing you financial problems.

Ask for donations on the first ounce, and let them know you want to keep providing but cant do it for they want to keep working together? Should shake out what you really have got. Donations will encourage them to see your side of things..if they dont they arent real patients.

I have met many people who claim cannabis is the only medicine that works, but those same people also take 5 to 10 other medications so go figure. Nobody needs cannabis, I know from my own experience with life threatening disease.
You don't even need a background in horticulture. I have a friend that had never grown a plant in their life. A few years ago they decided they wanted to grow the 4 plants they're allowed. They asked me for some help so I set them up with some plants. That first year they had 8 ft tall plants. Since then they've been growing 4 plants a year and are able to harvest enough to last them until the next harvest.
True but it makes it a lot easier to ease through the bull crap marketing and such. The only thing hard about it is the actual work load lol
You don't even need a background in horticulture. I have a friend that had never grown a plant in their life. A few years ago they decided they wanted to grow the 4 plants they're allowed. They asked me for some help so I set them up with some plants. That first year they had 8 ft tall plants. Since then they've been growing 4 plants a year and are able to harvest enough to last them until the next harvest.
Cool story. Meanwhile every forum or comment section of anything grow related is full of failing noobs. Even a lot of the vets have pathetic plants.
Comparatively speaking alcohol can be legally produced at home. I've never been approached to buy homemade liquor to save a few bucks.

How much does a pack of cigarettes go for? That's a potential price point for specialty smoke.
You don't get approached you approach.
You're right about all of the poor grows.

Most problems are grower error by doing to much like adding stuff they don't need. Overuse of fertilizer products is the number one cause of issues during a grow.
I will add that most people are not motivated and the cost going down is decreasing that i.e. less will want to grow as time goes by.

I started myself in part because even the stores are mediocre. Heck if mine is mediocre at least its mine and I controlled it lol. But most growers are lazy and create subpar products ime. But again I am picky and that's why I got in. Leafy, lack of density, hay smells, didnt dry it (MF - hate your axxxxx), didnt grow it long enough, cat got in the room, dont know how to store it, the list goes on lol I have a lot of past complaints (in my mind, only sometimes shared).

And the real truth is...the truth. How many growers are really told? I make my friends criticize it and tell them if they don't and they placate me so they get free smoke I will stop lol. Only way to know is to get real feedback from people you trust and really listen.
A lot of people don't have the space, time / money, or patience to grow their own. Plus people are just lazy. Hamburgers are pretty cheap and easy to make at home, but burger shops are doing well.

I think what will really kill the BM is legalizing it federally and allowing interstate commerce. Then shipping. Then eventually super cheap foreign sweat shop weed.
A lot of people don't have the space, time / money, or patience to grow their own. Plus people are just lazy. Hamburgers are pretty cheap and easy to make at home, but burger shops are doing well.

I think what will really kill the BM is legalizing it federally and allowing interstate commerce. Then shipping. Then eventually super cheap foreign sweat shop weed.
I think it will be federally lifted in the next couple of years. Too many (more than half) States already have some sort of Medical or Rec law for this not to happen. They're starting to realize that they are missing out on tax money, wasting money on the "war on drugs", and the Genie is already out of the bottle.