Is the Market crashing everywhere?

Worst. Market. Ever. I can't even give the shit away.
Like the title says. I for one have always had no problem my stuff was gone before it was done. I have never been able to keep up with demand. When I saw other people bitching I just figured they didn’t have good quality.

Well I’m sitting on some of the best weed I’ve ever grown. It seems all of the sudden there is no market for weed and it seems like it happened over night. Im seeing people take less than it cost to grow a lb. Just so they can get by.

Im shutting down half my rooms and dropping all patients that don’t shop with me throughout the month and only want their free oz. I’m thinking of looking for new patients on the conditions they are heavy smokers and won’t go to the store to buy shwag to save 30-40 bucks from my already discounted quality herb.

Pics so you can see what I mean quality wise. I mean I know the stores are cheaper now, but not for stuff like this.

Okay won’t let me attach pics for some reason right now I’ll try on next post
[/QUOTE lol can’t relate
Here is something you might try with your weed that you can't sell. There is a new and improved RSO.

I think there is a way for growers to (maybe) make this, or a slightly different version. They call it RSO V2.0. You can find the recipe here:

Check it out, it might give you some ideas.

You gotta have a different license to do that. A Processors license to be exact. That's more money, equipment, more strict laws, etc. Not worth it.
Matter of fact, we just now got to be able to make prerolls as a grower.... dumb. We're not changing anything other than the pre roll paper. AND you have to have it re-tested after you pre roll in a Knox Box.... stupid.
For those saying their market's crashed, how many strains did you try out before going to market? Do you have a dozen strains, one strain, maybe a few strains? If you have multiple strains, do they look similar to each other? And how close are you really, quality/appearance-wise, to the best in your market? Do you trim all the way or leave more trim on buds than competitors? I ask because I saw a similar thread on here, growers from SF swore up and down that everyone in SF grows gelato. Well, isn't that a clue to do something different?

Regardless of quality, tolerance kicks in before you finish an ounce. It might not be the answer to everything, but variety packs are appealing to consumers. Instead of upcharging for 1/8ths, why not just offer eight different 1/8ths per ounce? Something like that.

Hit 'em where they ain't, right? If everyone is pushing the same/similar or at least the traditional one strain per purchase routine, why not actually give smokers what they want? Variety. No expert, but that's my position and approach. Also, somewhere between caregiver and microbusiness might be about the right volume: < $200/zip but 4-8 different strains ... kind of sells itself, no?
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For those saying their market's crashed, how many strains did you try out before going to market? Do you have a dozen strains, one strain, maybe a few strains? If you have multiple strains, do they look similar to each other? And how close are you really, quality/appearance-wise, to the best in your market? Do you trim all the way or leave more trim on buds than competitors? I ask because I saw a similar thread on here, growers from SF swore up and down that everyone in SF grows gelato. Well, isn't that a clue to do something different?

Regardless of quality, tolerance kicks in before you finish an ounce. It might not be the answer to everything, but variety packs are appealing to consumers. Instead of upcharging for 1/8ths, why not just offer eight different 1/8ths per ounce? Something like that.

Hit 'em where they ain't, right? If everyone is pushing the same/similar or at least the traditional one strain per purchase routine, why not actually give smokers what they want? Variety. No expert, but that's my position and approach. Also, somewhere between caregiver and microbusiness might be about the right volume: < $200/zip but 4-8 different strains ... kind of sells itself, no?
I thought the same thing I’ve been pheno hunting since January. And I’d be happy to get 150 an ounce. I seriously saw a guy the other day sell decent B grade for 375 a lb. I know him well it cost him more than that to grow it. 3 months ago I had guys telling me to scale up they wanted 50lb a month. Now you can’t even get anyone to bother looking.

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Here is something you might try with your weed that you can't sell. There is a new and improved RSO.

I think there is a way for growers to (maybe) make this, or a slightly different version. They call it RSO V2.0. You can find the recipe here:

Check it out, it might give you some ideas.

I have freezer full of rso material. But I’d just keep and smoke what I have now before turning buds that nice into rso. Prob take me a couple years.

I recently saw 3oz for $75 at a Dispensary. Decent looking bud too. REALLY sucks here. Im assuming it's because 37 of the 50 States are now legal in one way or another, and legal States are feeding illegal States. With most legal States having unlimited plant count, its inevitable that it would come to this. It's going to be as cheap as sugar before long. May give this current round a finish, and bounce out of the legal market. You just can't make any money at it. You bust your balls for 5 months only to break even. I don't even know if there's a BM that pays anything now.. Fucking shit is everywhere.

Our metric prices crashed a month before all the caregivers started having issues. The metric ops are backdooring 500 dollar lbs cause metric got saturated. It’s gotten to the point everyone knows but no one seems to care. I was thinking of applying for a metric compliance officer job , but then realized the add was a scam cause that’s not even a thing. LMAO

I'd be perfectly happy shutting my op down, and getting a part time job, and just growing in my 4x8 for personal.... fuck the legal market. It's rigged.

I already shut down one room temporarily(hopefully). And wife and I both got part time jobs.
This sucks, I really don’t want to shut down a room. But I can’t see running this one out. It cost me 5k or a little more to take a crop to finish. My patients only want the free ones, then they smoke outdoor or cheap dispensary weed the rest of the month. I have cost I can’t sell as cheap as outdoor.

And brokers are making a killing chasing the cheapest lbs possible. I’d say it can’t go on forever, but it can when you have multimillion dollar facilities backdooring and the state choosing to look the other way.
That is so fucking cheap, if fuel were that price I'd bathe in the stuff. It is over $10 a gallon here.
It was close here the other day. $2.20/L (Aussie dollars). Back down to $1.50ish atm. It can go from $1.50/L to well over $2/L every day depending on traffic and what holiday is due lol. Diesel was always far cheaper, but its regularly more than 95 octane now.

I'm not even old and can remember fuel being 50c/L not that long ago in the scheme of things.