Is the Market crashing everywhere?

I feel your pain. You must live in a county that has dispensaries, which doesn't help. We don't have any dispensaries in our county, which helps out. I've been in the BM for longer than I can remember, and never wanted to deal with the state and the METRC system, and since the crash, I had a LOT of flower sitting from last years outdoor run. Wife wasn't exactly "happy" but I wasn't losing any money, still have a stable of old customers who don't want to drive 75+ miles for smoke. I decided to wash last years run and made hash from all the flower I had, didn't take long to move it all. Now, all I get are calls for hash, they don't even want flower. My brother will make a trip from Traverse City about once a month to grab some, since he picked up his 1st batch of hash, that's all he wants too. Rolling with what the market wants seems to be the way to go since the market in Michigan has so much flower around its pathetic.
I’m very close to TC
I’m very close to TC
Absolutely LOVE it up there!!!!!!!
It's not bad where I live here downstate, but it's nothing like the peace and solitude you can find in Northern MI.
My brothers live up there, 1 in Kalkaska, and the other 1 lives in Lake Ann. Should have moved up there 30 years ago when they did, but I had an opportunity I couldn't pass up, which kept me down state.
I just got over hops latent viroid and threw out years worth of genetics and all the hype cuts I had and started fresh. And the market moves fast here, hype cuts saturate quick. I found a few real nice cuts this run and have another pheno hunt set to finish up end of this month. I have found some very nice genetics. Better than the lumpys apple fritter and a lot of other hype cuts I had previously
Were any of the signs that branches on the same plant finished and looked different? What were some signs you saw?
Yes on several plants it seemed it was just some branches, especially any that might have a been damaged where they hook onto the main branch. Which is super easy to do because that is the next sign and most noticeable. The side branch’s off the main stems with will break right at the callus like location where the branch hooks to the stem super easy. When I would take plants in to trellis them I’d break more and more branches vs healthy plants where I would maybe break a few on big plants.

Some plants would stop drinking, or. It stretch very much. Or look fine and healthy until almost done then just never get dense. Was really disappointing cause the weed can still look pretty good while growing, then not have much smell, taste or high when finished. Or some plants were like 80-90 percent normal in finished product but not as dense so hurt weight.
Only if you have a processor’s lic.
Check this out:

Summary: Subsection (s)(2): Adds new language allowing grower and processors to collect kief and requires kief collected from multiple harvest batches to be homogenized as a new batch not exceeding fifteen (15) pounds and tested under OAC 310:681-8-1(I)

Full regs:

“Kief" means the resinous trichomes or marijuana that have been separated from the marijuana plan

(2) Kief. Growers and processors may collect kief from multiple harvest batches. The kief must be homogenized into a new batch not exceed fifteen (15) pounds. Kief collected by a grower is subject to the same testing requirements of a harvest batch under OAC 310:681- 8-1(i).
Check this out:

True.. we can sell kief... however, we cannot process it in any way (press, or otherwise alter it) without a Processors License. It's not a high demand end user product. Processors however, will buy it and make rosin, dabs, etc, but they don't pay shit for it. We just keep it to sprinkle on a bowl for a little extra kick.
True.. we can sell kief... however, we cannot process it in any way (press, or otherwise alter it) without a Processors License. It's not a high demand end user product. Processors however, will buy it and make rosin, dabs, etc, but they don't pay shit for it. We just keep it to sprinkle on a bowl for a little extra kick.
And the bottom of a nugless gallon or half gallon jar is better than the buds we had to endure for that fluff and crystals.

A hello and another nay vote for the corporate idiots opening this stuff up and ruining it at the same time.
I’m applying for jobs.
Been here before. Make some adjustments. Good genetics. The weed that's flooding the market is crap, people will come back around if your weed is good, some time that takes growing less and spending less but often makes you bud better and your clients will come back. I went to light dep and late season to stay out of flooded times of year and sometime it takes some time but most of it seems to go every year. This year has been slow but had the same thing a few years ago. If you love it stick with it.
I don't even know what I've got curing yet (lab test wise). Been on the cure for a month. The local lab is running a 2 full panel Compliance for $222 special every Tue. for the month of May, so next week im gonna bring in my samples. I got a buddy that works there. I have 7 batches to test. He said, "just bring in 2 batch samples, and come back later in the day for 2 more"... Love having friends in the biz, but ... word on the street is, your 28% THC is gonna bring about $800.
I don't even know what I've got curing yet (lab test wise). Been on the cure for a month. The local lab is running a 2 full panel Compliance for $222 special every Tue. for the month of May, so next week im gonna bring in my samples. I got a buddy that works there. I have 7 batches to test. He said, "just bring in 2 batch samples, and come back later in the day for 2 more"... Love having friends in the biz, but ... word on the street is, your 28% THC is gonna bring about $800.
That’s why so many are never going into the system. As bad as the traditional market is, it’s not that bad.
That’s why so many are never going into the system. As bad as the traditional market is, it’s not that bad.
This kind of bullshit is what's pushing me to get out of the system. I can have 48 going as just a "patient", not a commercial grower (24 mature, 24 seedlings).... plenty to get by on. This is what alot of people are doing. It costs so Goddamn much to stay compliant. Taxes, fees, monthly reporting software, tags, packaging, labels, RFID tags, more fees... it just goes on and on.... tired of it.
I think in many states that have legalized it and allow personal growing many have just started growing their own. It's an extremely easy plant to grow and anyone with any experience growing vegetables or flowers can easily grow cannabis. I know numerous people that grow their 4 plant limit that we have here and end up with enough weed to last them for the year. They're growing outdoors but with the right strain that finishes before problems with bud rot etc... here in the PNW they pull in several pounds. More than enough to last them for the year. The climate here is excellent for growing weed. It's the end of the season that is hit or miss.

I also have friends that had been growing for decades that now just go to the dispensaries because they don't want to hassle with growing and with decent weed being so cheap, at least it is here on the west coast they just buy it at the store. There may still be some black market local sales in California but from what I'm seeing here in Portland and across the river in Vantucky the BM is pretty much non-existent as far as consumer sales go.

There is a big problem with large BM grows down in the southern part of the state but the pot dealers of ten years ago are mostly gone. There might be a few holdouts with loyal customers staying with suppliers but as soon as people visit one of the dispensaries and see all the choices they have they typically keep going.

The vast majority of the BM growing here in Oregon is destined for other states.
Like the title says. I for one have always had no problem my stuff was gone before it was done. I have never been able to keep up with demand. When I saw other people bitching I just figured they didn’t have good quality.

Well I’m sitting on some of the best weed I’ve ever grown. It seems all of the sudden there is no market for weed and it seems like it happened over night. Im seeing people take less than it cost to grow a lb. Just so they can get by.

Im shutting down half my rooms and dropping all patients that don’t shop with me throughout the month and only want their free oz. I’m thinking of looking for new patients on the conditions they are heavy smokers and won’t go to the store to buy shwag to save 30-40 bucks from my already discounted quality herb.

Pics so you can see what I mean quality wise. I mean I know the stores are cheaper now, but not for stuff like this.

Okay won’t let me attach pics for some reason right now I’ll try on next post
So the market changes a bit and your first thought is to screw over your patients in the name of profit? Maybe just stop and get a different career.
So the market changes a bit and your first thought is to screw over your patients in the name of profit? Maybe just stop and get a different career.
My market didn’t just change a “bit” it’s currently at the point where I’m spending money to grow more and I’m not even sure why as you can’t even get enough to cover cost.

Maybe you didn’t see what i said. My patients aren’t shopping with me at all. I see them for their one free ounce and then again the next month. It’s not like their cancer patients or some shit so get off your high horse. I’m supposed to grow weed and just give it away to someone cause they have a medical card I paid for yet when they run out they go up to the store and buy weed.

And I’m not screwing over anyone, they still have a card I paid for and could come buy ounces if they want, Meanwhile I can’t afford to run my rooms and your gonna give me shit saying I’m chasing profit.

And I will get a different career, I’m not gonna continue to pump time and money into growing fire just to give it away. The consumers are screwing themselves buying the cheapest weed they can find. Grows are shutting down daily and listing equipment. I can grow for myself and the few loyal patients I have. Unless you run a big grow without the help of anyone but your wife I don’t think you understand the amount of work and money that goes into it. And it’s everyday no matter what’s going on, I haven’t been away from my home over night in years.

They didn’t seem to care at all, they are close friends of my wife’s and seemed to be understanding.
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This kind of bullshit is what's pushing me to get out of the system. I can have 48 going as just a "patient", not a commercial grower (24 mature, 24 seedlings).... plenty to get by on. This is what alot of people are doing. It costs so Goddamn much to stay compliant. Taxes, fees, monthly reporting software, tags, packaging, labels, RFID tags, more fees... it just goes on and on.... tired of it.
I don’t know your situation, but it takes deep pockets to stay in the legal market and play with the big boys who will take check after check never worrying about how much equity they are giving up. They will all be corporate owned. They intentionally drive the price down to take over the market.

You can still do so much from 24 that I don’t see paying the fees for the few extra plants. Might get a crop or two less a year cause will have to veg longer.
So the market changes a bit and your first thought is to screw over your patients in the name of profit? Maybe just stop and get a different career.
They are not really patients if they aren't buying though. It's his business, and it is designed to benefit him, not everyone else. Business doesn't run on flower smelling farts and charity, they run for a profit...if it's not running a decent profit, whats the point of spending all your time and money?

That's a bloody ignorant comment. Everyone else is on the same page, bar you.