Is selling really that profitable?

When i did sales i flipped an lb to a guy ive known 30 yrs & i let him take it on a 24 hr front , when i went to collect the next day i saw this massive pile of 1/8 ths all bagged up & him sitting there turning the remaining qp into single grams , i grabbed a garbage bag & scooped everything up & left , i told that fuker to start with i dont associate with weed barons who club hop with $1,000 in $10 bills , or have a path worn on the lawn from high traffic .

Btw this is meant for the op of the thread , little sacks & lotsa clients equals jail time , If you want to last & still make great profits then weight is safer than volume .

Just pointing out the possibility for a greedy small time grower. 99% of the broke people in my area can't afford more than a gram or 1/8 at a time, lol.
If i was a sales type guy anybody who'd pay $400 a zip is exactly the customers i'd RUN from , im in a legal state where great smoke is everywhere & that helps keep prices in check , but even before we got legal sellers charging $400 a zip i wouldnt trust to buy from, based on price alone they've proven they are out for theirselves , saftey & greed rarely work out well .

Anybody willing to pay $400 a zip i wouldn't trust either , it shows they have zero connections & are willing to pay OUTLANDISH prices , ya cant help but wonder what else their willing to do & wonder why they have no connects , ive been around mj nearly 50 yrs & ive learned that greedy sellers are not to be trusted & will flip in a heartbeat over a 90 day jail sentence , ive also learned that desperate buyers with no connects will flip as well , those are the type who stop at your corner & pack a bowl , promptly get pulled over & rather then loose their car & get booked into county they get diarrhea of the mouth in exchange for an appearance ticket .

People who overpay & overcharge scare the shit out of me , no weed on earth is worth $400 a zip & anybody willing to spend that obviously has no control over thier impulses & should be avoided , im glad you know $400 is way out of line , if something is real special $250 is about tops for any sane adult who works for a living , the one's ive met willing to pay stupidly high prices are either cop's , snitches or adult babbies who live at parents house , in all 3 cases people to avoid .

Meant for the OP .
Dude, those are prices in philly. I didn't make them, and they've been that way since I was a freshman in highschool, they have only recenty dropped.

And BTW, 400/zip isn't all too expensive when you consider it's ILLEGAL and just 5 plants will put you in jail for close to a year in PA - 10 plants is mandatory minimum of 5.

Come to the east coast -

Grams are 20
1/8 are 60 - like all the way up until you get to an...
O - which usually can't be had less than 300
q/p - absolute cheapest is 1000, but you need to know a larger scale grower and have a good connection with him.
# - absolute cheapest is 3000.

Those are the CHEAPEST prices you will find in philly unless you have some CRAZY connect. Supply and demand my friend.

I guess you wouldn't trust anyone on the east coast?
we keep our prices on anything below an oz.. higher then oz and up prices for sure.. we just keep our stuff below others at the same quality.. and it works great.. also . keeping smaller stuff more expensive then an oz.. keeps people from coming so often. they take the deal for the oz.. and i see them less.. and make less money.. but im not trying to get rich. im trying to smoke great weed.. keep my friends smoking great weed.. and keep the few real medical marijuana patients happy as a pig in shit.. also. do cheaper prices for medical patients then i do recreational.. because they can drive away.. get pulled over.. and have no issue. means less risk.. it works in my favor. .. not a huge deal. but better then recreational. always have customers who pay different prices.. based on how often they come.. and how much they get.
we keep our prices on anything below an oz.. higher then oz and up prices for sure.. we just keep our stuff below others at the same quality.. and it works great.. also . keeping smaller stuff more expensive then an oz.. keeps people from coming so often. they take the deal for the oz.. and i see them less.. and make less money.. but im not trying to get rich. im trying to smoke great weed.. keep my friends smoking great weed.. and keep the few real medical marijuana patients happy as a pig in shit.. also. do cheaper prices for medical patients then i do recreational.. because they can drive away.. get pulled over.. and have no issue. means less risk.. it works in my favor. .. not a huge deal. but better then recreational. always have customers who pay different prices.. based on how often they come.. and how much they get.

This is actually exactly what I do as well, I sell for slightly under market value and I have some returning vets and medical 'friends' I hook up - mind you I'm not in a legal state - but I share a similar attitude.

I have a couple close friends that ALWAYS get an O for free after harvest. One of them PAYS HIS RENT selling that O in grams which actually makes me feel pretty good, then I feel bad he sells it and I want to just PAY his rent which is only like 500/month...I have a problem with being too generous :/ It's why I'm pretty bad at doing this for any type of profit :)
Dude, those are prices in philly. I didn't make them, and they've been that way since I was a freshman in highschool, they have only recenty dropped.

And BTW, 400/zip isn't all too expensive when you consider it's ILLEGAL and just 5 plants will put you in jail for close to a year in PA - 10 plants is mandatory minimum of 5.

Come to the east coast -

Grams are 20
1/8 are 60 - like all the way up until you get to an...
O - which usually can't be had less than 300
q/p - absolute cheapest is 1000, but you need to know a larger scale grower and have a good connection with him.
# - absolute cheapest is 3000.

Those are the CHEAPEST prices you will find in philly unless you have some CRAZY connect. Supply and demand my friend.

I guess you wouldn't trust anyone on the east coast?
In certain cities prices on the east coast fluctuates wildly but I'd say you're pretty accurate. Zips can definitely be had for less than 300 tho. Don't knock us on the east for not having those beautiful Cali connects.
In certain cities prices on the east coast fluctuates wildly but I'd say you're pretty accurate. Zips can definitely be had for less than 300 tho. Don't knock us on the east for not having those beautiful Cali connects.

They can be had for less than 3, but in my experience anything that is above average usually can't.

And 1/8ths are usually 60 no matter what - it's actually gotten kinda pathetic, if it's not mids, or 'reggie' as the kids call it these days, it's 60. Drives me nuts when I run out before harvest and buy 1/8th of what I consider garbage for 50-60.
OKay fellas,

When GSC dropped on the West Coast...every half witt limp dick was paying how much an OZ...?(Cali heads only)
When that shit made its way to Denver...How much were those numb nutts paying per Oz...?
I dont even want to talk about PHILLY...well, i take that back..Wiz was from the burg so Philly might have gotten cookies a bit quicker.
Still, id venture to Oz of cookies MIGHT have costed your life in German town.

As for the "ooh i cant fuck with anyone over $400"
Listen, if a bag of high grade "trinity" rolls around a med state...with a nice professional growers cure on it...
season vets would spill $300-400 A ZIP.
That Asian Fantasy shit that jason king was talking about...easy $500+

in my experience CASH is king...Money talks & horse shit sprints.
i have seen rich asshole burn 800$ a zip
I have seen broke bastards pay 40$ a gram just to smoke something DIFFERENT
I have seen LAZY FUCKS pay 500$ for a mexi # ...why so harsh, they could have grown their own.

I dodge oinks with basic stoner knowledge...why, cause they dont have any
I came into this with the concrete understanding that i cant trust the vagina i came out of...
with that in mind i handle everyone like a snitch...thus I sell small...cause if i get pinched...I can take the spank on the wrist
you cant get a # from me...unless you come at me solo with 4500- 6500 on hand
even then Im making drop dont like it...Fuck you.
This is why all my friends that moved out there about a decade ago are moving back east, lol. If I could grab stuff at those prices I probably wouldn't even grow!

Cheapest a # goes for around here is 3, and even that is a steal.
Growing a pound costs about 500$ if you're just beginning... you would really pay 2000$ instead of growing yourself for 500$?
the problem being.. anythign grown in a commercial setup.. were u can get 10-100lbs at a time on the regular will never be as good as a harvest you put out yourself if your good at growing.. and shit..

i mean in reality. ive seen so much cali garbage.. if someone says CALI i laugh. they think on the east coast.. that CALI MEANS GREAT. when most of the time its not.. and when u do find good shit.. by the time its here.. its the same price as the shit here thats BETTER HERE.. lol.. so its just not worth it. unless you sell to highschool kids.. all the dudes i know if it aint quality.. they will tell you to fuck off.
OKay fellas,

When GSC dropped on the West Coast...every half witt limp dick was paying how much an OZ...?(Cali heads only)
When that shit made its way to Denver...How much were those numb nutts paying per Oz...?
I dont even want to talk about PHILLY...well, i take that back..Wiz was from the burg so Philly might have gotten cookies a bit quicker.
Still, id venture to Oz of cookies MIGHT have costed your life in German town.

As for the "ooh i cant fuck with anyone over $400"
Listen, if a bag of high grade "trinity" rolls around a med state...with a nice professional growers cure on it...
season vets would spill $300-400 A ZIP.
That Asian Fantasy shit that jason king was talking about...easy $500+

in my experience CASH is king...Money talks & horse shit sprints.
i have seen rich asshole burn 800$ a zip
I have seen broke bastards pay 40$ a gram just to smoke something DIFFERENT
I have seen LAZY FUCKS pay 500$ for a mexi # ...why so harsh, they could have grown their own.

I dodge oinks with basic stoner knowledge...why, cause they dont have any
I came into this with the concrete understanding that i cant trust the vagina i came out of...
with that in mind i handle everyone like a snitch...thus I sell small...cause if i get pinched...I can take the spank on the wrist
you cant get a # from me...unless you come at me solo with 4500- 6500 on hand
even then Im making drop dont like it...Fuck you.

anyone told me 4500-6500. id laugh in there face.. lol. i dont care if its fucking the best weed on this planet backedup with lab tests.

i love when people talk like they are running commercial ops.. lol. if i was only yieldign a pound or 2 at a time of course u sell it small lol..

in reality. i wouldnt pay more then 3500. a unit.. unless its coming straight from the best grower in the worlds hands to mine. and hes got lab tests to back it up.. and its all huge colas. lol...... and over here on the east.. bud is expensive.. but in reality.. someone always has better for better prices.. just gotta know the right people.. shit my shit is better then 90% of the shit that comes around.. and i sell it for 3500 an LB. 1000 a QP. 275-300 a zipper. 50 an 8th. 90 a quarter.. 160 a half.. keep the smaller stuff high priced.. but better then anyone elses prices.. for quality.. and people buy zips and qps instead just to save some cash . some people get the 250 a zip deal if they are coming often.. and medical patients get cheaper then anyone. depending strains..

but sativa is a different ball game. more expensive. costs more to grow indoors.. longer flowering period.. more nutes.. so more expensive.. only some people even like sativa.. its wierd right now. some love it. some think they arent getting high .lol. iuno wierd shit.
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the only problem i have on the east coast.. is when i run out.. sometimes between harvests i dont wana put out bud thats not properly dried and cured.. so ill pick up something to hold me over.. but every single person ive delt with.. has stuff not nearly as good in every single aspect.. so finding another grower you can trust.. and you can pick up lbs from when ur out.. is very hard to find.. on the east coast.. if you grow. you do not talk about it.. anywere.. besides the internet lol.
The only reason you would laugh at 4500-6500 up front is because you have grown your own.
which means, worse case is, that you would smoke your own before you bought mine..& I respect that.

Once every state goes legal...$20 grams will not go anywhere.
Imagine if bIG tobacco stop selling ciggs & said...go fuck yourself.
Whats going to happen to the price of a box? or a carton?

The issue with selling for "profit" is that people want to live off selling pot...
I have said it once before...I work for I dont need to sell.

I personally have put out a unit off a single plant...that was before Denver had a cannabis cup.
Today I SOG & SCROG...(1) 4x8x8 holds 32 buckets...(2) 3x5x8's hold 16 buckets
So dont tell me about a unit or 2...or 6

If i was in CoCaWa I would have 3 rooms with 48 buckets in each room...
I would blaze 20+ 1000w bulbs...Like fuck a light bill...
I would have WAX-SHATTER_& CO2 all over my kitchen
Then I could talk shit to anyone not under the LEGAL safe haven...Like so many of the growers in CaCoWa did/do.

The real kicker is that when the 50 go legal...
the market will correct its self...
the price will fall hard...the parasites will die off...& those with a real passion for growing will continue.
the demand will drop in the process...but the true smokers will remain.

It is at this point of the correction cycle that the 'profits' will return.
How? well, while janeQ trendy dabber left the plant for other capitalist ventures...real growers continued to make advances
& while SecretWanna smokers finally get over the "thrill" of herb for the 1st time...some of those newbies will become true stoners.

Im not afraid of legalization ANYMORE...because i have seen smokers that simply will not GROW.
If I grow your weed- I deserve to be compensated.
You deserve to get the best product for your money- if you buy my weed
We meet in the middle on the dollar = top product ~ top product = top dollar
if we fail to settle on a dont smoke & I dont sell

The issue is how bad I need the sale & how bad do you want to smoke
nah its not because i grow my own. its because i used to sling lbs .. and ive seen some of the best weed ive ever bought.. was no more then 5 grand- 6 an LB. and that was 5 + years ago when prices were high.. now i can get stuff thats top dollar.. for 2500 for commercial . good bud for the price.. and then 3500-4grand MAX for shit that is absolutly amazing quality..

its just prices man. they have gone down.. if you keep charging a bunch.. when the time comes.. people will go elsewere.. and u will lose all the customers u depend on..

if it costs you 500-1000 to grow a few lbs.. u shouldnt need to charge 6 grand an lb. lol. why would anyone buy an LB.. unless there going to sell it.. and at those prices. they cant make a DIME.. unless they sell 448 grams. in grams .. for 20$. a gram.. thats retarded..

eventually you will lose your customers and be pissed.. for being greedy.. i know because ive seen it happen. 3 dudes i knew. were growing buds.. selling for 300-350 a zip.. and guess what happened. most of there customers either 1 started growing there own. or. started getting from someone with great bud.. for REAL LIFE PRICES..
I have a problem with being too generous :/ It's why I'm pretty bad at doing this for any type of profit :)

Good for you bro , helping your friends & strangers is awesome stuff.

The wife & myself both have the same problem with generousity,not counting any gifts or loans under $500 we have given away atleast $14,000 so far in 2014,if i counted all the times ive gave away pocket money the total would be well over $20,000,we give alot to our kids,grand kids & god children as well as several charities,i even give the guys holding the " Homeless & Hungry " cardboard signs a $20 spot most of the time, if they tell me the truth what they're gonna do with the money.
You know what Joint Op...I hear you...but.

When you believe that your price represents your cant take shorts.
You even still pay 35-4500 for AMAZING shit.
And thats awesome...why? because like you can make your half of the 20$ gram.
thats how it should be...hell, thats how its always been.
Grower & Retailer...then Customer

I had to BURN to grow DANK bro...I struggle to nail every possible detail in a 10week - 16week cycle
Then it doesnt stop there...I have to process those beautiful BUDS into beautiful Nugs
Thats alot of work...I have to keep the drying smooth. I have to keep the area mircobe clean. I have to pre trim, interm trim, & final trim. Then i have to cure...while keeping the terpenes & trichomes in perfect condition.
AND if that wasnt enough...I have to fight the elements that degrade nuggs over time.

Thats not even the struggle to get your hands on BOMB ASS GENETiCs bro...
Growers pay $20 a seed...WTF is $20 a gram??? really?
All it takes is one fuck up & thats 15-20 bucks GONE!
I personally know guys with $10,000 worth of seed stock...
So yes, I believe in paying the cost to be a boss...its like that.

Tents are not cheap. Lights, bulbs, nutes, buckets, stones, pumps, timers, CO2 parts & gas, climate control, RO water, COCO, Lightbills, rent, TIME!...that shit is not fucking free. & you dont just by them one time...nah, those things are consumable cost my dude

& we havent even touched on RISK.
Smokers get popped & do community service
Growers get popped & slapped with Manufacturing...GTFOH
Its a privilege to get a gram from me...
Ill be damn if I sat in 24 hour states of risk- for get popped with a unit on me, Hell No!
I make the rules for everyones dont play by the rules...Move the fuck around!
Im not raggin on you my dude...
I am saying that I play the game uncut

If I have a strain thats the only one with it.
now if you pumping... I slide you qps @ 10 instead of 20
I know that its a BUNCH of bullshit floating around...its your job to knock the bullshit out the box.
I make it so that YOU got a easy flip.

Now, if you just on some I wanna SMOKE shit.
Ill smoke you a .5
Why? cause I already know...Im about blow your mind.
Once you taste the smoke, gone buy more.
& $20 for my shit is WAY better than $20 for what you was buying.
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Growing a pound costs about 500$ if you're just beginning... you would really pay 2000$ instead of growing yourself for 500$?

$2000 for a pound is $125 an OZ, people on the east coast pay that for a 1/4 OZ.
Plus it is SUPER illegal, not ticket illegal but JAIL for years illegal so it is a NO BRAINIER.
What is your freedom worth? A lot more than 2k a LB for sure.

dude your acting like we all arent taking a risk.. i take bigger risks then you by far.. unless your hitting over 500 plants in a room at any given time.. then i suggest you start upgrading your rooms before talking about risks.... and grow more so you can give better deals because.. your going to get put out of business quickly.. prices dropped 5 years ago bro.. and your still charging the OG KUSH BACK IN THE DAY PRICE.. thats RETARDED . GREEDY.. and guess what growers go to jail? the ones that piece it out in lil bags.. instead of giving a good price. and unloading..
Im not raggin on you my dude...
I am saying that I play the game uncut

If I have a strain thats the only one with it.
now if you pumping... I slide you qps @ 10 instead of 20
I know that its a BUNCH of bullshit floating around...its your job to knock the bullshit out the box.
I make it so that YOU got a easy flip.

Now, if you just on some I wanna SMOKE shit.
Ill smoke you a .5
Why? cause I already know...Im about blow your mind.
Once you taste the smoke, gone buy more.
& $20 for my shit is WAY better than $20 for what you was buying.

ya but then they find someone like me.. who is selling fucking ozs for 250 of better nugs.. and they never speak to you again. lol. dont matter WHAT THEY WERE BUYING AT WHAT PRICES.. its about WHO GIVES THEM THE BEST PRICES AND BUD.. so anyone in your area could come in. and steal every customer you had.. NO ISSUE.. u gotta give customers a REASON TO STAY.. beyond QUALITY. quality can only keep someone for so long.. before someone else grows better nugs or gets a better strain.. or watever.

and im not trying to start shit or be a dick but you gotta realize this.. lol.. put it this way.. i accidentally put a friend out of business.. got into a fist fight.. got locked up on assault charges.. over me having a better product at the same or cheaper prices.. and im not a fighter.. at all. id rather sit down like a real man and talk it out and see what can be done. but he was growing crap.. charging crazy prices.. and then expected people to stay around with him paying his bills and shit.. i tried to tell him.. if you dont start giving me better deals so i can make money off the weed im selling.. im a go elsewere or grow it myself. and he was like you.. fuck you .. my bud. my quality.. my prices.. fuck off go smoke garbage.. 3 months later.. hes calling me. hey man i got fire.. you need.. ill drop prices.. .. nopeeee.. sorry bro.. i got 8 lbs of fire.. and selling for half the prices you do . so see ya later.. next thing you know. dudes at the hydrostore 1 day im in there talking to the owner.. and he comes walking in . and says " hey you guys take used equipment right"? haha. ya they do.. he walked out. i bought his fucking equipment for 330 for 3 1000w ballasts and hoods.. that had been used for about a year.. i put a new cap in the 3 ballasts and now i got extra equipment .

and then people wonder why growing doesnt work for them. loll you want more money.. grow more plants.. dont raise the prices.. you just will lose EVERYTHING OVER TIME..
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dude your acting like we all arent taking a risk.. i take bigger risks then you by far.. unless your hitting over 500 plants in a room at any given time.. then i suggest you start upgrading your rooms before talking about risks.... and grow more so you can give better deals because.. your going to get put out of business quickly.. prices dropped 5 years ago bro.. and your still charging the OG KUSH BACK IN THE DAY PRICE.. thats RETARDED . GREEDY.. and guess what growers go to jail? the ones that piece it out in lil bags.. instead of giving a good price. and unloading..

In no way did I say anything about you or the risk you take, I don't know jack about you and don't pretend to.
I simply said 2k a lb is SUPER CHEAP for me. Lots of people can grow now with little fear of jail if you live in the right place.
I have never ever sold even a joint, I give it away to friends and family. I can't be greedy I'm just a smoker and that is all I'll ever be. If I could get an LB for 2k I'd throw away ever tent, light, fan and hydro system I have without even thinking about it. I'm no expert grower, i only grow because I i have to to stay away from possible jail time. I use it for pain and only grow high CBD strains. I'm not judging you, just replying to that SUPER LOW PRICE you posted.
I think the guys that take the risk deserve to be compensated for the risk and I'd gladly hand over 2K without even blinking a eye, jar it up and store it in the barn for a rainy day. Plus a $500 tip if you asked for it.

No disrespect meant to you or anyone here, just wanted to show how the price is different coast to coast and town to town. I don't know where you live so I can't assume you are growing legal or not and it isn't any of my business.
I know one person from my days in the military, he lives in Washington and he always LOLs at me when we talk about price. He walks around with an oz in his coat with NO RISK of being in trouble with jail, got to love that.

Sorry I wrote it in a way that offended you, my apologies... I'm a little weak in the Kings English but I'll try to word things better next time. And those prices are todays prices HERE, I live on the coast below Va. and we could only dream we could get OG anything here for any price.
