Is selling really that profitable?

im gona try it but i dont know one person only patients with the idea never anyone in person but i will do a round lets see what happends
if they fall to the sides when she lays they are real if they are purkie and stand up while laying down they are fake. Non the less she is very well equipt..
thers big ass money in weed... u just gotta hurry up and make it before all the states go medical... flooded markets suck... in cali I can get apound of high grade indoor kush for 2200-2400
I sell and grow boutique herb, and mass produced herb will never beat mine. Period. All my customers will be buying my stuff forever, as there is no better on this planet(LOL). Grow good shit, sell at a fair price and you will always make money. It is my mantra.
lol. it is . and its not. all depends on how u do things.. how many lights u run.. or if ur just selling and not growing.. if u got QUALITY.. ur name stands out. and people will lcome to u.. honestly. \
hell yeah its profitable. my old dealer moves like a quarter pound (111 g's) every week, 1850$ in his pocket every week plus he works minimum wage, he has it cut out for himself. And theres like what, like 2000 ppl in this town and he even has competition.

well actually he makes 925$ a week selling, cause he pays half for what he sells it for.
hell yeah its profitable. my old dealer moves like a quarter pound (111 g's) every week, 1850$ in his pocket every week plus he works minimum wage, he has it cut out for himself. And theres like what, like 2000 ppl in this town and he even has competition.

well actually he makes 925$ a week selling, cause he pays half for what he sells it for.
Lol 4oz. A week lol he's small time most dealers I know in aus move 4 to 5 pound a week and u buy a pound for around 3800 to 4200 in aus u sell 1 oz for 300 to 320 half oz is about 250 ..quarter oz 80 to 100 ..50 bucks get u 3 grams 25 get u 1 gram 4 packs (4 oz) around 1200 u do the maths of course selling weed makes u money just depends on price ect
Lol 4oz. A week lol he's small time most dealers I know in aus move 4 to 5 pound a week and u buy a pound for around 3800 to 4200 in aus u sell 1 oz for 300 to 320 half oz is about 250 ..quarter oz 80 to 100 ..50 bucks get u 3 grams 25 get u 1 gram 4 packs (4 oz) around 1200 u do the maths of course selling weed makes u money just depends on price ect

its a small town and hes not the only one selling it

OUT OF DATE, MOTHERFUCKERS! You can no longer say growing cannabis legally for recreational sale doesn't exist anywhere on the planet... cuz thank God for Colorado voters!

Just had to call out the out of date info- and maybe celebrate a bit!

The rest of the paper is right on the fucking money; five hundred dollar pounds in a couple years, no joke. Reduce your cost of production or you'll be in the unemployment line and pissing in a cup.
Where do you get your dry nutes from ttystikk?

I'm so sorry I didn't see this sooner; next time, use the @ttystikk form to send an alert to the person you're communicating with. Since you didn't do that or hit 'reply to' my post, I received no notification. in Colorado Springs, CO. They will happily sell/ship nutes in 25lb increments, the 250# minimum on the website is bullshit.

They know damn well who their customer is, but they live in one of the most conservative enclaves in the state so rubbing it in is not appreciated. That said, the owner was there the last time I dropped in to buy nutes and when he recognized a civil and respectful attitude, he started asking ME questions about the industry!
SiGH: Legal pot gave every head in MED states "little girl WooD" ...

They let the numbers slip to where they are now.
Every single last one of you guys that refuse to battle with cheap cartel prices
are pissed because the NEW CARTEL IS UNCLE SAM.

Cartel Units = $500-1500 in 2010
Outdoor Units = $2500+ in 2010
Indoor Units =$ 4500+ in 2010...half ass quality at that.

NOW that POT SHOPS are selling your CARD holders $20/g...
& only paying you the 2000+ you wanted to DUMP product for...your all WET!
Well, Well, Well...

Look at how fast these Bastards SOLDOUT Every GROWER IN WASHINGTON!!!!
Look at HickenLoop even TALKING about repealling REC. usage...
Yeah, look at all the CUNT NUGGET CEO's who took all their I.T. start up MILLIONs
to start MASSIVE 25,000 Sqft Grows...YEAH, they already exist.

You can cruise Craigs & find all THEIR ads looking for SUCKER SELLOUT GROWERS.
"Hey DIP SHIT STONER, submit a resume to grow MY FUCKING POT for nickles"

So as the "wise ASS" that I seem to be...How do I propose we put the market back into the Hand Of The People???
Yeah, I said it.
Make these Bastards GROW THEIR OWN!!!

Just like we all Had to...
Because when they didnt want to SMELL POT....We were the ones fucking LIGHTING IT UP!!
Start your own co -ops...Flood the market with group efforts.
If you dont have the funds to pay for your permits...POOL YOUR RESOURCEs.
Take THEIR clients...
Take THEIR ideas...
