Is selling really that profitable?

Here in Washington, the canopy-per-licensee is regulated. There are only a few grows over 20,000 square feet, and I know most of the people who run them. Among them are organic farmers, small business owners and entrepreneurs who went deep, deep into debt and put themselves at tremendous financial risk to get into this business. The few commercial growers with the deep pocket funders are absolute crap at what they do, and they occupy a different sphere as a result. I understand your concerns, but I don't think you're characterizations are remotely fair. These are good people in this business, and if the taxes are reduced and people act together to reduce prices, they'll be replacing the scum bags who traditionally have run the industry.

SiGH: Legal pot gave every head in MED states "little girl WooD" ...

They let the numbers slip to where they are now.
Every single last one of you guys that refuse to battle with cheap cartel prices
are pissed because the NEW CARTEL IS UNCLE SAM.

Cartel Units = $500-1500 in 2010
Outdoor Units = $2500+ in 2010
Indoor Units =$ 4500+ in 2010...half ass quality at that.

NOW that POT SHOPS are selling your CARD holders $20/g...
& only paying you the 2000+ you wanted to DUMP product for...your all WET!
Well, Well, Well...

Look at how fast these Bastards SOLDOUT Every GROWER IN WASHINGTON!!!!
Look at HickenLoop even TALKING about repealling REC. usage...
Yeah, look at all the CUNT NUGGET CEO's who took all their I.T. start up MILLIONs
to start MASSIVE 25,000 Sqft Grows...YEAH, they already exist.

You can cruise Craigs & find all THEIR ads looking for SUCKER SELLOUT GROWERS.
"Hey DIP SHIT STONER, submit a resume to grow MY FUCKING POT for nickles"

So as the "wise ASS" that I seem to be...How do I propose we put the market back into the Hand Of The People???
Yeah, I said it.
Make these Bastards GROW THEIR OWN!!!

Just like we all Had to...
Because when they didnt want to SMELL POT....We were the ones fucking LIGHTING IT UP!!
Start your own co -ops...Flood the market with group efforts.
If you dont have the funds to pay for your permits...POOL YOUR RESOURCEs.
Take THEIR clients...
Take THEIR ideas...
Here in Washington, the canopy-per-licensee is regulated. There are only a few grows over 20,000 square feet, and I know most of the people who run them. Among them are organic farmers, small business owners and entrepreneurs who went deep, deep into debt and put themselves at tremendous financial risk to get into this business. The few commercial growers with the deep pocket funders are absolute crap at what they do, and they occupy a different sphere as a result. I understand your concerns, but I don't think you're characterizations are remotely fair. These are good people in this business, and if the taxes are reduced and people act together to reduce prices, they'll be replacing the scum bags who traditionally have run the industry.

100% Respect.

I dont have an issue with grass root collectives that started their businesses when JAIL TIME was a real threat.
They have earned their market share...

Its the Deep Pocket Funding & Political Abuse/Advantage-- that I dont respect.

I dont respect the States request that all Medical Growers be force to cease their practice.
I see it as a tactic to drive patients into the POCKETS of deeply funded political abusers.

I dont respect the Idea that under the new legislation, growers may lose the right to supply their own meds.

The issue of pricing is another topic...I have very unique views on the subject.
For the record, I RESPECT & SUPPORT the low income efforts in effect in CA.
100% Respect.

I dont have an issue with grass root collectives that started their businesses when JAIL TIME was a real threat.
They have earned their market share...

Its the Deep Pocket Funding & Political Abuse/Advantage-- that I dont respect.

I dont respect the States request that all Medical Growers be force to cease their practice.
I see it as a tactic to drive patients into the POCKETS of deeply funded political abusers.

I dont respect the Idea that under the new legislation, growers may lose the right to supply their own meds.

The issue of pricing is another topic...I have very unique views on the subject.
For the record, I RESPECT & SUPPORT the low income efforts in effect in CA.

just my opinion tho.. i dont like how everyone is so dependent on the government an technology.. take someones cellphone from them.. and they have a panic attack. its pathetic.

not to mention the fact that the study showed.. people who get helped do worse off then people that dont get any help.. more people get motivated by being in a tough spot.. while people getting help dont care.. they just ask for another hand out. have no problems taking from people stealing.. or begging.. to get by.. while people who got no help.. would rather work 3 jobs a day.. to get by..

the government is getting people addicted to welfare and help.. and people feel like there beating the system getting free money and food and housing and shit.. when in reality.. they got you by the balls.. and they can take it away and watch u suffer.. if you cant support your family then dont have kids lol..

i also believe.. that the peoples family.. should pay for them to be in jail or prison.. like not everyone should be paying taxes to allow people to be in prison for 25 years.. or life.. when we could spend 25 cents in ammo to get rid of that person.. or spend 40-50 grand a year of tax payer money. ? . i think if the family wants that person to stay alive in jail. they should pay for it. if not.. a shot to the bak of the head.. and in a ditch they go.. fucck it.
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just my opinion tho.. i dont like how everyone is so dependent on the government an technology.. take someones cellphone from them.. and they have a panic attack. its pathetic.

not to mention the fact that the study showed.. people who get helped do worse off then people that dont get any help.. more people get motivated by being in a tough spot.. while people getting help dont care.. they just ask for another hand out. have no problems taking from people stealing.. or begging.. to get by.. while people who got no help.. would rather work 3 jobs a day.. to get by..

the government is getting people addicted to welfare and help.. and people feel like there beating the system getting free money and food and housing and shit.. when in reality.. they got you by the balls.. and they can take it away and watch u suffer.. if you cant support your family then dont have kids lol..

i also believe.. that the peoples family.. should pay for them to be in jail or prison.. like not everyone should be paying taxes to allow people to be in prison for 25 years.. or life.. when we could spend 25 cents in ammo to get rid of that person.. or spend 40-50 grand a year of tax payer money. ? . i think if the family wants that person to stay alive in jail. they should pay for it. if not.. a shot to the bak of the head.. and in a ditch they go.. fucck it.

:face in my palms:

I just had my cell phone taken for violating corporate policy,,,security went through advance settings on my phone.
I sat there at the check point...on sercurity cam, ...chilling.
Why? because i genuinely DONT give a fuck.
I have been, an always will be, a watched sheep in a massive landfill.
Im over it.

I have said it once before...if you are dying of cancer or have MS or anything serious...I will grow & GIVE you weed.
thats it!
& if your are not able to work...therefore low income. I'll gladly take a donation of any denomination
just to accept it as your honest thanks for my KINDness.

Now, if you just happen to be a broke "i shouldnt have to pay $20 a gram" smoker.
FUCK YOU! Im sorry, its $20 all day. 15% discounts on black friday!

:Deep breath:
WELFARE, some people REALLY fucking need it. Some that REALLY do...cant even get it. Gameover, im done.

now, the system of prison profits:
IDK you or how deep you have looked into the lives of others but, let me kick this shit like this for you...
Trailer park kid...Dad is dead, Mom has a major disability...
15 yrs old & homeless
He starts cooking feed his 13 yr old sister & 8 yr old brother
Yeah, real shit...Fuck walter white.
He gets caught....goes to the pen.
HOW IN THE FUCK does a 13-14 yr old pay for his prison time???

By selling her ass? & what happens to baby brother???

im not going to encourage thread jacking...but really, turn your fucking xbox, tv, cellphone, & interweb off
SMOKE 3 BOWLS ...& try to answer those questions
If you can solve the problem before they all starve to death...cannabis smokers can change the world.
:face in my palms:

I just had my cell phone taken for violating corporate policy,,,security went through advance settings on my phone.
I sat there at the check point...on sercurity cam, ...chilling.
Why? because i genuinely DONT give a fuck.
I have been, an always will be, a watched sheep in a massive landfill.
Im over it.

I have said it once before...if you are dying of cancer or have MS or anything serious...I will grow & GIVE you weed.
thats it!
& if your are not able to work...therefore low income. I'll gladly take a donation of any denomination
just to accept it as your honest thanks for my KINDness.

Now, if you just happen to be a broke "i shouldnt have to pay $20 a gram" smoker.
FUCK YOU! Im sorry, its $20 all day. 15% discounts on black friday!

:Deep breath:
WELFARE, some people REALLY fucking need it. Some that REALLY do...cant even get it. Gameover, im done.

now, the system of prison profits:
IDK you or how deep you have looked into the lives of others but, let me kick this shit like this for you...
Trailer park kid...Dad is dead, Mom has a major disability...
15 yrs old & homeless
He starts cooking feed his 13 yr old sister & 8 yr old brother
Yeah, real shit...Fuck walter white.
He gets caught....goes to the pen.
HOW IN THE FUCK does a 13-14 yr old pay for his prison time???

By selling her ass? & what happens to baby brother???

im not going to encourage thread jacking...but really, turn your fucking xbox, tv, cellphone, & interweb off
SMOKE 3 BOWLS ...& try to answer those questions
If you can solve the problem before they all starve to death...cannabis smokers can change the world.

thats why i dont like welfare and assistance programs.. they only want to help people who WONT HELP THEMSELVES.. they have an alterior motive for sure.. i think honestly. they are getting people addicted to free and easy money.. makes for more drug dealers and users on welfare..

i know no1 that actually needs it.. thats on it. u know what i mean. i got patients who raise there grandkids because there kids are fuck ups.. and they cant get any help.. an they both are old as fuck. and in bad shape medically speaking.. and the government wont help them..

but its like they could of not taken the kid.. sent it to foster care.. and had the state pay for em.. but they couldnt do it.. and are raising there grandkids like soo many other people in this country.. and with no help from the parents. or the state or feds..

i know the system doesnt work.. and i know the systems plan is to get everyone so dependent on the government that we NEED THEM to survive..
:face in my palms:

I just had my cell phone taken for violating corporate policy,,,security went through advance settings on my phone.
I sat there at the check point...on sercurity cam, ...chilling.
Why? because i genuinely DONT give a fuck.
I have been, an always will be, a watched sheep in a massive landfill.
Im over it.

I have said it once before...if you are dying of cancer or have MS or anything serious...I will grow & GIVE you weed.
thats it!
& if your are not able to work...therefore low income. I'll gladly take a donation of any denomination
just to accept it as your honest thanks for my KINDness.

Now, if you just happen to be a broke "i shouldnt have to pay $20 a gram" smoker.
FUCK YOU! Im sorry, its $20 all day. 15% discounts on black friday!

:Deep breath:
WELFARE, some people REALLY fucking need it. Some that REALLY do...cant even get it. Gameover, im done.

now, the system of prison profits:
IDK you or how deep you have looked into the lives of others but, let me kick this shit like this for you...
Trailer park kid...Dad is dead, Mom has a major disability...
15 yrs old & homeless
He starts cooking feed his 13 yr old sister & 8 yr old brother
Yeah, real shit...Fuck walter white.
He gets caught....goes to the pen.
HOW IN THE FUCK does a 13-14 yr old pay for his prison time???

By selling her ass? & what happens to baby brother???

im not going to encourage thread jacking...but really, turn your fucking xbox, tv, cellphone, & interweb off
SMOKE 3 BOWLS ...& try to answer those questions
If you can solve the problem before they all starve to death...cannabis smokers can change the world.

i get were ur coming from on that.. prison thing. but still im not really talking about DRUGS so much. as i think the drug war should be called quits.. legalize everything..

but.. in reality.. i dont care were the money comes from. as long as its not my taxes. honestly..

the problem being. is this.. the jail system.. will put someone in jail for life.. to waste 40-50grand a year. till death.. while they could be either 1.. having the families pay to keep there loved ones alive.. or.. 2 . make a prison that is a manufacturing plant.. and MAKE THEM WORK or Get a Bullet to the BACK OF T"HE HEAD.. and STOP CHARGING MY TAXES TO KEEP TOM DICK AND HARRY ALIVE when they are in prison FOR MURDER!. lol i think violent crimes.. committed by anyone.. should have ways for them to pay for themselves to be kept alive. or we should put them down . honestly. it only makes sense to keep someone in jail till they die.. on a life sentence.. to MAKE MONEY... so make them pay for themselves.

i also believe you should be able to opt out of most taxes.. yes for roads and shit thats fine i get that.. but. i shouldnt have to pay taxes on things i dont agree with.. like prisoners in jail getting sex changes paid for by my TAXES? .. or shit along those lines..

i think you should be able to sign somethign stating. i will pay this much like 3% of my income. for road work and shit thats ness.. but you wont ask for any help at all from the system..

but since that wont happen. i think we should put higher taxes on shit we buy.. and no taxes on anythign else..

so the millionaire spending millions.. pays more taxes then the millionaire thats saving that money from 18-80years old.. and hasnt lived a life of fancy shit or anything.. they get the same tax deals? come on? .. lol i really think sales tax should go up. but no other taxes should be collected.. you wana live like a baller.. buy nice shit.. u get taxed.. if you wana save your money and not spend. you shouldnt get taxed as much . its just that simple.
You can yield 1-1.5lbs consistently per 600w light.

If you sell 1/8th for 60 bucks, that's over 11,000 per pound and half! That's one 4x4 tent, times that number by 6 since you can harvest every two months if your perpetual, and that's well over $50,000 in a year with one little tent....that's also ALOT of 1/8th to sell, lol.
I live in a ski town in CO. I had a perpetual grow in my 12x12 room going for five years and had built up quite a surplus of many varieties. I sold my house and was going to move far far away for a year, so had to unload it all. I had never sold any to anybody and was in the middle of negotiating a legal sale to a local MM dispensary when they changed the rules and I was left with no sale and of course no customer base. I thought about stashing it all in the woods in case I ever returned, but gave away most of it to friends and random people.... over 5 lbs of it. I moved back two years later. I don't need the money so the risk of trying to sell it all suddenly would have put my legally hard earned assets at risk of seizure. ...... This is definitely a saturated market. Hell I'm saturated right now.
Growing an ounce of weed, after deductions, costs me under 1.00$/gram. I sell an ounce (28g) for 130$ locally, so after fuel expenses I gross 100$ per ounce I sell, and I sell over 12 ounces a week on average...

YES man, it's easy and good money. BUT! You need to invest into a lawyer, learning about the law, how to protect yourself, not drag attention, and much more stuff.

Anyways, if you grow GOOD weed, you won't have to "market" your stuff. You don't sell the drugs, the drugs sell themselves! The people you sell to will talk to their friends, and give them your number, etc. Just make sure these people have a head on their shoulders and that they are smart enough to NOT give your number to an undercover narc.

Anyways, good luck man, I make around 1200-2000$/week selling part time, and I work full time and make around 800$ extra per week... I don't live a shiny lifestyle but I do own a few houses and invest that money in things that matter for my future, incase I get busted!
It dont take a rocket scientist to make over $100,000 a year profit after expenses from a $5,000 to $8,000 investment in grow gear,and thats wholesale prices at $500 a qp,street prices if you wanna sling sacks $200,000.

When i sold my half of the co-op i got out of the business & only grow for special interest patients & my wife.
It dont take a rocket scientist to make over $100,000 a year profit after expenses from a $5,000 to $8,000 investment in grow gear,and thats wholesale prices at $500 a qp,street prices if you wanna sling sacks $200,000.

When i sold my half of the co-op i got out of the business & only grow for special interest patients & my wife.
500/qp?!?!?!?!?!?!?! That's sooooo cheap. Clients in Philadelphia will pay over 400 for an once of something special! Not that I would ever pay that, or that I think it's a reasonable price, but there is still a HUGE demand and very little quality supply in my area.
I'd have to really dial in my room to make a decent ROI. For me it's more about the enjoyment atm. If I was gonna sell again i'd just invest in a bunch of commerical / brick weed n have a handful of younger guys flip it in smaller bags. If you grabbed up some cheap stuff at like 110 / oz or less in bulk, you can make a decent profit at 25-30 / 8th and still have room to play w/ so you can break off a cut to the people moving it for you (gotta move a lot tho to make it worth the time). Not worth the risk for me anymore. Back when I didn't have anything to lose I loved it - could drop by a party n leave with 1k in less than an hour on a good night...never made money quicker to be honest (well...not counting the 'bath salts' heist lmao) - but no $ amount is worth losing your life / fam over and the boys in blue are out here everyday trying to do just that to any guy that thinks he'll make a quick buck flipping trees.

These days you can sell literally anything and set up shop online overnight - why sell something that can get you caught up when you can just as easily apply the same principles to something legal...?
i only read the first page of this thread. i usually grow mostly indicas. i use 1 1000 watt light, and grow in coco, 5 gal. containers. i use coco specific nutes, and a few supps. i have a sealed room, and run co2. i can usually get a good 5-7 ozs. a plant. i cure for a good month. i don't let anything go for less than $300 per. that's mainly because when it's done/cured, it's as smooth as silk. i recently smoked some nor-cal dispensary grown sugar kush. i could tell instantly, that there wasn't much of a cure on it. i guess most don't want to wait a full month to cure. the taste diff. is night and day imo
500/qp?!?!?!?!?!?!?! That's sooooo cheap. Clients in Philadelphia will pay over 400 for an once of something special! Not that I would ever pay that, or that I think it's a reasonable price, but there is still a HUGE demand and very little quality supply in my area.

Here in Humboldt the price is around 1500 for AAA indoor and around 800 for outs! I know guys that let OG outs go for $500 this year in big lots. I just saw someone on Humboldt CL Farm and Garden selling LBS for $2000 I think OG. Most of the time its on there for 1200-1500 per LB.
Here in Humboldt the price is around 1500 for AAA indoor and around 800 for outs! I know guys that let OG outs go for $500 this year in big lots. I just saw someone on Humboldt CL Farm and Garden selling LBS for $2000 I think OG. Most of the time its on there for 1200-1500 per LB.
This is why all my friends that moved out there about a decade ago are moving back east, lol. If I could grab stuff at those prices I probably wouldn't even grow!

Cheapest a # goes for around here is 3, and even that is a steal.
500/qp?!?!?!?!?!?!?! That's sooooo cheap. Clients in Philadelphia will pay over 400 for an once of something special! Not that I would ever pay that, or that I think it's a reasonable price, but there is still a HUGE demand and very little quality supply in my area.

If i was a sales type guy anybody who'd pay $400 a zip is exactly the customers i'd RUN from , im in a legal state where great smoke is everywhere & that helps keep prices in check , but even before we got legal sellers charging $400 a zip i wouldnt trust to buy from, based on price alone they've proven they are out for theirselves , saftey & greed rarely work out well .

Anybody willing to pay $400 a zip i wouldn't trust either , it shows they have zero connections & are willing to pay OUTLANDISH prices , ya cant help but wonder what else their willing to do & wonder why they have no connects , ive been around mj nearly 50 yrs & ive learned that greedy sellers are not to be trusted & will flip in a heartbeat over a 90 day jail sentence , ive also learned that desperate buyers with no connects will flip as well , those are the type who stop at your corner & pack a bowl , promptly get pulled over & rather then loose their car & get booked into county they get diarrhea of the mouth in exchange for an appearance ticket .

People who overpay & overcharge scare the shit out of me , no weed on earth is worth $400 a zip & anybody willing to spend that obviously has no control over thier impulses & should be avoided , im glad you know $400 is way out of line , if something is real special $250 is about tops for any sane adult who works for a living , the one's ive met willing to pay stupidly high prices are either cop's , snitches or adult babbies who live at parents house , in all 3 cases people to avoid .

Meant for the OP .
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You can yield 1-1.5lbs consistently per 600w light.

If you sell 1/8th for 60 bucks, that's over 11,000 per pound and half! That's one 4x4 tent, times that number by 6 since you can harvest every two months if your perpetual, and that's well over $50,000 in a year with one little tent....that's also ALOT of 1/8th to sell, lol.

When i did sales i flipped an lb to a guy ive known 30 yrs & i let him take it on a 24 hr front , when i went to collect the next day i saw this massive pile of 1/8 ths all bagged up & him sitting there turning the remaining qp into single grams , i grabbed a garbage bag & scooped everything up & left , i told that fuker to start with i dont associate with weed barons who club hop with $1,000 in $10 bills , or have a path worn on the lawn from high traffic .

Btw this is meant for the op of the thread , little sacks & lotsa clients equals jail time , If you want to last & still make great profits then weight is safer than volume .