Well-Known Member
Who said I hurt one? How do you think I learned how to handle them in the first place? I can state, unequivocally, that there is no situation that would require me to kill a rattlesnake, even to "protect" my loved ones. Why is that? Because, I understand them, I know how to read them, and I know how to handle them in a manner that is safe to ALL. You don't know what you're talking about if you would make that sort of a qualification, so it is better that you do nothing more than look at them.Obviously you didn't. Have you ever heard of "let sleeping dogs lie", well unless you're a herpetologist, I'd assume the same could be said of snakes. I respect them and would never hurt one unless it was necessary to protect my loved ones, or some circumstance I couldn't avoid. IE running over one on the highway. I hope you're not going to tell me now you're a herpetologist.
You know what they say about people who make assumptions, right, med?

I don't give away my secrets, either. Wouldn't it just twist your left nut if I were a herp?
You have NO idea what I know, or HOW I know it, and I love that.