Is it possible to buy cocaine seeds?

Yes you can grow coca, yes you can get Erythroxylum novogranatense /Erythroxylum var. coca seeds. You can grow them in high humidity environments and they will likely resist some of the diseases that afflict the plant when grown outside of it's more native habitat. Then you can brew a refreshing tea from the leaves. You will most likely never get enough cocain from the process (it is easy) of extraction from the leaves.
I've got a method that gets about an ounce from a box of leaves..but it is a pita.
Id never buy it but i would grow a plant and try it traditionally, so is it possible to get hold of seeds? Thanks
OP if you want good coke it would be far less effort to just buy like an 1/8th and re purify it, and then cut it like 50/50 or something so its safe. Don't hold on to the 50/50 being safe as a fact you should probably research that, I just know that you can re purify your coke and its not supposed to be that tough.

Google it.

If you want good coke that is probably your best bet
I think I remember it being chop then gasoline Soak the leaves then drain. And then add hydrochloric acid and heat and pow white Christmas. I could be missing a step it's been awhile since I was into that shit. You would need a couple lbs of leaves for a minimal amount of powder like a oz ish. Either way just taste it before you buy it. Look for the fish scale lookin chonch
Ouch... Sorry to upset you, just can not make sense of your post so I asked a few questions. Feel free not to answer them and attack me instead.
Sorry i wasnt a very happy meal last night anyways.

In the hands of a lot of drug users though 50/50 coke would probably be safer than pure. Kinda like cutting heroin so people dont OD themselves (key word being kinda)
Before someone dies...
And I hope these are in order..the site usually fuckd up sequential shit.thought I'd post this,someone else did and I saved it...
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Coca seed are legal but harvesting leaves I’m most certain are illegal.

Growing coca is only practical for chewing or making tea on a (personal use) basis.

Coca seeds need to be planted right away and can take 4 weeks to germinate. Easy to grow in pots and indoors. As of today coca seeds are available on eBay, fresh from Hawaii.
You actually can get a few grams from an older coco Bush the only things is the seeds are only viable for a couple weeks so it hard to get actual viable seeds in north America.
You actually can get a few grams from an older coco Bush the only things is the seeds are only viable for a couple weeks so it hard to get actual viable seeds in north America.
You do realize as well that they take a long time to grow, it’s not like a pot plant