Is it possible to buy cocaine seeds?

and make a giant black penis grow in your ass

I've heard of a glass dick! If they would have used that image instead of those "this is your brain on drugs" commercials back in the 80's, I wonder if it could have prevented the crack outbreak?

Bath salts has nothing on coke that makes you grow a giant black penis, in your ass!
personally, I'd rather grow poppies. much more rewarding. it takes like 2-3 acres, and over a year just to make a decent amount of leaves for cocaine. not to mention the process seems like a bitch from leaves to paste, to coke.... not worth it.... unless you are stuck in the bolivian mountains with nothing else to do.
Yeah mr duck, I have thought about that for a long time. I just guessed it was harder to grow or something. Pretty amazing that it can only be grown in the andes. Surely some genetic selection could get some more universal varieties? Then again i don't think that would be a great idea coz there would just be tonnes of crack heads running round. I think ill grow some one day for a tea, and see what the natives were banging on about for thousands years!
It sound like if your already familiar with adjusting enviroments (lots of info on riu) that it shouldn't be that tricky at all to grow a little for personal use (tea, etc.). Its just not possible to grow large outdoor gardens here. Better that way anyways, imagine how different everything would be if Kansas was a coca state. Bunch of farmers with machine guns and a major drug war going down on the Canadian border!
Yes you can grow coca, yes you can get Erythroxylum novogranatense /Erythroxylum var. coca seeds. You can grow them in high humidity environments and they will likely resist some of the diseases that afflict the plant when grown outside of it's more native habitat. Then you can brew a refreshing tea from the leaves. You will most likely never get enough cocain from the process (it is easy) of extraction from the leaves.
im sorry is weed and shrooms not recreational drugs? or are they just not "dangerous" drugs? a drug is a drug is a drug is a drug.
im sorry is weed and shrooms not recreational drugs? or are they just not "dangerous" drugs? a drug is a drug is a drug is a drug.

While I certainly agree, there is an "other hand", as one drug is not all drugs and all drugs are not the same. PCP is not pot, meth is not oxycodone. In my opinion all drugs are dangerous - yes, each and every one, including our beloved marijuana. I have seen much damage done by marijuana. It cannot be on the one hand the heal all panacea that so many claim and on the other, absolutely benign. There is no free lunch.

And on the other hand, Heroin is not the calvanistic entity that mythos demands. It does not give you the most awesome feeling in the world that you must pay for with your soul. Some happen to like it very much, some don't.

so yes, a drug is a drug is a drug, but not all drugs are equal and therefore a drug is not a drug is not a drug.

Have fun OP. Sounds pretty simple actually, but not very fun. Anyways, this is just for the paste, but I guess that's a step in the right direction. I'm pretty sure it's more cost effective just to buy coke. Also, unlike some people here saying how awesome coke is, I don't agree. It sucks, no fun at all, but I've never been an upper kind of guy.

[video=youtube;U_bZZt1zs60] s[/video]

(good stuff starts around 1:30)

Interesting video, anyways.
Coke is highly addictive and expensive ...pot is the opposite..all drugs are not the same..that is what these retards in the DEA want you to believe Pot=Crack=meth
Oops, that above video isnt' the one I thought it was. This one is the one I thought... it's a little better. Well, shows more of the process.

Still sounds like a shitty job though.

its all a way to escape or enlighten and its all the same to me. i only use weed but that doesnt make me less of a drug user than someone who likes coke. all im sayin is were all gettin high
its all a way to escape or enlighten and its all the same to me. i only use weed but that doesnt make me less of a drug user than someone who likes coke. all im sayin is were all gettin high

I'm a medical marijuana patient. Not a medical cocaine patient.

Completely different substances.

And that "a drug is a drug" speech is played out, both by the DEA and people who try to justify booting shit into their arm.

Yes they are all substances, but so is sugar. Did you get enlightened from your Lucky Charms this morning or escape from life with a bag of Skittles in the afternoon? Probably not.

I'm a libertarian when it comes to illegal drugs. If you're a consenting adult you should be able to ingest whatever you like, provided that it doesn't hurt anyone else. But some drugs ARE bad, regardless of whether we should have access to them or not. A shotgun can still kill you whether it was purchased in a gunstore or round the corner I guess.

Cocaine is badnews. And as far as PURE cocaine? You would more then likely OD very quickly because even the highest purity we see in this country is no where near pure and your expectations for dosage ammounts would be way too high.

The OP should put that green thumb to use growing HQ nugs and/or fungus. You'll make the World a better place that way than you would by proliferating a substance that the majority of the species is incapable of enjoying responsibly.
cocaine is pretty fun every now and then with good friends, but 9/10 times the coke sucks and puts a very selfish vibe on the situation.
i've often wondered why more isn't produced domestically but i guess it makes sense.

also every time i've done actual good cocaine, i get this feeling like i'm going to have a heart attack, can't chill out, and then feel like complete ass later. weed, beer, and psycadelics for this guy <------
Wouldnt recomend anybody doin a1 ......ive seen guys take a .4 of pure100 and turn it into 2.5 w/cut and have heads lining up for more.....
It is possible to buy anything.

But why buy the seeds when you can buy pounds of the leaves in tea bags?
To answer your vauge misworded question,yes cocaine leaves can be purchases to do a home extraction...