Is it possible to buy cocaine seeds?

Id never buy it but i would grow a plant and try it traditionally, so is it possible to get hold of seeds? Thanks
Chewing the leaf and producing actual cocaine is completely different. You literally need acres of plants to make it worth your while if you're looking to make proper powder and good luck keeping that on the DL
OP if you want good coke it would be far less effort to just buy like an 1/8th and re purify it, and then cut it like 50/50 or something so its safe. Don't hold on to the 50/50 being safe as a fact you should probably research that, I just know that you can re purify your coke and its not supposed to be that tough.

Google it.

If you want good coke that is probably your best bet

cut it with baby lax, that way you’ll think it’s really good
Im 25 bro lol Im not a crack head i said i wanna grow some pure coke to either snort at some festival or just munch on the leaves or make a tea or some shit. I dont want a kilo and i aint got the kind of life where i can just start snorting i got alot of shit to do
Bro i know you shooting meth at this jk
Id never buy it but i would grow a plant and try it traditionally, so is it possible to get hold of seeds? Thanks
Getting coca seeds is the first tricky part. Just note you will not be able to grow enough to produce powder coke. Only traditional chewing method. I wouldnt risk it. Its illegal and you get basically little results. I was think of possibly doing a kratom tree. My problem is that the plant would always have to be small and low yield. Mabe some day I will get a kratom tree before they schedule that.
Cocaine content of leaves is between .25 and .77 percent.

I have no idea how much a single bush might yield.
Have you read or seen the movie trainspotting?
There's a line "I thought I'd try it once and i've been trying it once ever since" no one thinks they'll get a habit but it starts with trying it once, just don't!
It's a fucking mugs game and I'm speaking from experience.