Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

That would mean they're not orbiting earth but doing circles above a geographical area. Is that what you're saying? That would explain them moving in what appears to be line. About the first part of your statement I think I know how aliens got here. We drifted right to them.
No; they are most certainly orbiting the earth. But from a spot on the ground it LOOKS like they are whizzing by in a line.

I use a site called heavens-above to track the brighter satellites. They use accepted orbital mechanics to predict when and where a terrestrial observer can see satellites against the starry sky. I love to check the site and then use a watch (with second hand, synced to Universal Time) and a pair of good binoculars to observe satellites coming out of Earth's shadow.
Some nights a bright satellite will make TWO passes 90 or so minutes apart. It is an elegant demo of the roughly 90-mimute time needed for one pass at low orbital altitudes. Every rare now and then I catch a bright one racing along, and that informs me I am seeing an object in a very ellipticized orbit near perigee (example: "Molniya" orbit) zoom past. Knowing a bit about orbital mechanics makes it very real and oh so cool for me.
What about the ones that stop and move back and forth. I see them all the time. Do you ever see those? Definitely not orbiting like the space station. These are on a fixed path. If they were going in a circle outside of orbit that make sense because going towards and away from earth it would appear as though it stopped for second from our perspective.
What about the ones that stop and move back and forth. I see them all the time. Do you ever see those? Definitely not orbiting like the space station. These are on a fixed path. If they were going in a circle outside of orbit that make sense because going towards and away from earth it would appear as though it stopped for second from our perspective.
No; I have only seen the ones that move from top to bottom or right to left.

Here is an example of an ISS pass from a location near me in a day not too far from today..

Was gonna include space underground beneath the White House. I know when I drove a truck I delivered frozen foods into Caverns that were built into mountains in Missouri. They stored refrigerated goods. They were effective because they maintained temps in the 60's. There were HUGE! Imagine 18 wheelers driving into them in spaced bigger than a Walmart Warehouse. And as many doors to dock. It was kind of amazing. I believe many of them were once mines for limestone or whatever. Point is. Anything is possible. Just look at Hoover Dam. Or any other giant man made thing such as the buildings in New York City. We got the people who are smart enough to build a self sustaining space ship no doubt. I simply have no evidence it's actually been done.

Underground subway systems.
im an elevator mechanic, and back in 1999, i was sent to nm to work on a government instalation, it was an under ground elevator we wer installing,, anyways nobody had the entire job print, it was as if nobody could know the entire facility.. i worked there for several moths installing a 300ft fraight elevator,, there wer 3 other elevator crews on the job at the time,, none including the general contractor had full plans.. wen the 3 other crews and i wer pulled off the job i heard several other crews began on deeper elevators so i know for fact its several hundred feet deep, probably was very unusual for nobody to have a complete set of plans for the job, and also unusual to keep pulling men off to put new guys on unless they dont want anyone to know the entire site..somthing was fishy, but i was paid very well, free hotels,free to and from job transportation, i liked working on government instalations other than the security and privacy contracts..i worked on a few others over the years,, but only on 2 did i never see full sets of plans and feel like there was more to it than we wer being told...
All ive gotta say in respect to this is:

If indeed America has set feet on the moon why THE FUCK else has no one else with spacial travelling infrastuture not done the same?

I mean... Its not like the first time some dickhead decided to climb the everest and make it to the summit the others said right thats it lets give up. In fact theres a strech in the himalayan conglomeration way upo high where theres just frozen dead bodies (fuck you nasa) i can only imagine the amount of dead bodies (human or otherwise) lingering about our planet's orbit.

I mean after the ''first'' moon landing a lot of dodgy shit hapened in my point of view ffs
How the fuck do you explain of the sever lack of photographic evidence of neil armstrong, the first actual human to set foot on earth, not much whereas all the photso out there of the successful appolo mission are actually of that other dickhead.
All the posterioir interviews done toi neil theres just a weird fucking feeling to them, like he either didnt go there or he actuallyt did go there and realizxed some serious shit.
Im a firm believewr that he went there andrealized some serious shit.
Man ive never actually said this to anyone so i thought i might as well tell the internet.
Ive actually not given much thought to this up until about a few years ago
When i first went to my boarding school in norway, people who were deemed to be inferior at english were given the chance to go to school 2 months earlier and have an intensive english course. I happenbed to be opne of the lucky cunts.
Lonmg story short, at the summer course there were people from all over the most 3rd wordly places of the world, including a tibetan refugee who seeked asylum in India.
I had some hash i esmoogled over from portugal and onve of the nights i got a few turkey really high.
The last guy to be stoning with me happened to be this tibetan refugee.
After a wee while his tone of voice just like tottally changed and he said he wanted to talkj to me about a ''matter of great importance'' ( bear in mind this guys farts smnelled like buddhaism a mile away before he decided to fart) as he so eloquently put it.
He starts going on about (bear in mind my english wanst very good then especially in a tibetan/indian accent strong as fuck) how he had a great uncle or some distant relation of the sort whos fucking grandfather or whoever the fuck's son had been given away during childhood to some special sect of buddhaisim in some crazy part of the mountains. The main master mind there had pretty fucking frequent contact with an entity who had declared to this buddhist sect in pretty clear terms how they had facilitated the creation of our species on this planet and howe they have constantly been monitoring us since a very very early age. Nit much different than what some scientists do in a petri dish with bacteria or microbes. Simply watching. I remember at the time just thinking he was trying to take the piss, but thinking of it later i mean he never ever mentioned it again, i only mentioned it to him once when drunk and he didnt speak about it. plus his tone of voice and body language didnt change until wed gone bed. The more years thatpass the more i believe it.
I personally enjoy the idea of having my ''creator'' watching over my species. I mean ive done the same with what i deem to be less important species than i am, only on a rlativel;y muuuch les important scale lol.

And actually bottom line how you fuickinh pout it? did america fake the moon landing? thjat just really goes to show how effectiove their propaganda is. It was al;ways about if AMERICA could make it there. Fucking guess what if americas indeed fucking did set their pussy feet up there a number of other countries would have too by now.

Anyways ium not gonna say anything more about this until if and when that chinese dark side of the moon probe comes back.

Now that you got mne pissed off hers anbother thing im fucking getting worried about.

Ive been to a place where national geographic and discovery channel exist upon a tv set, ad ive founda DISTURBING amount of chinese culture/history related type tv show wanna be documentaries on the schedule, As somne of you more self enquiring people might have wondered, what fuck is happening???

We should all know by now, no matter how small your fucking iq is (yes even if youre a yank), tv is nothing else than a mass propaganda acclimating equipment. Im only 26 years old but i swear TO GOD in the poast couple of generations ive seen certain propaganda propagating media have just an alarming effect on the moulding of the masses. it fucking scares me to FUCK when i see certain channels who are seen by the majoriuty of people and proclaimed to be great sources of information pushing out cultural and historic propaganda of a cencored and brainwashed nation which whores, pollutes and diseases itself out to any nation willing to buy chinese yen.
im honestly shitting my breaches cause i know foir a fact people whoive travelled to ruyral china, fuck you dont even nee dto go rural chine go any major city, and those exploited pieces of work are living in fucking misery,do you even fucking thinkl they know what happy means? Do you really thin china is a fucking country? Fuck off no reginal geographic area ''bounded'' political borders with something like 55 ethnic groupos and over 100 living speking languages EVER fucking was a bloogy ''country''/. wtf is a countrey anyways?! you explain that to me really? can you please???
One of the largest countries in europe is spain with junt around 80 million inhabitnants. I challange you to go to either Galicia, Andalucia, Catalunya and the Basque country and make someone willingly claim they are spanish lol ill give you 5 gran, i swear on my testicles' health, if you managhe to fiund a born and bread catalunya resiudent to say they are actually spanish. You get my fucking point chinas not a fucking country.

Anyways ive ranmted too fuckingh mucvh actually realizing how pissed off oi am atm is making me arrive to the conclusion i need a serious! psychadeliuc retreat, or a murdering rampage i dunno... whichever ones deems to be the healthies at the point of choice.

Take some time to proof read please. That was super hard to read with the cluster duck of errors.
What manner of proof will you accept? Links and videos all exist in the realm of the completely manipulable. I suggest inspecting the real articles, such as at the Smithsonian or the Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility. There you can play Sam Johnson, kick a real rock with your real toe while declaiming "I refute it thus!", and lay the Bishop Berkeleys of the "it's a hoax" movement to rest.

I could be wrong, ymmv.
Yes you could be very wrong indeed is this not the same video's skeptics used to show faults and possible frauds ??? can i ask you how could it be ??? when someone that was involved with moon landing started to talk up soon found them selfs dead ????..
Now anyone can clearly with a open mind look how excercise operations take place right ???
If any country was trying to advance into space land on planets etc then moon being the closets rock would it not be infact a training ground for landings take offs etc ??? its like saying no need to test a new sub in shallow water rather lets sail off to the deepest part of the ocean before we submerge and test for leaks lol
any videos we see today are no different then the ones people have used and as technology advances and falls into civilians hands becomes ever more clear that it can be debunked ..
we must open our eyes and realize sometimes agenda's out weight all costs
Its no different then 911 so called attack on USA ,Ask your self one thing can a country just get up one morning and say ok were going to attack iran or iraq ??? or canada whom ever ???? first of all there would be a public outrage on the attack ..
secondly how do you combat this issue ???? and people on your side of the agenda ???? and most importantly how come has there not been another devasting terrorist attack other then meat heads doing stupid things like the boston marathon bomb you think that is terrorism ???
The truth is USA can not just start a war with any country cause they see fit Nato and all other countries would be against you guess what you lose ...
imagine first off embargo's nothing coming in or nothing going out gas oil food , the building blocks of usa this is just a start it gets worse starting from the inside and works its way to all borders of usa ..
So how can a country start a war ?? simple a mock 911 attack whats the death of 10,000 americans or 100,000 if that was the case for there agenda truth is FUCK ALL were are nothing in the grand scheme of things
So blow up twin towers , kill some people , blame it on terrorists now you have out ragged citizens and a reason to start a war with said country

Ask you self another question from the time twin towers dropped how long was it till first bomb dropped ??? were talking few days anyone with a brain would say this has been planned of course it has and for some time....
coordinating countries that will let you land your bombers , fuel , intelligence etc takes months not like calling for PIZZAA and waiting 45 mins
but everyone just believes and really dont give a shit its what ever ,,
no different the USA debt that is on all citizens to pay back and you will , ask average american they don't give a shit lol ironic isn't it
question your patriotism and look the fuck out
what turns the world today ???? i know MONEY was it not killing saddam for his corrupt ways ??? think about it ..
Surely some of you can realize when you look back Mericans are taught were the best we have the best of the best etc best fighter jets best bombs best everything when in fact its not true its brain washing comunism is bad brain washed ,
cmon how many of you were told that when you were young ???
Todays youth or next Gen its the muslims that are bad terrorists now etc , who is it going to be next ?? in next generation chinese or lets point at what is left of the aboriginals there the blame ..
when you should of been pointing the finger at your self
So back to this thread Don't kid your self believe what you like it is the charters of freedom or least for now before who knows the Government takes that away from you to..
BE skeptic at what government wants you to see , Remember all videos in wars and in mircale moon landings are censored
Yes you could be very wrong indeed is this not the same video's skeptics used to show faults and possible frauds ??? can i ask you how could it be ??? when someone that was involved with moon landing started to talk up soon found them selfs dead ????..
Now anyone can clearly with a open mind look how excercise operations take place right ???
If any country was trying to advance into space land on planets etc then moon being the closets rock would it not be infact a training ground for landings take offs etc ??? its like saying no need to test a new sub in shallow water rather lets sail off to the deepest part of the ocean before we submerge and test for leaks lol
any videos we see today are no different then the ones people have used and as technology advances and falls into civilians hands becomes ever more clear that it can be debunked ..
we must open our eyes and realize sometimes agenda's out weight all costs
Its no different then 911 so called attack on USA ,Ask your self one thing can a country just get up one morning and say ok were going to attack iran or iraq ??? or canada whom ever ???? first of all there would be a public outrage on the attack ..
secondly how do you combat this issue ???? and people on your side of the agenda ???? and most importantly how come has there not been another devasting terrorist attack other then meat heads doing stupid things like the boston marathon bomb you think that is terrorism ???
The truth is USA can not just start a war with any country cause they see fit Nato and all other countries would be against you guess what you lose ...
imagine first off embargo's nothing coming in or nothing going out gas oil food , the building blocks of usa this is just a start it gets worse starting from the inside and works its way to all borders of usa ..
So how can a country start a war ?? simple a mock 911 attack whats the death of 10,000 americans or 100,000 if that was the case for there agenda truth is FUCK ALL were are nothing in the grand scheme of things
So blow up twin towers , kill some people , blame it on terrorists now you have out ragged citizens and a reason to start a war with said country

Ask you self another question from the time twin towers dropped how long was it till first bomb dropped ??? were talking few days anyone with a brain would say this has been planned of course it has and for some time....
coordinating countries that will let you land your bombers , fuel , intelligence etc takes months not like calling for PIZZAA and waiting 45 mins
but everyone just believes and really dont give a shit its what ever ,,
no different the USA debt that is on all citizens to pay back and you will , ask average american they don't give a shit lol ironic isn't it
question your patriotism and look the fuck out
what turns the world today ???? i know MONEY was it not killing saddam for his corrupt ways ??? think about it ..
Surely some of you can realize when you look back Mericans are taught were the best we have the best of the best etc best fighter jets best bombs best everything when in fact its not true its brain washing comunism is bad brain washed ,
cmon how many of you were told that when you were young ???
Todays youth or next Gen its the muslims that are bad terrorists now etc , who is it going to be next ?? in next generation chinese or lets point at what is left of the aboriginals there the blame ..
when you should of been pointing the finger at your self
So back to this thread Don't kid your self believe what you like it is the charters of freedom or least for now before who knows the Government takes that away from you to..
BE skeptic at what government wants you to see , Remember all videos in wars and in mircale moon landings are censored

I'm editing my suggestion, take English, then conquer Physics and Calculus and get back to us.
Yes you could be very wrong indeed is this not the same video's skeptics used to show faults and possible frauds ??? can i ask you how could it be ??? when someone that was involved with moon landing started to talk up soon found them selfs dead ????..
Now anyone can clearly with a open mind look how excercise operations take place right ???
If any country was trying to advance into space land on planets etc then moon being the closets rock would it not be infact a training ground for landings take offs etc ??? its like saying no need to test a new sub in shallow water rather lets sail off to the deepest part of the ocean before we submerge and test for leaks lol
any videos we see today are no different then the ones people have used and as technology advances and falls into civilians hands becomes ever more clear that it can be debunked ..
we must open our eyes and realize sometimes agenda's out weight all costs
Its no different then 911 so called attack on USA ,Ask your self one thing can a country just get up one morning and say ok were going to attack iran or iraq ??? or canada whom ever ???? first of all there would be a public outrage on the attack ..
secondly how do you combat this issue ???? and people on your side of the agenda ???? and most importantly how come has there not been another devasting terrorist attack other then meat heads doing stupid things like the boston marathon bomb you think that is terrorism ???
The truth is USA can not just start a war with any country cause they see fit Nato and all other countries would be against you guess what you lose ...
imagine first off embargo's nothing coming in or nothing going out gas oil food , the building blocks of usa this is just a start it gets worse starting from the inside and works its way to all borders of usa ..
So how can a country start a war ?? simple a mock 911 attack whats the death of 10,000 americans or 100,000 if that was the case for there agenda truth is FUCK ALL were are nothing in the grand scheme of things
So blow up twin towers , kill some people , blame it on terrorists now you have out ragged citizens and a reason to start a war with said country

Ask you self another question from the time twin towers dropped how long was it till first bomb dropped ??? were talking few days anyone with a brain would say this has been planned of course it has and for some time....
coordinating countries that will let you land your bombers , fuel , intelligence etc takes months not like calling for PIZZAA and waiting 45 mins
but everyone just believes and really dont give a shit its what ever ,,
no different the USA debt that is on all citizens to pay back and you will , ask average american they don't give a shit lol ironic isn't it
question your patriotism and look the fuck out
what turns the world today ???? i know MONEY was it not killing saddam for his corrupt ways ??? think about it ..
Surely some of you can realize when you look back Mericans are taught were the best we have the best of the best etc best fighter jets best bombs best everything when in fact its not true its brain washing comunism is bad brain washed ,
cmon how many of you were told that when you were young ???
Todays youth or next Gen its the muslims that are bad terrorists now etc , who is it going to be next ?? in next generation chinese or lets point at what is left of the aboriginals there the blame ..
when you should of been pointing the finger at your self
So back to this thread Don't kid your self believe what you like it is the charters of freedom or least for now before who knows the Government takes that away from you to..
BE skeptic at what government wants you to see , Remember all videos in wars and in mircale moon landings are censored
I could be wrong ... which says I have an actual argument. You are bringing argument so uncorrelated that it isn't even wrong. I won't try to untangle this pageant of assumptions, implications and braided fallacy. You appear to lack the very basics of a science education, which makes attempt on my part to remedy that frustrating for me and annoying to you.
[QUOTEThe 15% figure for full literacy, equivalent to a university undergraduatelevel, is consistent with the notion that the "average" American reads at a 7th or 8th grade level which is also consistent with recommendations, guidelines, and norms of readability for medication directions, product information, and popular .="curious2garden, post: 11941248, member: 370271"]I'm editing my suggestion, take English, then conquer Physics and Calculus and get back to us.[/QUOTE]
funny i take it your american must i remind you average grade level in USA is 8 compared to other countries in terms of iq you fail BAD thems are facts talking math well lets not go there either lol truth is in math mercians are stupid compared to the world standings lol
so calculus lol cmon dude
most Americans are not at college-level proficiency in literacy, math, or technology skills--not even the average US college graduate.

In 2011 and 2012, the OECD administered a standardized test, the Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), to 166,000 adults aged 16-65 in the 24 OECD countries to compare the literacy, math, and technology skills of adults.

The OECD found that 41.77% of Americans hold a bachelor's degree, lower than the OECD average of 42.01%. The United States ranked 14th out of 23 (the UK and Northern Ireland were tested together) in percentage of 25-34 year olds with "tertiary education." Korea was first with 61.63%, followed by Canada (57.26%), and Japan (55.84%). Austria ranked last with 20.34%.

On the literacy proficiency portion of the test, the United States ranked 16th of 23 with 11.51% of adults having an "A" level proficiency, or a college graduate level of reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. The average for all 24 countries was 11.79%. Japan ranked first with 22.56% of adults at an "A" level. Italy ranked the lowest with 3.32%.

On the "numeracy proficiency" (math) portion of the test, the United States ranked 21st of 23 with 8.48% of adults showing an "A" level proficiency. 12.42% was the average for OECD countries. Japan (18.85%) ranked first. Spain (4.06%) ranked last.

The third portion of the test was "proficiency in problem solving in technology-rich environments" and measured how adults used technology to get and use information, communicate with others, and perform tasks, or basic computer literacy skills. The United States ranked 14th of 19 with 5.1% displaying "A" level proficiency. Sweden ranked first with 8.8%. Poland ranked last with 3.8%. Cyprus, Spain, Italy, and France did not participate in this portion of the test.

The OECD compared the scores of high school graduates with those of college graduates. Alex Usher, President of Higher Education Strategy Associates, reports "Japanese high school graduates... have higher literacy levels than university graduates... in England, Denmark, Poland, Italy, and Spain. Think about that. If you were a university rector in one of those countries, what do you think you'd be saying to your higher education minister right about now?" US college graduates scored an average of 8 points higher (297 out of 400 points) than Japanese high school graduates (289 out of 400 points) on the literacy portion.
you like that korea then followed by canada in smarts lol where usa falls always on the back end of the scope dummies no wonder most americans are into starbucks coffee and reality TV shows like are you smarter then a 4th grader its all starting to make sense really its obvious ,, now as for my grammer lol i just spew it out lol not much of a typer and many mistakes are due to my fat fingers but again who cares i don't
how you like them big apples ??? buddy lol
As Americans, we tend to be pretty full of ourselves, and this is especially true of our young people. But do we really have reason for such pride? According to a shocking new report from the Educational Testing Service, Americans between the ages of 20 and 34 are way behind young adults in other industrialized nations when it comes to literacy, mathematics and technological proficiency. Even though more Americans than ever are going to college, we continue to fall farther and farther behind intellectually. So what does this say about us? Sadly, the truth is that Americans are stupid. Our education system is an abysmal failure, and our young people spend most of their free time staring at the television, their computers or their mobile devices. And until we are honest with ourselves about this, our intellectual decline is going to get even worse.
According to this new report from the Educational Testing Service, at this point American Millennials that have a four year college degree are essentially on the same intellectual level as young adults in Japan, Finland and the Netherlands that only have a high school degree
your Schooling is a joke
Out of 22 countries, the report from the Educational Testing Service found that Americans were dead last in tech proficiency. We were also dead last in numeracy and only two countries performed worse than us when it came to literacy proficiency
Yup your number 1 number one dead last
So ask your self if this is the case ?? then who are the ones sitting in NASA doing all the calculating ?? surely not a dummy from usa but probably a immigrant that was schooled in there country and moved to usa lol sad but true probably
The 15% figure for full literacy, equivalent to a university undergraduatelevel, is consistent with the notion that the "average" American reads at a 7th or 8th grade level which is also consistent with recommendations, guidelines, and norms of readability for medication directions, product information, and popular
funny i take it your american must i remind you average grade level in USA is 8 compared to other countries in terms of iq you fail BAD thems are facts talking math well lets not go there either lol truth is in math mercians are stupid compared to the world standings lol
so calculus lol cmon dude
most Americans are not at college-level proficiency in literacy, math, or technology skills--not even the average US college graduate.

In 2011 and 2012, the OECD administered a standardized test, the Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), to 166,000 adults aged 16-65 in the 24 OECD countries to compare the literacy, math, and technology skills of adults.

The OECD found that 41.77% of Americans hold a bachelor's degree, lower than the OECD average of 42.01%. The United States ranked 14th out of 23 (the UK and Northern Ireland were tested together) in percentage of 25-34 year olds with "tertiary education." Korea was first with 61.63%, followed by Canada (57.26%), and Japan (55.84%). Austria ranked last with 20.34%.

On the literacy proficiency portion of the test, the United States ranked 16th of 23 with 11.51% of adults having an "A" level proficiency, or a college graduate level of reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. The average for all 24 countries was 11.79%. Japan ranked first with 22.56% of adults at an "A" level. Italy ranked the lowest with 3.32%.

On the "numeracy proficiency" (math) portion of the test, the United States ranked 21st of 23 with 8.48% of adults showing an "A" level proficiency. 12.42% was the average for OECD countries. Japan (18.85%) ranked first. Spain (4.06%) ranked last.

The third portion of the test was "proficiency in problem solving in technology-rich environments" and measured how adults used technology to get and use information, communicate with others, and perform tasks, or basic computer literacy skills. The United States ranked 14th of 19 with 5.1% displaying "A" level proficiency. Sweden ranked first with 8.8%. Poland ranked last with 3.8%. Cyprus, Spain, Italy, and France did not participate in this portion of the test.

The OECD compared the scores of high school graduates with those of college graduates. Alex Usher, President of Higher Education Strategy Associates, reports "Japanese high school graduates... have higher literacy levels than university graduates... in England, Denmark, Poland, Italy, and Spain. Think about that. If you were a university rector in one of those countries, what do you think you'd be saying to your higher education minister right about now?" US college graduates scored an average of 8 points higher (297 out of 400 points) than Japanese high school graduates (289 out of 400 points) on the literacy portion.
Jealous much? It shines through your illiterate rant.

Typical rather then come back with a answer you come back with pictures lol use the term i should work on my writing skills , and then calculus etc lol i find it funny
TBH i am to old to worry about my writing skills but trust me can hod my own in a good verbal conversation lol

But truth is just because nothing is on the rock we call moon does it not warrant it being the closest rock we got to use as a training facility.. ???? No but we will send a man to mars lol now and whats even better paramount will have so much more time to make there sets look so much more real then ever before
thats the truth
and i believe that sure space station , space shuttle go up there but not in space but actually to the earths upper most atmosphere not space .. i personally do not think we have suits available that a person can actually go out in space remember black matter travels through everything so we been told lol
Ask your self why know one has been back to the moon ??? and lets not use the lame excuse that there is nothing there lol
but to get to mars now hahaha even funnier really and a joke
In the nine months it takes to get to Mars, Mars moves a considerable distance around in its orbit, about 3/8 of the way around the Sun. You have to plan ahead to make sure that by the time you reach the distance of Mar's orbit, that Mars is where you need it to be! Practically, this means that you can only begin your trip when Earth and Mars are properly lined up. This only happens every 26 months. That is there is only one launch window every 26 months.

After spending 9 months on the way to Mars, you will probably want to spend some time there. In fact, you MUST spend some time at Mars! If you were to continue on your orbit around the Sun, then when you got back to where you started, Earth would no longer be where you left it!

In order to get out of your elliptical orbit around the Sun, and into Mars orbit, you will again need to burn some fuel. If you want to explore the surface of Mars, you will also need fuel to get your lander off the surface of Mars. On the first trip to Mars, it is necessary to bring all of this fuel with you to Mars. ( Maybe someday we could manufacture rocket fuel on Mars ). In fact, you can only land a small part of the ship on Mars, because landing everything on the surface and lifting it off again would require enormous amounts of fuel. Therefore, you will probably leave part of the ship, including all the supplies for the trip home, orbiting Mars, while part of the crew goes to explore the surface.

Just like you have to wait for Earth and Mars to be in the proper postion before you head to Mars, you also have to make sure that they are in the proper position before you head home. That means you will have to spend 3-4 months at Mars before you can begin your return trip. All in all, your trip to Mars would take about 21 months: 9 months to get there, 3 months there, and 9 months to get back. With our current rocket technology, there is no way around this. The long duration of trip has several implications.

First, you have to bring enough food, water, clothes, and medical supplies for the crew in addition to all the scientific instruments you will want to take. You also have to bring all that fuel! In addition, if you are in space for nine months, you will need a lot of shielding to protect you from the radiation of the Sun. Water, and cement make good shielding but they are very heavy. All together, it is estimated that for a crew of six, you would need to 3 million pounds of supplies! The Shuttle can lift about 50,000 pounds into space, so it would take 60 shuttle launches to get all your supplies into space. In the history of the Shuttle, there have only been about 90 launches, and there are less than ten launches per year... So with the shuttle, it would take six years just to get the supplies into space. For this reason, you would probably need to develop a launch system that could lift more than 50,000 pounds into space. Even with a better launch vehicle, it is unlikely that you could launch the Mars mission all at once. You will have to launch it in several pieces and assemble them in orbit.

Second, you are going to be in space for an extended period of time, and there a physiological consequences of being weightless for long periods of time. For one, your muscles do not need to work as hard. In response to being used less, your muscles begin to shrink or atrophy. Remember, your heart is also a muscle, and pumping blood around your body is easier in the weightless environment of space, so your heart gets weaker as well. On an extended space voyage, your muscles might become so weak that it would be difficult for you to stand upright once you return to an environment where you are subject to gravity.
your Schooling is a joke

You do not even notice that my first language is not English. My schooling was European. Thus your screed against stupid etc. Americans does not apply even as you try to pin it on me. In an earlier age I might have shown you my people's hospitality with warm lodgings.

The Internet has a peculiar appearance of benign evenness as we all arrive here as text on a screen. This can lull the careless into thinking that everyone here is equally stupid and harmless. That is an illusion; sometimes you don't see the size of the predator in the dark water under the thin ice. Some of those shadows take a long time to pass under your boots ...
Typical rather then come back with a answer you come back with pictures lol use the term i should work on my writing skills , and then calculus etc lol i find it funny
TBH i am to old to worry about my writing skills but trust me can hod my own in a good verbal conversation lol

But truth is just because nothing is on the rock we call moon does it not warrant it being the closest rock we got to use as a training facility.. ???? No but we will send a man to mars lol now and whats even better paramount will have so much more time to make there sets look so much more real then ever before
thats the truth
and i believe that sure space station , space shuttle go up there but not in space but actually to the earths upper most atmosphere not space .. i personally do not think we have suits available that a person can actually go out in space remember black matter travels through everything so we been told lol
Ask your self why know one has been back to the moon ??? and lets not use the lame excuse that there is nothing there lol
but to get to mars now hahaha even funnier really and a joke
In the nine months it takes to get to Mars, Mars moves a considerable distance around in its orbit, about 3/8 of the way around the Sun. You have to plan ahead to make sure that by the time you reach the distance of Mar's orbit, that Mars is where you need it to be! Practically, this means that you can only begin your trip when Earth and Mars are properly lined up. This only happens every 26 months. That is there is only one launch window every 26 months.

After spending 9 months on the way to Mars, you will probably want to spend some time there. In fact, you MUST spend some time at Mars! If you were to continue on your orbit around the Sun, then when you got back to where you started, Earth would no longer be where you left it!

In order to get out of your elliptical orbit around the Sun, and into Mars orbit, you will again need to burn some fuel. If you want to explore the surface of Mars, you will also need fuel to get your lander off the surface of Mars. On the first trip to Mars, it is necessary to bring all of this fuel with you to Mars. ( Maybe someday we could manufacture rocket fuel on Mars ). In fact, you can only land a small part of the ship on Mars, because landing everything on the surface and lifting it off again would require enormous amounts of fuel. Therefore, you will probably leave part of the ship, including all the supplies for the trip home, orbiting Mars, while part of the crew goes to explore the surface.

Just like you have to wait for Earth and Mars to be in the proper postion before you head to Mars, you also have to make sure that they are in the proper position before you head home. That means you will have to spend 3-4 months at Mars before you can begin your return trip. All in all, your trip to Mars would take about 21 months: 9 months to get there, 3 months there, and 9 months to get back. With our current rocket technology, there is no way around this. The long duration of trip has several implications.

First, you have to bring enough food, water, clothes, and medical supplies for the crew in addition to all the scientific instruments you will want to take. You also have to bring all that fuel! In addition, if you are in space for nine months, you will need a lot of shielding to protect you from the radiation of the Sun. Water, and cement make good shielding but they are very heavy. All together, it is estimated that for a crew of six, you would need to 3 million pounds of supplies! The Shuttle can lift about 50,000 pounds into space, so it would take 60 shuttle launches to get all your supplies into space. In the history of the Shuttle, there have only been about 90 launches, and there are less than ten launches per year... So with the shuttle, it would take six years just to get the supplies into space. For this reason, you would probably need to develop a launch system that could lift more than 50,000 pounds into space. Even with a better launch vehicle, it is unlikely that you could launch the Mars mission all at once. You will have to launch it in several pieces and assemble them in orbit.

Second, you are going to be in space for an extended period of time, and there a physiological consequences of being weightless for long periods of time. For one, your muscles do not need to work as hard. In response to being used less, your muscles begin to shrink or atrophy. Remember, your heart is also a muscle, and pumping blood around your body is easier in the weightless environment of space, so your heart gets weaker as well. On an extended space voyage, your muscles might become so weak that it would be difficult for you to stand upright once you return to an environment where you are subject to gravity.
