Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

Do you actually believe they landed on the moon ?? i think personally its a hoax and another cold war with Russia trying to bankrupt them
Could american's be so naive to think that you been fooled all along ??

So, Where did that rocket go ? It was built, it was launched, and did cost a lot.
If the earth spins west to east would that mean a jet leaving new York to china would be chasing china to land there for never get ther new york to Calfornia might as well wait for cali to get here lol[/QUOTE]

How far do you move in relation to the ground if you jump.
P chem isn't the soul of my skience ... IT'S ORGANIC MAN
Good try
our government is 50- 100 years ahead of the technoligy we see today..we probably have free energy which is being hidden from us for good reason,,colapse of the economy.. we probably have a hidden space exploration team thats been far beyond what we know of,, planitary civilizations,, who knows..
if energy can be produced free, on a ship, space is no longer a limit,, electric propulsion thats endless..
many congressman, higher ups, etc all agree the biggest thing being hidden from us is free energy,, i believe we have it, but will never be available to us,, why? because we would no longer have to work our asses off to pay heating,cooling bills,, free energy would free us all and big buisness like com ed, nicor, would be a thing of the past..millioners no longer have the advantage,, that would be great for us,, but money runs the world,, holds us in shackles...


It's called the Sun.
It's vague, but I remember Tesla working on a theory to try and capture rogue electrons out of thin air. When I was in the military many years ago, like 30, I realized they have stuff some people can only dream about. Who used Satellites first? 30 years ago?

It's the economy of things. Most people need something to do to occupy their time. Something they derive satisfaction from. Feel self worth about. I wish I had a more fulfilling job. But, at the end of the day. It pays bills.

I've done a lot of different things. OTR truck driving as an independent agent was great. But, I had to be away from home for extended periods and it was hard on the household. I was a daytrader. That was stressful as a mofo. But, I did achieve pretty considerable good results up until the market crashed after 9/11. I've done other little things and even dabbled in starting an ecommerce web site around 2011. I got it up and running linking Amazon grow products. But, the real work is driving traffic to your site among all the other sites out there. And getting people to buy from you and not someone else. Marketing. I think just having a routine job is easier. Either way, you have to put effort into anything to be successful.

Anyway, yes the rich and the gov want to keep us civil and complacent. They will get richer for sure. Think about all of the social programs in the US. Food stamps, welfare, section 8 housing. If they all of a sudden just stopped these programs I feel there would be a big uprising among the people who live by these programs. I think shit would def get real here on our soil. It's one thing to always love poor. But, if you've always been able to rely on these programs, well? What are you gonna do if they suddenly disappear? I think it would get real ugly like we haven't seen during our lifetime. And who else benefits from these social programs? Growers, grocers, and some real estate investors cater to section 8. It pays rent.

Tesla was a man far ahead of his time.

I remember reading about how he created a machine to match the resonance frequency of his surrounding. The surrounding being a brick building he almost shook it to pieces.
But the Real question is is your skys going to be clear for the super moon eclipse tonight ??? you will be able to see the Nazi base on the moon
There are points where the gravitational forces balance. But they are dynamic, constantly moving in response to chaotic forces. (That is why we cannot map orbits precisely for long.) As Annie said, we are all in constant motion both entire and in all our components. So a satellite parked there (say, at the balance point between Earth and Moon) will slide out slowly, then faster, unless it actively adjusts speed and location.
There are two stable Lagrange points, points of balance, in a two-body system. They are to be found at the vertices of the two equilateral triangles that can be drawn with the a-b distance as a baseline ... and in the orbital plane. These are called "Trojan" points, for the asteroids named for Iliad types and found 60 degrees ahead of and behind Jupiter in its solar orbit.

Our satellites, stations etc. in circular orbits carry reaction mass for many small and necessary corrections.
I can understand that thanks. But it doesn't explain why they don't do it. nasa even says that the higher the altitude the better the fuel economy. You could make little corrections to stay between the earth and moon but at the balance point things should be more sustainable. Hypothetically speaking, if we were between galaxies floating in the dark matter could we sit in one spot and just let the galaxies spin assuming we could live through it or would we be pulled one way or the other by whatever galaxy had the greater mass? I understand we need to remain in orbit around the sun or the earth would float away and take 365 days to come around again. What astronaut wants to see their home float away is that why they don't do it? At night I can see satellites moving back and forth they're not orbiting. they go east to west north to south on a set path. How the hell do they do that? I appreciate your answers btw. I was more of a microbiology/biology guy in college. I kick myself for not studying astrophysics but it seemed pretty useless here being a surface dweller.
and most of the stuff they probably taught you Dr what some 60 years ago have been debunked and changed lol kidding bro remember when we went to school the Earth was Flat
But the Real question is is your skys going to be clear for the super moon eclipse tonight ??? you will be able to see the Nazi base on the moon
I have a feeling it'll be chem-trailed heavily. I took some pics of the last blood moon or whatever and a high altitude plane chemed it up and made it all hazy. grow pics 085.jpg
I can understand that thanks. But it doesn't explain why they don't do it. nasa even says that the higher the altitude the better the fuel economy. You could make little corrections to stay between the earth and moon but at the balance point things should be more sustainable. Hypothetically speaking, if we were between galaxies floating in the dark matter could we sit in one spot and just let the galaxies spin assuming we could live through it or would we be pulled one way or the other by whatever galaxy had the greater mass? I understand we need to remain in orbit around the sun or the earth would float away and take 365 days to come around again. What astronaut wants to see their home float away is that why they don't do it? At night I can see satellites moving back and forth they're not orbiting. they go east to west north to south on a set path. How the hell do they do that? I appreciate your answers btw. I was more of a microbiology/biology guy in college. I kick myself for not studying astrophysics but it seemed pretty useless here being a surface dweller.
The force vectors in space are constantly changing. We are not in perfect orbits, we aren't on perfect spheres, it's a very malleable universe.
Would anyone be surprised if at some point in the past any country has attempted to develop a living space on the moon? I would not be surprised at all. And you know they have researched it at least. I mean, I think it's safe to say that there is a contingency plan to move powerful people in high government offices to more safe place should wat break out in a big way on our soil. The president will be on air force 1 immediately. It would be foolish to think the gov doesn't have amazing tech they sit on for just in case. Heck. There could even be a Space
Ship that could sustain life out there some where. Like the Star Ship from Star Trek. Think back at the technology from that show. We already have some of it like cell phones. LED lights, solar energy. I can fathom these things. Anyone ever been on a military ship? Imagine it could fly and orbit?

It's not that far fetched. Just look at what we have now in main stream society.
Would anyone be surprised if at some point in the past any country has attempted to develop a living space on the moon? I would not be surprised at all. And you know they have researched it at least. I mean, I think it's safe to say that there is a contingency plan to move powerful people in high government offices to more safe place should wat break out in a big way on our soil. The president will be on air force 1 immediately. It would be foolish to think the gov doesn't have amazing tech they sit on for just in case. Heck. There could even be a Space
Ship that could sustain life out there some where. Like the Star Ship from Star Trek. Think back at the technology from that show. We already have some of it like cell phones. LED lights, solar energy. I can fathom these things. Anyone ever been on a military ship? Imagine it could fly and orbit?

It's not that far fetched. Just look at what we have now in main stream society.
i always thought not into space anytime soon but under ground like mole
Was gonna include space underground beneath the White House. I know when I drove a truck I delivered frozen foods into Caverns that were built into mountains in Missouri. They stored refrigerated goods. They were effective because they maintained temps in the 60's. There were HUGE! Imagine 18 wheelers driving into them in spaced bigger than a Walmart Warehouse. And as many doors to dock. It was kind of amazing. I believe many of them were once mines for limestone or whatever. Point is. Anything is possible. Just look at Hoover Dam. Or any other giant man made thing such as the buildings in New York City. We got the people who are smart enough to build a self sustaining space ship no doubt. I simply have no evidence it's actually been done.

Underground subway systems.
I can understand that thanks. But it doesn't explain why they don't do it. nasa even says that the higher the altitude the better the fuel economy. You could make little corrections to stay between the earth and moon but at the balance point things should be more sustainable. Hypothetically speaking, if we were between galaxies floating in the dark matter could we sit in one spot and just let the galaxies spin assuming we could live through it or would we be pulled one way or the other by whatever galaxy had the greater mass? I understand we need to remain in orbit around the sun or the earth would float away and take 365 days to come around again. What astronaut wants to see their home float away is that why they don't do it? At night I can see satellites moving back and forth they're not orbiting. they go east to west north to south on a set path. How the hell do they do that? I appreciate your answers btw. I was more of a microbiology/biology guy in college. I kick myself for not studying astrophysics but it seemed pretty useless here being a surface dweller.
Between galaxies space is big and pretty gravitationally "flat". The forces are dynamic there as well, but an object can drift free for a very long time without being pulled out of intergalactic space.
I've watched orbiting satellites also. The segment of the circle or ellipse we see is a couple of per cent of the entire orbital loop. A snippet of circle looks like a line, especially from within or near the orbital plane. Essentially, optical illusion.
Between galaxies space is big and petty gravitationally "flat". The forces are dynamic there as well, but an object can drift free for a very long time without being pulled out of intergalactic space.
I've watched orbiting satellites also. The segment of the circle or ellipse we see is a couple of per cent of the entire orbital loop. A snippet of circle looks like a line, especially from within or near the orbital plane. Essentially, optical illusion.
That would mean they're not orbiting earth but doing circles above a geographical area. Is that what you're saying? That would explain them moving in what appears to be line. About the first part of your statement I think I know how aliens got here. We drifted right to them.