I swear the best method for picking cops would be automatically disqualifying anyone that applies. Because they want the authority. Then draft ordinary citizens to do the job. They probably wouldn't have as much of an agendaWe have had a couple in ontario this yr too.
The kid on the streetcar that was shot nine times then tased because he called a cop a pussy.
Then the guy in brampton pulled over for a driving infraction is shot for reaching for his wallet.
I have always said that the problem with cops is they were either the bully in high school or the kid that got bullied trying to get back at the world.
They need to do alot more psych screening before hiring these whackos and the most sickening part is those cops are both back at work.
That's what I'm saying. In that situation it should have been 10 cops with tasers drawnNow everyone has a shoot first mentality.
The video of the kid on the street car turns my stomach. He had one 6" knife and there were ten cops. With guns drawn and its like they thought the guy was jet li or something.
I absolutely dread going to the doc or hospital now...amazing that I thought "they" were trying to help me for so long....I think it was about management and control now.
Very good point tiktac...the Cops TV show is a great visual for how the police have changed in the last 30 years. They have graduated to much more aggressive action a lot quicker now. I guess they're scared in reality. They watch too much " Cops " and don't smoke enough dope....man. Hippy talk there.I was watching old (read early 90's) episodes of Cops. I was shocked. They actually TALKED people into dropping the knife.