Sons, and daughters are doing the job THEY CHOSE to do. Being a soldier is no different than being a cop except the military, the soldiers put their lifes on the line once every 5-6 maybe somtimes 10 yrs before they have to put thier lives on the line, what about the Military that have been in Cuba for 10+ yrs. they have lost soldiers there, and they are trying to keep cocain and shit out of the U.S.. We need to be on our side shooting the bastards as they step foot on the U.S. soil! I worked for the military there are still young kids CHOOSING to sign up so they know what they are getting into! Not all of the soldiers that sign up are stuid. So they know what they are getting into....MY grip is the fact that they need to keep them there for a certain amount of time, and let them get some R&R. I see them come home for 4weeks & then have to ship out again for anothe 12-18 months..... they are suppose to get a 3month R&R, and they are not letting them utilize it and enjoy it I DO THINK THEY DESERVE that, and nobody should take that away from them. Police officers get days off to recouperate, so should the soilders, I think the ending of Saddam, was worth it because that man would not have stopped at nothing to ruin us, and others.... they need to stay there, and get BinLadin.... damit because when we leave they are gonna just plan another attack... .son someone.... he is no better than Saddam I think he needs to be shot in the forehead straight away! Remember this is a JOB not something bad that someone is forcing them to go there, especially the ones that are signing up now, well not even that the ones that signed up b4 they knew they may have to go to war why do you think they train them so much,I as a prehospital provider, also risk my life when I do to a drug overdose, a domestic disput, and stabbings, gunshot wounds, I have been shot at, I have been thrown out of a HumV. I have been pushed downstairs, I have been bitten, I have been stuck with dirty needles, but I CHOSE that job, I knew what I was getting into, I CHOSE to do it.... ans you know what is was the BEST job I have ever had, it is the most rewarding job you could every do peoples lives depend on you, that I think is a HUGE responsabilty in it's self. Most of the time you have more than one persons life in your hand, and you have to CHOSE who needs you worst, and that is just so FVCKING wrong, and it is the hardest thing to do. Lighten up on the prez. yeah I voted for him, and no I don't agree with him on all that he is doing, but I support him as he has MY country in his hands for 4 yrs...maybe 8 I hope not thought I am actually interested in a Democrap this time. I am big enough to say I made a mistake by voting for him. I agree that it is sad that these young kids are having kids, and they are leaving them parentless. I think they should have chose to hold off to see if he makes it home 4good.