Is Integration the key to peace?

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Your side attempts to politicize science. See climate change for instance, my side accepts the scientific viewpoint, your side accepts the republican talking points that come directly from politicians


I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that we do not have enough data to determine the amount of change we are causing in the climate.

I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that there is no logical way to establish a baseline from which you can use scientific methodology to prove the difference between what was and what is because of emissions from humans.

I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that we have gone through periods of warming and cooling on this planet (most of it being cooler than now) and that learning how to adapt to changing climates is a much more sane activity than planning on changing the weather.

I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that warming comes from the sun and solar output, the distance of earth from the sun and the rotation of planets, the solar system and the whole galaxy has an effect on climate which we simply cannot control.

Unlike you I actually understand science and do respect it. However, I realize that the people that pay for science have agenda's and scientists and their data can and are frequently manipulated to get the results desired just like using statistics. It is common sense.

You think that 97% of scientists agree with some hairbrained government scheme to confiscate money from you and give it to other countries so they dont develop and cause more emissions. And you call that science. ROFLMFAO!!!

Everybody here knows you cannot be taken seriously
Question why do you have UB on mute again ?

Because I got tired of defending myself against his constant misrepresentations of me in addition to the fact that he is not here to debate, he is here to troll because his life sucks so bad that he has to come here to put people down and track down imaginary racists to make him feel better about his miserable existence.
How tolerant of you...

Yes, lets not have discussion. By your own words lets shout people down who we dont agree with. Maybe burn a few buildings while you are at it?

What you dont want to realize is it is you that is the intolerant hateful person... LOL!!! If you did, your whole world would be turned upside down wouldnt it?

No worries, just go watch some more propaganda and you can continue to delude yourself.
I'm not tolerant of you and never will be.
We already heard your side and you have nothing positive to contribute.
Seriously stupid fucks like you never add anything positive to race relations. So why again do we need to hear from you?
And you believe that 97% of scientists believe that global warming is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Yeah, I cant take you seriously...
No, I accept that between 1990 and 2012, 97% (more than 12,000) of scientific papers published that reached a conclusion about anthropogenic climate change said humans are a significant contributing factor and less than 24 said the opposite (that'd be your belief based on the politicization of science)

The overwhelming majority of scientists agree that climate change is a significant problem that should be addressed as soon as possible

Nobody takes you seriously
I'm not tolerant of you and never will be.
We already heard your side and you have nothing positive to contribute.
Seriously stupid fucks like you never add anything positive to race relations. So why again do we need to hear from you?

Well, if you just admit you are intolerant to other peoples beliefs we can understand why you dont want to hear from me.

I suggest you spend your time on a place other than a message forum if you dont want to hear opinions that disagree with yours.

You sound really butthurt. Are you about to have a meltdown?

Seriously though, the stress is bleeding through the internet. Whatever is fucking you up in real life should be addressed... You are getting downright nasty online.
I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that we do not have enough data to determine the amount of change we are causing in the climate.

I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that there is no logical way to establish a baseline from which you can use scientific methodology to prove the difference between what was and what is because of emissions from humans.

I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that we have gone through periods of warming and cooling on this planet (most of it being cooler than now) and that learning how to adapt to changing climates is a much more sane activity than planning on changing the weather.

I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that warming comes from the sun and solar output, the distance of earth from the sun and the rotation of planets, the solar system and the whole galaxy has an effect on climate which we simply cannot control.

Unlike you I actually understand science and do respect it. However, I realize that the people that pay for science have agenda's and scientists and their data can and are frequently manipulated to get the results desired just like using statistics. It is common sense.

You think that 97% of scientists agree with some hairbrained government scheme to confiscate money from you and give it to other countries so they dont develop and cause more emissions. And you call that science. ROFLMFAO!!!

Everybody here knows you cannot be taken seriously

All you've done is show everybody how ignorant and scientifically illiterate you are

The galaxy has an effect on the temperature of the planet? OK, go get that published ya ignorant bastard
All you've done is show everybody how ignorant and scientifically illiterate you are

The galaxy has an effect on the temperature of the planet? OK, go get that published ya ignorant bastard

The gravitational effects of the galaxy cause the solar system to move above and below a mass of solar systems every 5-6 million years. That is usually when we get hit by something big. There are rotational cycles of the earth, the sun, the solar system and the galaxy. If you dont think all of them matter then I dont think you take science very seriously.

I dont need to publish it. You can just go watch the series Nova on netflix and learn this shit...

Seriously, reading your posts is embarrasing sometimes.
No, I accept that between 1990 and 2012, 97% (more than 12,000) of scientific papers published that reached a conclusion about anthropogenic climate change said humans are a significant contributing factor and less than 24 said the opposite (that'd be your belief based on the politicization of science)

The overwhelming majority of scientists agree that climate change is a significant problem that should be addressed as soon as possible

Nobody takes you seriously

This has been debunked time and time again here on this site and you continue to repeat it as gospel.

I wish I had Kynes latest back and forth with you at my fingertips but I dont and I am too lazy to go find it.

You will just continue to repeat it as if you understood what it meant.
The gravitational effects of the galaxy cause the solar system to move above and below a mass of solar systems every 5-6 million years. That is usually when we get hit by something big. There are rotational cycles of the earth, the sun, the solar system and the galaxy. If you dont think all of them matter then I dont think you take science very seriously.

I dont need to publish it. You can just go watch the series Nova on netflix and learn this shit...

Seriously, reading your posts is embarrasing sometimes.
Link one single scientific paper that confirms your bullshit. Do you also watch ancient aliens to see how the pyramids were built?


This has been debunked time and time again here on this site and you continue to repeat it as gospel.

I wish I had Kynes latest back and forth with you at my fingertips but I dont and I am too lazy to go find it.

You will just continue to repeat it as if you understood what it meant.
"Among abstracts expressing a position on AGW, 97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming."

Cry bout it more
Among abstracts expressing a position...

I couldnt figure out a way to make the text blink so it was more obvious to you...

4 out of 5 dentists recommend you shoot yourself...
Do I need to explain to you the difference between racism, bigotry and prejudice?

Cause racists are rare around here, bigots are common and prejudice affects everyone...
I'm sorry white Farrakhan.
can you tell me why illegals shouldn't be citizens again?

How about your views on allowing business owners to discriminate for any reason?

Want to tell me again why the parents who named their kid adolph Hitler aren't racists?
I'm sorry white Farrakhan.
can you tell me why illegals shouldn't be citizens again?

How about your views on allowing business owners to discriminate for any reason?

Want to tell me again why the parents who named their kid adolph Hitler aren't racists?

Why do we call them illegals again?

I want to allow all business owners the ability to discriminate for any reason. It is called freedom of choice and freedom of association. You should not be forced to give up the right of free association based on your ownership of a business. Of course, I added the waiver that this should not be allowed for the GOVERNMENT and monopolies but you probably forgot that part.

I dont know the parents who named their kid adolph hitler so I have no idea whether they are racists or not. They are pretty fucking stupid, I can give you that one.
America is one of the least racist countries in the world and you guys cannot get past your white guilt to see that.

We elected a hafrican american president who was going to bring us together and all he has done is divide us.

bragging about how totally not racist you are, only to follow it up with "halfrican" and "white guilt" is really defeating your purpose.
My intellectual capacity is superceded by many on this site. I invite any response that is not derogatory. Debate is shut down by insult, if you employ insult you know it will stall this debate and you do so with this intent. Witty comments are welcomed as are funny screen shots.

Maybe peace is the key to integration?
Maybe peace is the key to integration?

so what's it gonna take to get you to knock off the white supremacy bullshit (wooops, i'm sorry, it was a "free speech" group where you discussed how hitler failed and if the world would be better off without israel, not a white power group) and be peaceful then?
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