Well-Known Member
Your side attempts to politicize science. See climate change for instance, my side accepts the scientific viewpoint, your side accepts the republican talking points that come directly from politicians
I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that we do not have enough data to determine the amount of change we are causing in the climate.
I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that there is no logical way to establish a baseline from which you can use scientific methodology to prove the difference between what was and what is because of emissions from humans.
I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that we have gone through periods of warming and cooling on this planet (most of it being cooler than now) and that learning how to adapt to changing climates is a much more sane activity than planning on changing the weather.
I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that warming comes from the sun and solar output, the distance of earth from the sun and the rotation of planets, the solar system and the whole galaxy has an effect on climate which we simply cannot control.
Unlike you I actually understand science and do respect it. However, I realize that the people that pay for science have agenda's and scientists and their data can and are frequently manipulated to get the results desired just like using statistics. It is common sense.
You think that 97% of scientists agree with some hairbrained government scheme to confiscate money from you and give it to other countries so they dont develop and cause more emissions. And you call that science. ROFLMFAO!!!
Everybody here knows you cannot be taken seriously