Is Integration the key to peace?

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Keep moving on.
Shout down the racists
clean up your own house

America is improving. Despite claims to the contrary by some.
I believe the worst is behind us.
I used to believe the worst was behind us, then Barack Obama was elected and all the crazy came out. I was like WTF:shock:
America is one of the least racist countries in the world and you guys cannot get past your white guilt to see that.

We elected a hafrican american president who was going to bring us together and all he has done is divide us.
America is one of the least racist countries in the world and you guys cannot get past your white guilt to see that.

We elected a hafrican american president who was going to bring us together and all he has done is divide us.
You're delusional

But I guess that's my "white guilt" talking..

Centuries of institutionalized slavery, bondage from the cradle to the grave, and you think it's all automatically erased because a black guy reached the white house.. Truly shows the mindset of ignorant middle America & southern racists..

There is no "least racist countries" because there are conservatives in all of them

America being the most progressive of the bunch because we're the most multicultural, and yet people like you and Kynes resist integration on the basis of some inferiority complex of keeping your "race" pure..

America is a bad place for nationalists of any color, but the fabricated persecution of the white majority is simply hilarious in every context. Come visit southern California, you might change your racist mind after a taste of some authentic Mexican food and Latina pussy..
My intellectual capacity is superceded by many on this site. I invite any response that is not derogatory. Debate is shut down by insult, if you employ insult you know it will stall this debate and you do so with this intent. Witty comments are welcomed as are funny screen shots.

The key to peace is to recognize that some people will prefer some things and some will prefer others.

Forcing people to integrate or to segregate cannot lead to peace as both already have the element of force infused.
But most people recognise, then wag fingers only. I struggle to communicate, I have never so much as written a passage on a computer outside of this forum let alone
held debate on subjects as significant as these are, however I could surmise a superficial resolution. Why do governments employ think tank personnel, if they fail at their jobs? Probably because they aren't failing they are completing their intended directive. In all truth what is happening is probably intended. We have to start change somehow for long-term results, I just feel sad it is my children that will face the hardest years of it.
You're delusional

But I guess that's my "white guilt" talking..

Centuries of institutionalized slavery, bondage from the cradle to the grave, and you think it's all automatically erased because a black guy reached the white house.. Truly shows the mindset of ignorant middle America & southern racists..

There is no "least racist countries" because there are conservatives in all of them

America being the most progressive of the bunch because we're the most multicultural, and yet people like you and Kynes resist integration on the basis of some inferiority complex of keeping your "race" pure..

America is a bad place for nationalists of any color, but the fabricated persecution of the white majority is simply hilarious in every context. Come visit southern California, you might change your racist mind after a taste of some authentic Mexican food and Latina pussy..
I've been to so cal have had Latina pussy , and have ate at a taco shop in the hood , where it's a family running the restaurant . So good . White people established this country and until are future generations take office without living in the era of slavery it will continue to be that way . I'm saying white people pretty much own this country and have their own way how they want it ran right now . Integration is okay by me . will it cause more problems between people !? I think so , but minor ones . Will it benefit that we learn to live and accept each other more ? I think so . I think religious beliefs are the cause for a lot of seperation . Those people don't accept anyone else of different beliefs .
I've been to so cal have had Latina pussy , and have ate at a taco shop in the hood , where it's a family running the restaurant . So good . White people established this country and until are future generations take office without living in the era of slavery it will continue to be that way . I'm saying white people pretty much own this country and have their own way how they want it ran right now . Integration is okay by me . will it cause more problems between people !? I think so , but minor ones . Will it benefit that we learn to live and accept each other more ? I think so . I think religious beliefs are the cause for a lot of seperation . Those people don't accept anyone else of different beliefs .
Religion is the worst thing to happen to our species since its establishment
I used to believe the worst was behind us, then Barack Obama was elected and all the crazy came out. I was like WTF:shock:
Nah you are just hearing the dying gasps of the stupid

America is one of the least racist countries in the world and you guys cannot get past your white guilt to see that.

We elected a hafrican american president who was going to bring us together and all he has done is divide us.

See what I mean by the dying gasps of the stupid?
We don't worship it , it's called reality . It's the best explanation we understand with proof , not faith . Faith doesn't require evidence just belief . That's the difference . But someone who believes stuff on faith I do not expect to understand such things !

I was referring to Padwan who talks about consensus and other ridiculous concepts in science.

When you politicize science it becomes religion.
I was referring to Padwan who talks about consensus and other ridiculous concepts in science.

When you politicize science it becomes religion.
Your side attempts to politicize science. See climate change for instance, my side accepts the scientific viewpoint, your side accepts the republican talking points that come directly from politicians

Your side attempts to politicize science. See climate change for instance, my side accepts the scientific viewpoint, your side accepts the republican talking points that come directly from politicians


And you believe that 97% of scientists believe that global warming is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Yeah, I cant take you seriously...
Keep moving on.
Shout down the racists
clean up your own house

America is improving. Despite claims to the contrary by some.
I believe the worst is behind us.

I am confused. People say we need to talk about race yet you say you shout down the racists...

How is that going to solve the issue again?

Maybe we need to lynch the racists and burn crosses on their lawns. Maybe then you would be happy...
How about you keep your hate speech to yourself stupid asshole?

How tolerant of you...

Yes, lets not have discussion. By your own words lets shout people down who we dont agree with. Maybe burn a few buildings while you are at it?

What you dont want to realize is it is you that is the intolerant hateful person... LOL!!! If you did, your whole world would be turned upside down wouldnt it?

No worries, just go watch some more propaganda and you can continue to delude yourself.
How tolerant of you...

Yes, lets not have discussion. By your own words lets shout people down who we dont agree with. Maybe burn a few buildings while you are at it?

What you dont want to realize is it is you that is the intolerant hateful person... LOL!!! If you did, your whole world would be turned upside down wouldnt it?

No worries, just go watch some more propaganda and you can continue to delude yourself.
Question why do you have UB on mute again ?
we show ' faith' every time you read information. We all show 'faith' and belief in scientific data that we didn't compile ourselves. We show 'faith' in the experiments we, ourselves conduct as any and all quantified, repeatable experiment is only reliable with the consideration that there could be potential other influences we don't understand or know of. Anti religious identifier's having faith doesn't make you a traitor to your science, we all use faith Nothing is definite.
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