Is Integration the key to peace?

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You hear the very loud small percentage that consistently focus on race. Most people just live their lives with no regard to the another persons
color here.

that makes sense, and its the same way here, most people just get on with life and are not obsessed with race or under some guilt trip
we do have some very loud people obsessed with political correctness who want to see racism where it does not
exist imo

i do always question the motivation of people that set themselves up as the adjudicator/judge of everyone
if they wanted to correct the bad behavior of what they see as racists that's ok, but their motivation for doing this to me seems questionable
UB revels in calling folk white supremacists for his own self gratification
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woah, you might have actually been reading what i have been saying!

since red has me on ignore, you might want to run this ginwilly quote by him and ask him if he thinks his buddy ginwilly is racist.


basically, ginwilly states that blacks are naturally less intelligent than whites.

see if red thinks of that as racist for me, would ya?


I was clearly stating what that idiotic book "white girl bleed alot" said, but you need to make it something it's not to make your argument. That's proof of what you have to do to make yourself feel better.

Of course I feel heredity plays a role in intelligence, who doesn't? You better believe Steven Hawkins kids would be smarter than yours. It has nothing to do with skin color.
For the most part they dont.
Want a anecdote?
A freind of mine named Jerry needed a job. I got Jerry a job cleaning up contruction sites I worked on,
Jerry shows up at lunch to start his job at that site. Our leadman says "who hired the Nigger?"
I said That is my best friend. Then he goes on complaining "oh now we cant say nigger anymore?"

Jerry got that treatment at every job site he went to. And he quit. I quit a week later as well

Blacks get a lot of soft discrimination as well as hard discrimination. My old landlord (hes almost 90 now) Wont rent to blacks. I have worked at a few companies that will not hire blacks. Blacks get paid less for the same skill set and experience than their white counter parts

Even hookers advertise no blacks.
The USA isnt the UK
That hasn't been my experience, and I don't think it was yours either. Odd how you didn't notice your coworkers were all racists until "Jerry" pointed it out........ I've never worked anywhere that wouldn't hire blacks. I never saw blacks getting paid less for the same skill set. I never go to hookers, so I'll defer to your obvious familiarity there.
He says affirmative action, a form of racial discrimination, should be in effect in perpetuity. That a few who never saw discrimination should benefit at the expense of many who never practiced discrimination is treating people based solely on their race. If that isn't racism, what is?

That is a different point, i do not agree with affirmative action on race/gender etc
many women and black folk also do not support affirmative action here, although it is in place to some extent
YOu advocate for a business owner to be able to refuse service for skin color.
Donut Shops
Ambulance services

Are all businesses
No I don't. I advocate that we treat ALL discrimination the same, not just the discrimination we pick and choose as OK or not OK. Personally I'm against all forms, not just the ones you are against.
That hasn't been my experience, and I don't think it was yours either. Odd how you didn't notice your coworkers were all racists until "Jerry" pointed it out........ I've never worked anywhere that wouldn't hire blacks. I never saw blacks getting paid less for the same skill set. I never go to hookers, so I'll defer to your obvious familiarity there.

You are talking about the guy who claims he used to take severed hands home from work to mess with his roommate and has the only grandma in history who had male listed on her birth certificate, had the original place burn down that held her records and isn't able to get one that says she's a female. Take what he says with a grain of salt.
No I don't. I advocate that we treat ALL discrimination the same, not just the discrimination we pick and choose as OK or not OK. Personally I'm against all forms, not just the ones you are against.

if you're against all forms of discrimination, why do you want to re-legalize discrimination based on skin color?
I have continued to say as I have from the beginning that warming comes from the sun and solar output, the distance of earth from the sun and the rotation of planets, the solar system and the whole galaxy has an effect on climate which we simply cannot control.

Unlike you I actually understand science and do respect it. However, I realize that the people that pay for science have agenda's and scientists and their data can and are frequently manipulated to get the results desired just like using statistics. It is common sense.

You sure talk a lot but it is clear you don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you ought to have read tht wikipedia page that NoBrain copy/pasted half of. The cycles you are talking about are well studied and were first described accurately by Milankovitch. Empirical research ultimately concluded that the more recent trends of warming are not fully explained by the cycles he discovered and that only the anthropogenic climate change theory could fully explain what is actually going on, since it takes Milankovitch cycles into account.
if you're against all forms of discrimination, why do you want to re-legalize discrimination based on skin color?
I'm against all forms of discrimination, not just the ones you are against. I'm not for the reasons you support.

What I'm against is legislation that must first examine the color of skin before ruling. Why you are for that type of shit is beyond me, but for some reason you think it helps with race relations.
That hasn't been my experience, and I don't think it was yours either. Odd how you didn't notice your coworkers were all racists until "Jerry" pointed it out........ I've never worked anywhere that wouldn't hire blacks. I never saw blacks getting paid less for the same skill set. I never go to hookers, so I'll defer to your obvious familiarity there.
We didn't have a black guy on the crew till jerry showed up
any other stupid responses you wish to tender?
you also said, and i quote, "i believe both play a role".

you didn't seem to have a problem with desert dude posting about "that idiotic book", you even inserted some clever dog whistles.


You forgot to say meltdown, what happened?
so you believe that both SES and intelligence play a role in the white-black gap in this country, and that blacks are just naturally less intelligent. why is that?

I believe in the possibility that differences in intelligence of a region is evolutionary as is differences in height and shoe size. This has nothing to do with race as whites from this region developed differently than whites from that region. Same with blacks from this region who have different characteristics from blacks from that region.

Pygmies are shorter than Sudanese. I believe it's possible Aborigines could possibly develop mental capacities different than Norwegians.

This is where I stated we have obvious physical differences through evolution, to believe mental differences couldn't also evolve is the height of PCness. You would have to believe that evolution only happened from the neck down. This is the quote that drove you nuts.

I make no claim of one race being smarter than another. You continually make the claim that I'm saying whites are smarter than blacks when it's not even close to what this means.
I believe in the possibility that differences in intelligence of a region is evolutionary as is differences in height and shoe size. This has nothing to do with race as whites from this region developed differently than whites from that region. Same with blacks from this region who have different characteristics from blacks from that region.

Pygmies are shorter than Sudanese. I believe it's possible Aborigines could possibly develop mental capacities different than Norwegians.

This is where I stated we have obvious physical differences through evolution, to believe mental differences couldn't also evolve is the height of PCness. This is the quote that drove you nuts.

I make no claim of one race being smarter than another.

if it has nothing to do with race, why did you state that it explains the black-white race gap in this country then?
What were his fellow gamblers responses?
Did they call him a racist?

The 2 or 3 PCkings did. They claim that mental capacity is the same for everyone from everywhere. That it's different than physical.

One of them realized I was making no claims of one race over another but disagreed that mental capacity is part of evolution.
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