Is Biden really that bad?

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Waiting on the guy to bust out a Spiro Agnew joke. He's hip like mad magazine.
When I was a kid I saw this in the closeout bin.

Curious, I picked it up. After the publisher info in the overleaf and a title page, the rest of the pages were blank.

(edit) I wish the spellprig did not insert lexicographically wrong spaces into portmanteau words.
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What's with all this Trumper hysteria over the government acting upon a legally obtained warrant that authorized them to remove classified national security documents from a person not authorized to have them?

The entitlement these snowflakes think they have is beyond belief.
Well, if those are the rules, don’t be surprised by what this game becomes. TRUMP 2024 LOL
Biden signs bill expanding veterans’ health benefits
President Biden on Wednesday signed legislation expanding health care eligibility for veterans exposed to toxins, with the bill having a significance that hits close to home for the president.
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Why on earth are democrats fleeing Joe??? Maybe it’s just coincidence. You’re cooked and just don’t know it yet. I love you all!! You make defeating y’all so much more pleasant. Lol
Biden approval rating jumps to its highest level in two months
It’s more of a comparison that’s relative to anti American scum. You understand right? Even Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.
but today’s GOP (b) is a fully included subset of anti-American scum (a).



The party officially censured the two holdouts who still like representative democracy while de facto
approving of
and forming behind this.


and this


and this.


In review:

Well, I’m glad you’re behind the fbi. You fascist slug. I hope you believe the same come November.
i AM behind the fbi...i'm behind the federal government now that it isn't being run into the ground by an incompetent criminal family that handed out important posts to ass kissing lackeys and golfing buddies who would lie about trump's golf score for him.
you calling me a fascist is a little support the party trying to take away the rights of everyone who isn't a wealthy white male,
you support the party that fucked over US Veterans in a fit of pique at being out maneuvered, you support the party that wants to teach our children that slavery was "assisted relocation"...but i'm the fascist. i'm pretty sure i'll believe exactly the same thing come november, win or lose, and i'll continue to work against the republican party, win or lose, because a party founded on exceptionalism and hate deserves to be opposed as tirelessly as possible, for as long as it exists.
Well, if those are the rules, don’t be surprised by what this game becomes. TRUMP 2024 LOL

The only thing I'm surprised about regarding this raid and other DOJ investigations regarding Trump is the discipline and professionalism the DOJ has demonstrated.

The crime Trump committed is relatively insignificant. I doubt there is any intent to charge Trump over his violations of the Records Act. This is strong message to Trump that he is not above the law. And THAT is what is driving your kind into a frenzy.

So, suck it.
Why on earth are democrats fleeing Joe??? Maybe it’s just coincidence. You’re cooked and just don’t know it yet. I love you all!! You make defeating y’all so much more pleasant. Lol
just more republican pettiness...if it's not your bowl of cheerios, piss in it. if it's not your kids trudging to school in the rain, splash em, who cares? especially if they're black or latinos, that'll teach em to be different than me.
you're just so full of hate it ruins your attempts at humor...
The only thing I'm surprised about regarding this raid and other DOJ investigations regarding Trump is the discipline and professionalism the DOJ has demonstrated.

The crime Trump committed is relatively insignificant. I doubt there is any intent to charge Trump over his violations of the Records Act. This is strong message to Trump that he is not above the law. And THAT is what is driving your kind into a frenzy.

So, suck it.
I thing AG Garland’s deliberate approach is starting to visibly pay off. The scrabble rabble is having to get ridiculous in order to mount any rebuttal.
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