Is Biden really that bad?

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It’s more of a comparison that’s relative to anti American scum. You understand right? Even Lincoln suspended habeas corpus.
how so? if it was a republican fbi, it would be better? it is headed by a republican that was appointed by trump...and even he saw that there was legal cause to do what they did.
i don't like Garland very much, but one thing i can't fault the man for is not knowing his job. if he went ahead with a raid, you can be damn sure it was legal, and that every requirement was met.
if you had bothered to read anything about these people but badly written propaganda you would already know this.
how so? if it was a republican fbi, it would be better? it is headed by a republican that was appointed by trump...and even he saw that there was legal cause to do what they did.
i don't like Garland very much, but one thing i can't fault the man for is not knowing his job. if he went ahead with a raid, you can be damn sure it was legal, and that every requirement was met.
if you had bothered to read anything about these people but badly written propaganda you would already know this.
It wasn't a was a peaceful tourist visit by the FBI..
i can't find a single story about democrats running from Biden or his campaign workers...what piece of shit,garbage, white supremist screed "news" site did you glean this diamond of disinformation from? a citation please?
Plenty are running from Trump in a hurry and after the election they will be gone, they still need his suckers and morons to keep them in the running and he needs to spout the big lie and stomp on anybody who doesn't.
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I guess you all like shit, enjoy your breakfast!
Donald's troubles got ya down? You sound bitter.

Have no fear, the great white hope won't be busted soon, he still has work to do ripping the asshole out of the GOP during the election season. This was just to get him spooked enough to announce, cause that is the last thing Mitch wants and Karle Rove warned Donald to STFU until after the election. Donald is starting to panic, if he plead the 5th 440 times in his NY deposition, how many times will he plead it to a criminal grand jury in Georgia?

The walls are closing in on Donald and he's starting to squirm and freak out, you are gonna be used in a most cruel and callous way. Good luck with that and the last stand of the Trumpers, as reality comes crashing in and those feeding the boilers of the Trumptanic are trapped, as the ship goes down while the rats at the top jump off and try to avoid getting sucked down with the wreckage.
Now there’s a source.CNN If you and the other two stop watching they’ll go off the air.

It's an opinion piece in response to those who are questioning what the president has accomplished and it's authors ideas as to why he's not being recognized for it- it also happens to be only on CNN because opinion therefore, belongs to CNN only and posted.
I guess you all like shit, enjoy your breakfast!

My feeling is that both the big parties are out for
themselves. Pick your poison, you will be getting
the lube less ass fuck regardless. If you are beating
the drum for either and believing the BS, you are

I think you are a fraudulent Fred.
My feeling is that both the big parties are out for
themselves. Pick your poison, you will be getting
the lube less ass fuck regardless. If you are beating
the drum for either and believing the BS, you are
quite relying on your feelings, and start relying on facts...make yourself aware of as many FACTS as you can.
feelings lead us to the shithole we're wading out of right now, because unscrupulous criminal fucks know how to manipulate feelings...but they cannot manipulate facts. base your decisions on cold hard logic, and verifiable facts, and it becomes obvious that the democratic party, while far from perfect, is lightyears better than the republicans.
quite relying on your feelings, and start relying on facts...make yourself aware of as many FACTS as you can.
feelings lead us to the shithole we're wading out of right now, because unscrupulous criminal fucks know how to manipulate feelings...but they cannot manipulate facts. base your decisions on cold hard logic, and verifiable facts, and it becomes obvious that the democratic party, while far from perfect, is lightyears better than the republicans.
quite relying on your feelings, and start relying on facts...make yourself aware of as many FACTS as you can.
feelings lead us to the shithole we're wading out of right now, because unscrupulous criminal fucks know how to manipulate feelings...but they cannot manipulate facts. base your decisions on cold hard logic, and verifiable facts, and it becomes obvious that the democratic party, while far from perfect, is lightyears better than the republicans.

FACTS?? Unfortunately, I am an old sceptic and don't believe anything I read or hear and only a portion of what I see.
Never seen a politician come out of DC without being better off in the bankbook. I was hoping the time was right for
the feds to get their chunk of that reefer pie, but the medical growers in the particular states are paying them off, for it not
to happen. The amount of energy used to produce here in FL is crazy. It can be done, but there are many better climates.

FACTS?? Unfortunately, I am an old sceptic and don't believe anything I read or hear and only a portion of what I see.
Never seen a politician come out of DC without being better off in the bankbook. I was hoping the time was right for
the feds to get their chunk of that reefer pie, but the medical growers in the particular states are paying them off, for it not
to happen. The amount of energy used to produce here in FL is crazy. It can be done, but there are many better climates.

FACTS?? Unfortunately, I am an old sceptic and don't believe anything I read or hear and only a portion of what I see.
Never seen a politician come out of DC without being better off in the bankbook. I was hoping the time was right for
the feds to get their chunk of that reefer pie, but the medical growers in the particular states are paying them off, for it not
to happen. The amount of energy used to produce here in FL is crazy. It can be done, but there are many better climates.

Don't take this post as confirmation that I read your post. I did not.

In the first sentence, what you describe is a cynic, not a skeptic.

The cynic believes people are doing wrong. As you say, they don't believe anything they read or hear or see that contradicts this belief.

The skeptic has doubts but leave open the possibility what they read, hear or see may be true and looks further into the matter to decide.

Cynics believe, skeptics doubt. Why should people listen to you if what you believe if it's not founded on facts?
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