Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

as part of a society we agree to pay taxes

That is false. As part of a forcible hierarchy people pay taxes to avoid being punished or killed.

I never agreed to pay taxes for prohibition, or to bomb people. Neither did you.

You use the word "society" erroneously. You mean as part of a plantation, where others make your choices for you or you get killed.
Texas-based company Bumble creates relief fund to help abortion seekers
The women-led dating site Bumble announced this week that it is creating a relief fund to support reproductive rights following enactment of the new Texas abortion law.

The nation's most restrictive abortion law, known in Texas by its bill number SB 8, took effect on Wednesday after the Supreme Court declined to intervene.

“Bumble is women-founded and women-led, and from day one we’ve stood up for the most vulnerable. We’ll keep fighting against regressive laws like #SB8,” the Austin-based company said in a tweet.

The money will go toward partner organizations dedicated to protecting reproductive rights, a company spokesperson said, according to USA Today. The company added that there is no target amount for the fund as it will reportedly be ongoing.

In addition to the relief fund, the company said it would recommend organizations where people can make donations, such as the National Network of Abortion Funds, USA Today noted.

A Bumble spokesperson told the newspaper that they are working with partner organizations on reproductive rights "because their mission and values align with ours and they have a history of fighting for reproductive rights and the rights of women."

Bumble, which also operates the app Badoo, has grown a dating app to a women-centric social media platform.

Other companies in the dating app industry are also taking action. Shar Dubey, CEO of Dallas-based Match Group, which operates numerous dating apps like and Tinder, said she felt the need to speak out against the Texas law.

"The company generally does not take political stands unless it is relevant to our business. But in this instance, I personally, as a woman in Texas, could not keep silent and have made this statement that you might see covered over the next few days," she said in an internal memo to employees, The Dallas Morning News reported.
I didn't read all seven pages, so if this has already been posted, my apologies.

$5k bounties; neighbor against neighbor..did compliance make it better or worse? yup, designed to create scandal and those that suffer are low income..the unclean..they need to live their sins, yes, because CRUELTY IS THE POINT.

why should YOU have health insurance when YOU can't afford it? food? a home? so who cares that you work 3 jobs.

everyone knows abortions will still happen. even though you never have to be pregnant you will..abortions will still happen..even though you don't have to have Covid- you will. it's the human condition

my comment about the kitchen table came from my dearly departed great-grandma who raised me..she told me what it was like and what they had to do; to covet my vote; to never forget. these poor women didn't go to Mexico or some other fantasy in men's minds; they went to their neighbors kitchen table.
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That is false. As part of a forcible hierarchy people pay taxes to avoid being punished or killed.

I never agreed to pay taxes for prohibition, or to bomb people. Neither did you.

You use the word "society" erroneously. You mean as part of a plantation, where others make your choices for you or you get killed.

Someday you should probably learn the difference between "I" and "we". The group decided, you disagreed, bummer for you. I know we all wish the universe revolved around us, but then we get a little older and realize that, not only is that not possible, it's also not desirable.
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Someday you should probably learn the difference between "I" and "we". The group decided, you disagreed, bummer for you. I know we all wish the universe revolved around us, but then we get a little older and realize that, no only is that not possible, it's also not desirable.

Sounds like a gang rapist apology. Sure wish you'd change your rapey ways.
I was going to post this in the “examples of Republican leadership” thread but can’t find it?????

Texans fear the dire consequences of new laws targeting people of color
The State is always wrong and can never do anything good without creating a bad unintended consequence(s) .

a bunch of old white MEN fuckers who have health, food and a home are not representative of the socio-economic make-up of this country; why are they making law?

money and power = more's a weird WASP-y thing i still have yet to figure out but has to do with God.
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I was going to post this in the “examples of Republican leadership” thread but can’t find it?????

Texans fear the dire consequences of new laws targeting people of color

examples of gop leadership is the title.

That is false. As part of a forcible hierarchy people pay taxes to avoid being punished or killed.

I never agreed to pay taxes for prohibition, or to bomb people. Neither did you.

You use the word "society" erroneously. You mean as part of a plantation, where others make your choices for you or you get killed.

You are born into society, but its a free association, you can leave, renounce citizenship, etc. By staying you agree to the terms and conditions of society. It was there before you, has dibs on maintaining its interests.

Countries do own the land pretty much everywhere, but you are free to try and conquer some shit and take it, or buy somewhere that you fully own whatever land. You can create your own society. Tax and fund what you want.
Texas-based company Bumble creates relief fund to help abortion seekers
The women-led dating site Bumble announced this week that it is creating a relief fund to support reproductive rights following enactment of the new Texas abortion law.

The nation's most restrictive abortion law, known in Texas by its bill number SB 8, took effect on Wednesday after the Supreme Court declined to intervene.

“Bumble is women-founded and women-led, and from day one we’ve stood up for the most vulnerable. We’ll keep fighting against regressive laws like #SB8,” the Austin-based company said in a tweet.

The money will go toward partner organizations dedicated to protecting reproductive rights, a company spokesperson said, according to USA Today. The company added that there is no target amount for the fund as it will reportedly be ongoing.

In addition to the relief fund, the company said it would recommend organizations where people can make donations, such as the National Network of Abortion Funds, USA Today noted.

A Bumble spokesperson told the newspaper that they are working with partner organizations on reproductive rights "because their mission and values align with ours and they have a history of fighting for reproductive rights and the rights of women."

Bumble, which also operates the app Badoo, has grown a dating app to a women-centric social media platform.

Other companies in the dating app industry are also taking action. Shar Dubey, CEO of Dallas-based Match Group, which operates numerous dating apps like and Tinder, said she felt the need to speak out against the Texas law.

"The company generally does not take political stands unless it is relevant to our business. But in this instance, I personally, as a woman in Texas, could not keep silent and have made this statement that you might see covered over the next few days," she said in an internal memo to employees, The Dallas Morning News reported.

seems like another business is siding with the 70%- the people who are their anyone seeing how this works yet? while the GOP is sneaking around with dark money we proudly stand with these companies who take care of us. the reason why it's dark money is those companies don't want you to know they're anti 70%; they hide it because we'll boycott them.

it's easy to see who doesn't pay taxes through a simple Google search..same with donors.
The problem with politics is it sanctions using coercion. We can do better. Put your gun down.
Mask mandates in the midst of a deadly pandemic, many people are stupid and need to be told what to do for their own good and the safety of others. These people cannot think and are not responsible enough o make their own calls and must be treated as something less than adults. Coddling fools is a mistake, you can't drive without a driver's license and you would whine for being busted without one, rules exist for a reason.
Mask mandates in the midst of a deadly pandemic, many people are stupid and need to be told what to do for their own good and the safety of others. These people cannot think and are not responsible enough o make their own calls and must be treated as something less than adults. Coddling fools is a mistake, you can't drive without a driver's license and you would whine for being busted without one, rules exist for a reason.

It sounds like you are afraid and want to control people.

Now that you've fucked your immune system, do you have any vaccine regret or will you blame that on other people too?
It sounds like you are afraid and want to control people.

Now that you've fucked your immune system, do you have any vaccine regret or will you blame that on other people too?
your health insurance rates will go up Rob if you won't take the vaccine....