Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

I suppose so.

I can't get past the fetus is a person part.
It is a legal fiction.
Personally I believe personhood should not be assigned until a prematurely delivered newborn can survive in hospital. That happens around month 5 iirc.
I refer to his hijacking any thread to pitch his anarcho-individualist politics.
When somebody corners him with why that wont work he posts frivolities. Tell me youve noticed.
Respectfully, I don’t see how that meme hijacked this thread. You can agree or disagree with its content, but I thought it was relevant and on point.

I haven’t had a lot of exchanges with this person and haven’t noticed the behaviour you’re taking about.
Texas is a state best seen in the rear view mirror. I hated Texas when I was stationed there in the quote Willy Nelson and Ray Charles "If they take me back to Texas, they won't take me back alive"...7 Spanish Angles
Respectfully, I don’t see how that meme hijacked this thread. You can agree or disagree with its content, but I thought it was relevant and on point.

I haven’t had a lot of exchanges with this person and haven’t noticed the behaviour you’re taking about.

“The right to control your own body” sounds legit, but in the context of his postings it comes apart like cotton candy in a rainstorm.
Say, we should make castration a minimum sentence of a man convicted of rape, or sexual assault.
Chemical castration would be a good way to go. Kind of like how they do to the child molesters. Make them show up for the shot/pill so it is known it is being administered.
Chemical castration would be a good way to go. Kind of like how they do to the child molesters. Make them show up for the shot/pill so it is known it is being administered.
I like you guys but I dont agree with this. I oppose the death penalty, and involuntary castration hits the same points for me. Civilized society has a duty to be better than its nastiest enemies.
That said, “life without parole” is a powerful tool for containing this assault.
I like you guys but I dont agree with this. I oppose the death penalty, and involuntary castration hits the same points for me. Civilized society has a duty to be better than its nastiest enemies.
That said, “life without parole” is a powerful tool for containing this assault.
Im fine with giving them the option of heavy monitoring and chemical castration as a condition of parole.
So long as chemical castration kills the exocrine function but preserves the endocrine.

Whatever the no boners thing means.

Also this is just me talking out of our asses kind of thing, I really don't have any understanding of the molester chemical castration, but do think that rapists need to have the ability to do it taken away.
Mine are barely sarcastic responses toward Texas' law that takes away a life changing, fundamental choice one has.
I like you guys but I dont agree with this. I oppose the death penalty, and involuntary castration hits the same points for me. Civilized society has a duty to be better than its nastiest enemies.
That said, “life without parole” is a powerful tool for containing this assault.
I have been against the death penalty ever since in knew a California inmate who spent 7 years on death row and had his sentence commuted to life without. He spent another 10 years in Folsom telling me every day he was innocent. A couple of years after I retired I saw him on the news...DNA evidence exonerated him and he was released. What if we had executed an innocent man?..can you imagine being put to death for a crime you didn't commit?
I have been against the death penalty ever since in knew a California inmate who spent 7 years on death row and had his sentence commuted to life without. He spent another 10 years in Folsom telling me every day he was innocent. A couple of years after I retired I saw him on the news...DNA evidence exonerated him and he was released. What if we had executed an innocent man?..can you imagine being put to death for a crime you didn't commit?
I’m surprised nobody’s talking about this. How long before woman lose their right to control their own bodies everywhere in the US?

I’m glad my daughter has Canadian citizenship too.

Texas 6-week abortion ban takes effect after Supreme Court inaction

this is another Boogeyman to rile everyone over and keep the split going. at the end of the day the 70% reign supreme because we spend money and just who will care about that ______________________________?


why, those businesses who have new wares to sell every year, of course.
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