Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

It's already begun.

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MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Vandals struck an anti-abortion group office, where a fire broke out and a Molotov cocktail was found, authorities said Sunday.

Madison police spokeswoman Stephanie Fryer told the Wisconsin State Journal that the fire reported shortly after 6 a.m. Sunday at the Wisconsin Family Action office in Madison was suspicious in nature. He said someone also spray-painted a message outside the building. Federal officials and the Madison Fire Department are helping with the investigation.
It wouldn't surprise if that turned out to be a false flag operation.
Republicans are ready to pack the courts
In the days following the explosive May 2 leak of a draft Supreme Court decision overruling Roe v. Wade and ending federal constitutional protections of abortion rights, Republicans faced a thorny problem. Red state legislatures nationwide are barreling forward with all manner of schemes to criminalize abortion and ban or severely limit some forms of contraception. But that’s easier in some states than in others.

Some red states enshrine reproductive freedom in their state constitutions, or at least have found a right to abortion and contraception in state constitutional clauses declaring a broad right to privacy. Kansas, Montana, Alaska and a handful of other red states now have constitutions and legal findings at odds with Republicans’ rush to pass sweeping abortion bans.

Faced with state supreme courts that limit or even block Republicans from banning abortion, state lawmakers and anti-choice activists are proposing a new path. Their plan? Impeaching and replacing justices until Republicans find judges willing to give them the abortion rulings they want. Even if that means removing every single justice in the process.

Republicans are ready to pack the courts
In the days following the explosive May 2 leak of a draft Supreme Court decision overruling Roe v. Wade and ending federal constitutional protections of abortion rights, Republicans faced a thorny problem. Red state legislatures nationwide are barreling forward with all manner of schemes to criminalize abortion and ban or severely limit some forms of contraception. But that’s easier in some states than in others.

Some red states enshrine reproductive freedom in their state constitutions, or at least have found a right to abortion and contraception in state constitutional clauses declaring a broad right to privacy. Kansas, Montana, Alaska and a handful of other red states now have constitutions and legal findings at odds with Republicans’ rush to pass sweeping abortion bans.

Faced with state supreme courts that limit or even block Republicans from banning abortion, state lawmakers and anti-choice activists are proposing a new path. Their plan? Impeaching and replacing justices until Republicans find judges willing to give them the abortion rulings they want. Even if that means removing every single justice in the process.

After months tarring Democrats as enemies of the rule of law for a few scattered calls to expand the Supreme Court, Republicans aren’t asking permission — they’re prepared to reshape state supreme courts immediately.

Speaking with Montana’s KTVH, Montana Family Foundation President and CEO Jeff Laszloffy bemoaned the 1999 Montana Supreme Court decision Armstrong v. State, which found that Montana’s right to privacy extended to obtaining abortions. “Armstrong put us in a box,” Laszloffy told KTVH’s Ashley Nerbovig.

“For Lazsloffy [sic],” Ashley Nerbovig writes, “the two paths to make abortion illegal in Montana are either to amend the state constitution to no longer protect abortion, or replace the entire Montana Supreme Court and get it to nullify Armstrong.”

Confident that they’ve likely overturned Roe v. Wade and half a century of abortion law in America, Republicans are in no mood to hide their true intentions. Gone are any concerns about protecting the integrity and independence of the courts, until recently a common Republican response to Americans’ increasing calls for serious reforms to the Supreme Court. Now the GOP is out to enact as much of its anti-choice agenda as quickly as possible. That means embracing the destruction of state courts into Republican-anointed rubber stamps, with judges only safe in their positions if they reliably and uncritically advance the party’s extremist agenda.

Montana isn’t alone. In Louisiana, Republicans have revised the state’s already sweeping abortion criminalization bill to undermine the legitimacy and independence of both federal and state courts. The legislation includes language explicitly ordering the state to “disregard any part or whole of any federal court decision” which rules Louisiana’s law unconstitutional. And any state judge who rules the law too extreme “shall be subject to impeachment or removal.”

Louisiana Republicans are willing to accept the judgment of the courts — as long as those judgments go their way. If not, they’ll clear out the bench and find more pliable jurists. Montana’s and Louisiana’s proposals go far beyond the idea of adding additional seats to the United States Supreme Court. They demand loyalty on pain of removal from public office, not to state or federal constitutions, but to the GOP.

“I’ve never seen legislative language like what’s in Louisiana’s abortion ban,” Washington Post race and ethnicity reporter Emmanuel Felton tweeted on Monday. “The state can disregard any federal court order curtailing the law and the state judges who declare the law unconstitutional or stay enforcement will be impeached.”

Alaska Republicans are taking the hint. There, state Republicans are working to pass a constitutional amendment overriding their state supreme court’s 1997 decision protecting abortion rights. And Alaska Independence Party Chairman Bob Bird wants Republican Governor Mike Dunleavy to immediately end enforcement of the state court’s “unconstitutional” pro-choice and pro-privacy decisions. The new Republican playbook is simple: ignore the rulings you don’t like and remove the troublesome judges who disagree with party scripture.

A century and a half after reactionary, antidemocratic forces instigated America’s first judicial nullification crisis, Republicans are once again careening our nation into a dark and dangerous place solely to serve their short-term political interest. As red states become even more hostile to the rule of law, public trust in our judicial system will only further decay. Unfortunately for the rule of law, Republicans have once again found power more seductive than principle.
It’s a grim but important service you provide, citizen - thanks for what you do.

(Yeah, I know you’re Canadian…but you clearly understand what citizenship *is*)
Citizen of the World.
i've said it trek helped shape my world view.
every afternoon i watched a black woman, an asian man, a russian, a couple of white guys, and a green guy save the world, and they were all friends, all respected each other, risked their lives for each other...
it's just sad that we can't even live up to the standards of 1965 television.
Think they will storm the capitol? I mean they have way more reason than the idiots who did over a lie that only a moron would believe. Think the mob will roam the halls of congress shouting "Hang Mitch McConnel" as the erect a scaffolding with noose on the capitol lawn while killing cops? I mean their "rats" as human beings are being threatened, this ain't some bullshit fascist coup attempt to cling to power after losing the fairest most secure election in American history.

But remember to a big chunk of America these people are evil and the ones who caused J6 were good Christian folks and patriots who wanted to set things "right", by getting rid of the constitution. Yep that pesky constitution that protects the rights of minorities, sets out the rule of law and separates religion from government. Some want a white nationalist state, some want racial and ethnic cleansing, some want genocide and some want a theocracy. Racism, fear and bigotry bind them with authoritarianism and minority rule are their goals. However most are too simple and weak minded to think even in those twisted terms, they are manipulated and driven like sheep. Their own character flaws and mental defects are used to manipulate and control them using well known methods for owning such simpletons.

Clarence Thomas says Roe draft leak has changed court, eroded trust
“The institution that I’m a part of, if someone said that one line of one opinion would be leaked by anyone … you would say, ‘Oh, that’s impossible. No one would ever do that.’ There’s such a belief in the rule of law, belief in the court, a belief in what we were doing that that was verboten. It was beyond anyone’s understanding, or at least anyone’s imagination, that someone would do that,” Thomas said during an event hosted by the American Enterprise Institute, the Manhattan Institute and the Hoover Institution in Dallas.

“And look where we are, where now that trust or that belief is gone forever. And when you lose that trust, especially in the institution that I’m in, it changes the institution fundamentally,” he added.

During his remarks, Thomas called the leak “tremendously bad” and expressed concerns that it was undermining the Supreme Court.

“I do think that what happened at the court is tremendously bad. I think it’s — I wonder how long we’re going to have these institutions at the rate we’re undermining them,” he said. “And then I wonder when they’re gone, or they are destabilized, what we will have as a country. And I don’t think that the prospects are good if we continue to lose, though.”

Think they will storm the capitol? I mean they have way more reason than the idiots who did over a lie that only a moron would believe. Think the mob will roam the halls of congress shouting "Hang Mitch McConnel" as the erect a scaffolding with noose on the capitol lawn while killing cops? I mean their "rats" as human beings are being threatened, this ain't some bullshit fascist coup attempt to cling to power after losing the fairest most secure election in American history.

But remember to a big chunk of America these people are evil and the ones who caused J6 were good Christian folks and patriots who wanted to set things "right", by getting rid of the constitution. Yep that pesky constitution that protects the rights of minorities, sets out the rule of law and separates religion from government. Some want a white nationalist state, some want racial and ethnic cleansing, some want genocide and some want a theocracy. Racism, fear and bigotry bind them with authoritarianism and minority rule are their goals. However most are too simple and weak minded to think even in those twisted terms, they are manipulated and driven like sheep. Their own character flaws and mental defects are used to manipulate and control them using well known methods for owning such simpletons.

i hope every woman in the country that is married to or dating a republican cuts them right the fuck off until this shit is settled to their liking...all the women can tell them "no, i might get pregnant, we have to start practicing abstinence, and remember, jesus hates an onanist!"
Clarence Thomas says Roe draft leak has changed court, eroded trust
“The institution that I’m a part of, if someone said that one line of one opinion would be leaked by anyone … you would say, ‘Oh, that’s impossible. No one would ever do that.’ There’s such a belief in the rule of law, belief in the court, a belief in what we were doing that that was verboten. It was beyond anyone’s understanding, or at least anyone’s imagination, that someone would do that,” Thomas said during an event hosted by the American Enterprise Institute, the Manhattan Institute and the Hoover Institution in Dallas.

“And look where we are, where now that trust or that belief is gone forever. And when you lose that trust, especially in the institution that I’m in, it changes the institution fundamentally,” he added.

During his remarks, Thomas called the leak “tremendously bad” and expressed concerns that it was undermining the Supreme Court.

“I do think that what happened at the court is tremendously bad. I think it’s — I wonder how long we’re going to have these institutions at the rate we’re undermining them,” he said. “And then I wonder when they’re gone, or they are destabilized, what we will have as a country. And I don’t think that the prospects are good if we continue to lose, though.”

It was at least Thomas’ second speaking engagement this month following the leak of the draft ruling, purportedly written in February, that indicated the high court is prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark decision that legalized abortion.

Speaking at the 11th Circuit Judicial Conference to lawyers and judges earlier this month, Thomas appeared to allude to the leak with several references to “unfortunate events” that week but did not directly address it, according to The Washington Post.

A final decision is expected by the court in the coming weeks. The Senate failed this week in advancing legislation that would have codified abortion protections, with all 50 Senate Republicans and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) voting against it.

there hasn't been any trust since trump's appointees took the bench...and there won't be any till the dirty fuckers are gone, taking thomas with them.
Clarence Thomas says Roe draft leak has changed court, eroded trust
“The institution that I’m a part of, if someone said that one line of one opinion would be leaked by anyone … you would say, ‘Oh, that’s impossible. No one would ever do that.’ There’s such a belief in the rule of law, belief in the court, a belief in what we were doing that that was verboten. It was beyond anyone’s understanding, or at least anyone’s imagination, that someone would do that,” Thomas said during an event hosted by the American Enterprise Institute, the Manhattan Institute and the Hoover Institution in Dallas.

“And look where we are, where now that trust or that belief is gone forever. And when you lose that trust, especially in the institution that I’m in, it changes the institution fundamentally,” he added.

During his remarks, Thomas called the leak “tremendously bad” and expressed concerns that it was undermining the Supreme Court.

“I do think that what happened at the court is tremendously bad. I think it’s — I wonder how long we’re going to have these institutions at the rate we’re undermining them,” he said. “And then I wonder when they’re gone, or they are destabilized, what we will have as a country. And I don’t think that the prospects are good if we continue to lose, though.”

Im waiting for the headline where Clarence says fascist justices whose wives actively fomented insurrection are eroding yada yadaa.
there hasn't been any trust since trump's appointees took the bench...and there won't be any till the dirty fuckers are gone, taking thomas with them.
After dealing with this bunch of radical assholes, I'm not sure how conservative Roberts is these days either, between Thomas, Alito and the miscreants Trump appointed, it must be hard for reason to prevail. A similar situation to arguing with a republican, maybe they will set a new precedent and shoot each other in robes, while arguing a point of law.
After dealing with this bunch of radical assholes, I'm not sure how conservative Roberts is these days either, between Thomas, Alito and the miscreants Trump appointed, it must be hard for reason to prevail. A similar situation to arguing with a republican, maybe they will set a new precedent and shoot each other in robes, while arguing a point of law.
they've completely and totally politicized the court, and embroiled it in and state are supposed to be separate, how can they be when religious zealots who are the equivalent of hardline shiite muslims sit on the bench? are public stonings coming next?
they've completely and totally politicized the court, and embroiled it in and state are supposed to be separate, how can they be when religious zealots who are the equivalent of hardline shiite muslims sit on the bench? are public stonings coming next?
Ya, after committing perjury to get confirmed with no consequence, is anything off the table? You all are in for a world of turmoil I fear. I was contemplating applying for a waiver this summer (been 22 years) but fuck that. Sadly I’d rather not visit now :(.
they've completely and totally politicized the court, and embroiled it in and state are supposed to be separate, how can they be when religious zealots who are the equivalent of hardline shiite muslims sit on the bench? are public stonings coming next?
As I said, gain a big enough majority and impeach the lot, replacing them with 20 somethings! Seriously, an impeachment inquiry on Thomas would probably lead to a timely retirement. Kavanagh wasn't properly vetted and it needs a redo, Alito's judgement and sanity can be legitimately inquired about too, then there is the matter of lying and deceiving the congress to get the job. Say ya knock off three for good cause.

While impeachment is a political process that needs 2/3 of the senate, an inquiry only requires a majority in the house. A justice who lied under oath would be in a though spot, so would Thomas with many uncomfortable questions to answer and lot's coming out about his lunatic and possibly criminal wife. If ya won in November by reasonable margin I wouldn't wait either, make it immediate and forgotten about by the next election. Naturally laws can be passed to protect a woman's rights and even to make it a crime for anybody to conspire to deny her those basic human rights, with mandatory minimum sentences for conviction. It's a consequence of losing a cold civil war these asshole have been waging on America for years.

Go after their media too with laws and regulations within the constitution, but broadcast bandwidth and signals running through wires are Uncle Sam's business too. Radio, TV and phones were regulated pubic services one of those obligations was to serve the public interests, lying, disinformation and hate speech are not free speech, that is about ideas. All things that come out of pie holes are not equal or without harm to individuals or the nation. With covid foxnews became a public health menace and accomplice to mass murder through stupidity on vaccines and masks. They were all vaxxed and masked at work off camera while spouting antivaxxer and antimask bullshit that killed people FFS.
The argument "this is my body" is unscientific crap when the fetus right away has its own unique genetic code that is separated from the mother by several barriers and it can be shown it's rather the fetus stimulating the womb via hormones to nurture it (akin to a parasitic relationship) and not that romantic self-styled womanistic fantasy of me, myself and I (give life) also discriminizing the important role of the man as absolutely essential genetic information contributor.
I mean seriously since when do democrats deny a scientific truths and what kind of woman feel the need to get pregnant when they don't really want it when preservation is there for 2 nickels?
Rights, rights, rights ego ego ego seriously some of the human rights need to be revamped as a view that says that a human life begins at birth is a relict of the cavestone ages!
The argument "this is my body" is unscientific crap when the fetus right away has its own unique genetic code that is separated from the mother by several barriers and it can be shown it's rather the fetus stimulating the womb via hormones to nurture it (akin to a parasitic relationship) and not that romantic self-styled womanistic fantasy of me, myself and I (give life) also discriminizing the important role of the man as absolutely essential genetic information contributor.
I mean seriously since when do democrats deny a scientific truths and what kind of woman feel the need to get pregnant when they don't really want it when preservation is there for 2 nickels?
Rights, rights, rights ego ego ego seriously some of the human rights need to be revamped as a view that says that a human life begins at birth is a relict of the cavestone ages!
That is not the way most people see it, if you want the kid, you carry it to term. No exceptions for rape and incest? Islam has more liberal and sensible abortion laws than American red states will. Her ego vs your ego in imposing your will and values on another. It's like the sex that created the situation, none of the state's business, however some consideration should be given to prohibiting or discouraging third trimester abortions. No freedom is absolute, but if abortion was so important, you would have thought Jesus would have mentioned it?
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The argument "this is my body" is unscientific crap when the fetus right away has its own unique genetic code that is separated from the mother by several barriers and it can be shown it's rather the fetus stimulating the womb via hormones to nurture it (akin to a parasitic relationship) and not that romantic self-styled womanistic fantasy of me, myself and I (give life) also discriminizing the important role of the man as absolutely essential genetic information contributor.
I mean seriously since when do democrats deny a scientific truths and what kind of woman feel the need to get pregnant when they don't really want it when preservation is there for 2 nickels?
Rights, rights, rights ego ego ego seriously some of the human rights need to be revamped as a view that says that a human life begins at birth is a relict of the cavestone ages!
the role of men can be reduced to an anonymous donor and a turkey cannot have children, they can be attached to a woman that can, but they don't have the right plumbing, and never will.
what does a fetus releasing hormones have to do with whether or not it is aware yet? sentient yet?
the thalamo-cortical complex that provides consciousness with its highly elaborate content, begins to be in place between the 24th and 28th week of gestation. up until then, a fetus doesn't think, merely reacts to stimulus.
as to what kind of woman gets pregnant instead of using contraception? who the fuck many are lied to? how many never got any education in the matter because their parents didn't want their sweet baby girl hearing that filth? well, that's what fighting sex education in public school gets you, mothers and children attend the same school at the same time...
My sister does contract work as an artist teaching kids for schools all over the province. She recently worked for one school off in our hinterland (who is who, Americans won't get the reference). One of the kids (bully) brought up sexual references and took control of it and did some (very limited) sex ed teaching. Seems these kids, even the ones that come off the farm know little about reproductive health. It seems ignorance is bliss the farther you get from the cities.