Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

. . . . . . . .Telling someone they aren't welcome in a public forum due to an affiliation with a party that 50% of the country supports is moronic. . . . . . . . .
What party would that be? 28/40/30 (red/ striped/blue) is the breakdown in the US.

And Rob puts himself out of the mainstream, we don't do it.
Now you are out of line, you were speaking of contracts for sex FFS and I proposed a more pragmatic solution to one aspect of this issue.

I'm pro choice and the issue of reproductive rights was settled in my country back in the sixties, these issues are are primarily an American problem, most of the civilized world has moved on. I try not to comment too much on American domestic affairs, but the Muslims have far more liberal abortion laws than most American states, or soon will. My interest is primarily the fight for liberal democracy whether that fight be in America or Ukraine. Liberal democracy means more groups and people are included in the social and power structure over time, including women, brown folks and LBGTQ communities too. All fascists pick on minorities and try to make them the "other", it is necessary to have an enemy to invoke tribalism.

Conflating parental financial responsibility with blaming a victim of incest, is a bit over the top.

Maybe out of line but not off topic.

The SCOTUS (possible) decision doesn't cover Incest or rape.

But remember that person is the one saying he will rape my daughter and did it for a laugh.
Talk about out of line. And there you are defending that person.
I imagine we will be mailing them out to women in states who violate their human rights. For a small amount of money Canadian organizations will send out the pills in plain wrapping, unless there is an American federal law. They will take out ads offering the service in some American national magazines and see if the states try to ban them. However the real service will be offered online, the ads are just to trigger the fanatics and get lot's of free publicity, some Foxnews coverage would be great! Yep I can see it now, there will be DIY abortion websites, YouTube channels and Facebook pages that they can advertise on.

The small states would not have joined the union without this protection. Both northern and southern small states. In those days the big boys were New York, Mass and Virginia, and everyone else were worried about them dictating what happened.

Oh yeah, you know it. It was skewed from the start.

Now we live in a construct where the people lose to MAGA types.
We just had an attempted Coup. An Attempt to destroy the USA that is still not over.

I am on the side of Freedom. I don't even understand how the Government got the right to force people to have children under penalty of law in the first place.
How is it that we are attempting to Curb the full power of the Government in regulating people's reproductive choices in the first place?
The Government shouldn't have a say in when people reproduce.

Also raping and incest should be a crime SCOTUS should be saying is against the law and they are not.
a sales piece for gay.
You know, I thought about that one when I was typing.

Gay folk are like "Ha ha ha ha" we already have too many people on the planet.

Also look at the States that will be forcing children to have children. They are not the sharpest (State) tools in the shed when all is said and done.
calumny! Liberators never carried nukes.
Hey, I live in a civilized country, we sorted out women's reproductive rights back in the last century, the more backward places on the planet will take a little while...

The American legal system has shown it's self to be a joke, yet again, another institution of democracy destroyed by religious fanatics and bigots. American women are casualties in bogus culture wars foisted on the weak minded by malicious people seeking money and power.
Hey, I live in a civilized country, we sorted out women's reproductive rights back in the last century, the more backward places on the planet will take a little while...

The American legal system has shown it's self to be a joke, yet again, another institution of democracy destroyed by religious fanatics and bigots. American women are casualties in bogus culture wars foisted on the weak minded by malicious people seeking money and power.
Even so, the B-24 was never a nuclear delivery platform.
I kinda figured that was obvious, so did the cartoonist, it was merely a visual metaphor. I don't think any historical revisionism or slights on B29's was intended.
It’s one of my bugbears. Like fictional spacecraft where “up” and “forward” are on different axes.
My sense of humor is dark, it's so funny how advanced our killing tech was vs delivery. Just roll that shit out the back.
You know, I thought about that one when I was typing.

Gay folk are like "Ha ha ha ha" we already have too many people on the planet.

Also look at the States that will be forcing children to have children. They are not the sharpest (State) tools in the shed when all is said and done.
This gay person has never entertained such a thought. I generally do not adopt “the culture” where one exists, like gay or motorcycles or weed. Exception: many H-D t-shirts.
Same to you. i didn't say anything about a ban. Im talking about your abusive "fuck off you piece of shit" and "have zero place here"

Telling someone they aren't welcome in a public forum due to an affiliation with a party that 50% of the country supports is moronic. How about you start enforcing the "equality, tolerance and unity" being preached as paramount by your party, otherwise its pretty hypocritical and there is no argument to be had here at all. An extremist is an extremist whether its right or left.
You are welcome here. I personally love to ridicule your type. There's a difference between being ridiculed and being banned but most of you aren't smart enough to know the difference. Words can be difficult when you aren't too smart.
You realize this is a public forum right? You have no right to dictate who can or can't inhabit strictly due to political affiliation. That is just juvenile. what happened to all the tolerance and equality being preached here? You have no right to remove 50% of the American population from communication protocols due to differing political ideology.

Everyone has a right to an opinion regardless of their political affiliation. If you don't like it, move on.

Welcome to "tolerance, equality and unity" in 2022. I don't agree with their views on abortion at all, but i'm not going to violently slander them and claim they should be banned from public discourse because of a difference in opinion. That is just childish.
I have the right to be intolerant of ignorant assholes. I don't have to sit silently when a Republican claims their false beliefs justify making women second class citizens.

Did you know that the SCOTUS majority opinion that will strike down Roe V Wade is based upon historical references that are not only wrong but are completely opposite from the truth? So, go ahead and side with them. The vast majority are completely within their rights to call you an ignoramus if you do. It wouldn't even be an insult. It would be a fair and accurate description.