Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Bet you she could do what she wanted with you then throw your ass out to the curb.
Her fantasy character could. The person behind could not eat panini. Gluten. I eat real bread in her (probable adjective denoting contempt) face!
Maybe showing them our dicks is the answer.

Just saying. #showboebertyourdick
i've been hoping that someone makes a REALLY good deep fake porno of her doing the worst shit with a whole room full of black guys...then distributes it world wide on the net...that would just make me laugh like a fucking hyena.
Its funny how those of you that say you are dem want to leave the states that are in because you are taxed to death or whatever else is your excuse is but then want to turn those states dem. When will you learn?
Its funny how those of you that say you are dem want to leave the states that are in because you are taxed to death or whatever else is your excuse is but then want to turn those states dem. When will you learn?
about the same time magat republicans learn that they're perpetuating racism, misogyny, and, a long time?
you think the reason people want to leave is high taxes?.....i'm sure you're couldn't possible have anything to do with the republican governors, senators, and representatives wanting to illegally gerrymander voting districts, take away the rights of EVERYONE who isn't a conservative white male, allow criminals to carry concealed weapons (i know they'll say they don't want criminals to have weapons, but they keep making it easier and easier for them to get them, so what are people supposed to believe?), wanting to infect our children with a disease that could be mostly prevented with the use of masks and SAFE, FREE, EASILY OBTAINABLE, i'm sure you're right, it's the taxes thing...
you think the reason people want to leave is high taxes?.....i'm sure you're couldn't possible have anything to do with the republican governors, senators, and representatives wanting to illegally gerrymander voting districts, take away the rights of EVERYONE who isn't a conservative white male, allow criminals to carry concealed weapons (i know they'll say they don't want criminals to have weapons, but they keep making it easier and easier for them to get them, so what are people supposed to believe?), wanting to infect our children with a disease that could be mostly prevented with the use of masks and SAFE, FREE, EASILY OBTAINABLE, i'm sure you're right, it's the taxes thing...
So when did California,NY and Michigan become Republican? Some of the shitiest states in the US are Democratic run. Yet you talk about Republicans taking your rights lmao. Let me guess its all trumps fault right?
So when did California,NY and Michigan become Republican? Some of the shitiest states in the US are Democratic run. Yet you talk about Republicans taking your rights lmao. Let me guess its all trumps fault right?
No, from before Trump. He just made it acceptable.
Glad I could ruffle so many feathers so quickly though. Have a blessed life guys, maybe get out of the house and see the word isn't as bad as you think it is.