Iron Labs Testing

moisture is pretty high doc. not knocking you at all. My impurities and molds went down to 0 after I started drying more thoroughly and started testing between 4 and 6% moisture. that was my personal sweet spot and still cured like I like it, moist and gooey like ripe hops.
whats with the molds and impurities?
moisture is pretty high doc. not knocking you at all. My impurities and molds went down to 0 after I started drying more thoroughly and started testing between 4 and 6% moisture. that was my personal sweet spot and still cured like I like it, moist and gooey like ripe hops.
OH, forgot-good job and doc greenthumb might get some $ from me soon with your results with them

I detailed it in my journal. I have been having a lot of health issues to deal with and i neglected my jars during the drying phase and paid the price. I still thought the potency results were worth showing even though it makes me look a little bad. Of course, half the people that would make a big deal about it don't have any idea how much mold they have smoked themselves. Sometimes you never know until you get it tested.
gotcha, I haven't seen many iron lab results, as not a lot of people care nor have the option for testing. im still waiting for a hermi free 9.5 week run so I can get 3 strains tested.
Impurities can be anything found in your sample, such as hair or fibers from clothing that may have come in contact with the flowers while growing or harvesting. We all know exactly how sticky fresh flowers are so you know every little bit of dust, hair, or anything will stick to them.

When you are a member at Iron Labs you get to see a more detailed report of the analysis that is not visible to the public which will actually describe the impurities. I have had several samples show impurities at the lab, mostly with clothing fibers that were so small they weren't visible to the eye without a microscope.

Good work Gruber, keep on growing and testing brother!
Impurities can be anything found in your sample, such as hair or fibers from clothing that may have come in contact with the flowers while growing or harvesting. We all know exactly how sticky fresh flowers are so you know every little bit of dust, hair, or anything will stick to them.

When you are a member at Iron Labs you get to see a more detailed report of the analysis that is not visible to the public which will actually describe the impurities. I have had several samples show impurities at the lab, mostly with clothing fibers that were so small they weren't visible to the eye without a microscope.

Good work Gruber, keep on growing and testing brother!

Thanks Huel!
Thats how I always thought of the "impurities" category. When i open the jar to weigh out a sample something could be floating in the air, or, when i hand the sample over to the tech he could have something on his clothes/hands that could stick to the buds. They are so small that it could come from anywhere and im guessing when we load up a bowl or roll a joint we get a lot of "impurities" along with it.
After seeing my boss wash his buds in a peroxide/water mix and not seeing adverse effect. I would just go that route if I ever had PM issues late into flower. If it's rot though your just fucked. I mean when you grow monster bus like Gruber, it's gotta be a challenge not to have those issues, especially when your health isn't 100%
Impurities can be anything found in your sample, such as hair or fibers from clothing that may have come in contact with the flowers while growing or harvesting. We all know exactly how sticky fresh flowers are so you know every little bit of dust, hair, or anything will stick to them.

When you are a member at Iron Labs you get to see a more detailed report of the analysis that is not visible to the public which will actually describe the impurities. I have had several samples show impurities at the lab, mostly with clothing fibers that were so small they weren't visible to the eye without a microscope.

Good work Gruber, keep on growing and testing brother!

Im curious to the 'highest' (THC) tested strain here in michigan......?

-most of the highest i have seen tested were in the low 20s%(?)

I have seen 26%-27%.....just not around here

anyone have any 'high test'....results?.....or whats the highest youve 'seen'...? ----not 'heard' unless it can be confirmed--

--impressive 'gruber'......consistent!:clap:

Im curious to the 'highest' (THC) tested strain here in michigan......?

-most of the highest i have seen tested were in the low 20s%(?)

I have seen 26%-27%.....just not around here

anyone have any 'high test'....results?.....or whats the highest youve 'seen'...? ----not 'heard' unless it can be confirmed--

--impressive 'gruber'......consistent!:clap:


Didn't Leaf Doctor have two strains over 27% that were in the cup?
Im curious to the 'highest' (THC) tested strain here in michigan......?

-most of the highest i have seen tested were in the low 20s%(?)

I have seen 26%-27%.....just not around here

anyone have any 'high test'....results?.....or whats the highest youve 'seen'...? ----not 'heard' unless it can be confirmed--

--impressive 'gruber'......consistent!:clap:


Iron Labs site allows anyone to sort the highest to lowest for any individual cannabinoid or total cannabinoids. All you have to do is look...
Iron Labs site allows anyone to sort the highest to lowest for any individual cannabinoid or total cannabinoids. All you have to do is look...

Never went on their site Huel....till today!.....thanks

And never saw any cannabis cup results....

Only thing i can say is the learning curve here is going horizontal.....finally-still lots to be learned for folks

I will:shock:look @iron labs test results.....on their site:eyesmoke:

Im always looking @sc labs in cali......since they are friends and were the first testing lab out there-

They have lots of high %.....even 31%!!

Some pretty impressive test results on their site.....
mich has a ways to go to catch up to western quality.....we're getting there tho

Still most of the 'meds' round here test out 'half' from out there....same meds(?) different %
Grower skilz.....
No Mold!

I talked to the Chemist at the lab and he told me that around 40% of the samples they get in summer time have mold. And thats from every level of grower.


This is a great example of why lab testing is absolutely crucial with CBD strains. I've seen lots of CBD strains grown from seed (mostly CBD Crew) that have results just like this, its proving to be pretty difficult to undo hundreds of years of man's selective breeding. It sucks that you didn't get the pheno you were probably hoping for but hitting just shy of 24% total cannabinoids is a pretty damn good alternative!