Iron Labs Testing

This is a great example of why lab testing is absolutely crucial with CBD strains. I've seen lots of CBD strains grown from seed (mostly CBD Crew) that have results just like this, its proving to be pretty difficult to undo hundreds of years of man's selective breeding. It sucks that you didn't get the pheno you were probably hoping for but hitting just shy of 24% total cannabinoids is a pretty damn good alternative!
Haha...thats exactly what I was thinking.
Nice scores again Dr.Gruber. Looks like you got testing for THC pretty much figured out. Was hoping you wouldn't mind sharing some of what you've learned along the way. :)
What's your process on selecting samples? Early Harvest? Extra close trim to make sure there isn't any stem attached to the bud? How do you think top buds would compare to buds in the middle or bottom of the plant?
Just looking for any info you care to share on your process. Thanks :)
Nice scores again Dr.Gruber. Looks like you got testing for THC pretty much figured out. Was hoping you wouldn't mind sharing some of what you've learned along the way. :)
What's your process on selecting samples? Early Harvest? Extra close trim to make sure there isn't any stem attached to the bud? How do you think top buds would compare to buds in the middle or bottom of the plant?
Just looking for any info you care to share on your process. Thanks :)

I don't have it all figured out yet but here is what i do.

Lets say your plant has a harvest window of 65 to 75 days. I look at the buds that are the next level down from the main cola as they seem to ripen first. Lets say there are 8 buds to choose from. I take 2 of those at 65 days and put a piece of tape around the stem with the date on it and leave the others alone. Then I take 2 at 70 days and 4 at 75 days,etc. Then i just pick a bud from each harvest date and have them tested.
So far, on almost every strain, the earlier dates have the higher numbers. It also helps to make sure they are around 8% moisture level but thats hard to figure out until you've done some testing.
One thing ive noticed is that the higher numbers don't necessarily mean i will like it better. Sometimes its the taste thats better, and sometimes i just like the more sleepy high from a longer harvest date.
It does help when you want to figure out the best harvest window for your particular strain and ailment.
I havent done any testing to see if buds from lower areas have higher numbers because they are not as ripe and it would be hard to compare. I would have to judge them based on trichcome color and pick them according to that and not dates.

And, i always do a nice trim before testing and expect the buds for fibers....which i never seem to find but they

Huel Perkins has done a lot of testing.....lets see if we can get him to chime in and explain his findings.
hey doc, ever wonder how the lab knows that the "trichomes are sessile/stunted due to stress"? I saw this on my last test from them and I wondered. mostly on the due to stress part.
hey doc, ever wonder how the lab knows that the "trichomes are sessile/stunted due to stress"? I saw this on my last test from them and I wondered. mostly on the due to stress part.

Yeah....that has always confused me. Especially when the grow had very little stress.
What kind of stress?
Had some outdoor triangle kush tested at iron labs 27.3% total 25.7% 9thc.

How do you get terpene percentage. Is that basically taking the 9thc number 25.7+1.6=27.3 so is 1.6 my terpene percentage?