Iron Labs Testing

My patience is growing old with this field and study , we know so little about Cannabinoids in general outside of the basic few cannabinoids that we test and know . Then there is the complexity involved as well within terpenoids and there interactions . At this point in the field I myself am only interested in CBD results as well as THCV and terpenoid profiles for personal and medical reasons, but I really want to know more about the effects and differences within the variables of cannabinoids and terpenoids in general . I sense though once we crack the code we will find that it too , has infinite possibilities and combinations to explore that will benefit us as a whole ............. Peace ..........PotSnob
yep, I'm with you prof. I search and search and look and look and read dry-ass papers and articles just to get the same rehash of info on a different website. Then I wonder if it'd be better if the feds allowed the big research companies to explore it and...I'm reminded of all the shit I saw being "researched" in my past life and how the reports were conducted and reported and I'm sure it won't be better. I think the slow progress of the fractured scientific community doing it for the knowledge on their own dime would/is still better than, or on par with, anything a big research group would do.
No I didnt. It was not visible to the naked eye and I could not taste or smell it. It may have only been in the one jar for all I know. I think it had just started molding so there still wasn't much formed.

Burn that whole crop. Dude that shits poison your smoking
just trying to understand you're post. blithering idiotdom is a serious condition sir; the exact reason I have my card in fact, so thank you for recognizing my condition. I'll try and use similarly kind terminology in addressing you and your chronic prickness.
:leaf: shoot an hr. 1 min late again-

don't think that's rare detroit...

likely one of the myriad rabble rousers from international cannagrumpic.
woo hoo, yet another thread going to the shitter. I feel like im back in middle school with all the name calling and bull shit lately. hey cash, take a few steps back you would. you haven't been here long enough to be a keyboard hero and calling people out over some dumb shit. kindly wait until you reach 100 like the other tools/trolls that frequent this forum.
woo hoo, yet another thread going to the shitter. I feel like im back in middle school with all the name calling and bull shit lately. hey cash, take a few steps back you would. you haven't been here long enough to be a keyboard hero and calling people out over some dumb shit. kindly wait until you reach 100 like the other tools/trolls that frequent this forum.

I thought that was pretty good advice.
I hope my post gets some attention and careful consideration. Please keep in mind I have no skin in the game and have never kept plants around with powdery mildew (PM plants grow like shit). I have always been a person who has asked why/how things work. Before the internet I would look up and read scientific journals in the university library for hours on end. I wanted to try to grow the ergot fungus but realized I would never have the proper equipment. Getting off on a tangent here but I'm hoping you'll stick with this.

There are 1.5 to 5 million species of organisms in the Kingdom fungi. The one thing that all these have in common is that their cell wall contains chitin.

General statements like mold is bad really have little value as it's such a broad statement. Even as you go down taxonomic levels to Order it would be the equivalent of saying that humans are poisonous because spiders have venom. Mold can be great even. Cheese and penicillin!

So to have a good discussion and be more specific lets just assume that we will from here on out be talking about powdery mildew ( of which there are many kinds, BTW).

Powdery mildew is very common plant pathogen that has been studied for years. So here is where I ask you to keep your mind open and just consider possibility of the following....please really consider it....powdery mildew is not harmful. No seriously wait. Don't call me a stupid asshole. Has there ever been a study that has shown it or it's spores to be harmful? Has there ever been a study showing that there are people that are sensitive to it? That it has harmed the sick, old, or young? Yes you can find plenty of anecdotes from people but I'm talking science here. There are organic tobacco growers that deals with the "it gets smoked though" issues.

I'm not advocating keeping PM cannabis around. I'm not advocating anything. I'm just a curious guy who has been around weed growing long enough to know there are many misconceptions that never get questioned.
Anyone have some science to show one way or the other?
Wow....are you guys Okay?

Of course nobody wants to smoke mold...but i can guarantee we all have and I think everyone is still alive. Unless you have every bud tested that you smoke, you will never know for certain.

And by the way...the moldy bud was burned. In pipes, joints and bongs.
mold =\= mildew

powedery mildew in rampant in your food crops. and it isnt harmful as he said.

it just isnt preferred. rly easy to take care of too.