Brevity, The Soul Of Wit!
New Member

History is calling Obama, but he is apparently deaf to it.
One would think that an American President would support the Iranian people in their quest for freedom, however Obama does not seem inclined to support this desire among freedom deprived Iranians.
How truly pathetic and sad.
The regime in Tehran, our enemy, is teetering on the brink of collapse. All it needs is a little push from the United States a strong statement of support for the Iranian people's revolt from the American president. The Iranian people may be able to do this for themselves, but they need our open exhortations of support and encouragement, coupled with some modest measures.....
I got some heat a while back for saying out loud that I think President Obama would rather see the regime prevail. Now here is a hinge moment, right there for the taking, and ... he is giving the regime exactly what it needs to hang on: his deaf ear to the protests and his dogged concession of the regimes legitimacy.
Obama who has spent most of his adult life, including his presidency, talking down America suddenly found it expedient to tell a hall full of cadets that America is the one nation that tends to the light of freedom, and justice, and opportunity, and respect for the dignity of all peoples. Did he mean it? I dont think so I think he says whatever he thinks he needs to say in the moment. But heres his big chance to prove me and others wrong. Far more importantly, it is his opportunity to do a tremendous service to our nation while moving Iran closer to the light of freedom he claims to be tending
Excerpts from:
What the hell is with this insanely common ego most Americans seem to have?
The Iranian people don't give a fuck what Obama has to say, or what America has to say for that matter, their freedom and democracy in Iran is not hinging on any of that stupid shit the tv keeps telling you.
Obama could support them or totally oppose them, it wouldn't mean a damn thing to the Iranian citizens who are fed up with their government.
Think about it.
Of course the opposition wanabees are going to want Obama to intercede, they do not have the strength to overthrow the current regime. In that part of the world, as we've seen in Afghanistan, the new regimes are just as bad as the old, they are corrupt, or religious, either is equally bad. We, The USA, cannot go around the world making countries in our image. We cannot afford it, either in Blood or treasure, and it makes our image out to be imperialistic. Better to (Accept defeat) as you would put it, (although I know not why, as the real defeat is in the misuse of our blood and treasure), and leave those countries to their own devices. Democracy is won by citizens of their own countries. It may take spilling blood, but it should be their own blood, not ours. I'm sure we have plenty of arms dealers that would be glad to arm their citizens, and if not us, the soviets have plenty of spare AK47s lying around in cases. Getting out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and all other muslim countries is the only answer to ending hatred against America, well that and ending our atrocious foriegn policy that protects our corporations and props up dictators accross the globe.Regime change without military force is not desirable??
I suspect that most Iranians would disagree with you.
The Iranian protestors are becoming frustrated with the lack of support from President Obama. A spokesperson for Mousavis organization has explicitly asked the U.S. to take the oppositions side, debunking the argument that doing so is not in the Iranian peoples interest.
The lesson to be learned from the round of nationwide protests that began on December 7 is well-articulated by Iranian dissident Amil Imani:
Even while continuing to pursue a negotiated resolution of the conflict over Irans nuclear program, Obama ought to express Americans solidarity with the democratic movement in Iran. The students there, playing on the meaning of Obamas name in Persian (hes with us), have been chanting to him: Either you are with us or you are with them. The right choice could not be more obvious
The London Times reported Monday that it had obtained "confidential intelligence documents" that "show that Iran is working on testing a key final component of a nuclear bomb."
Now, I want all those who stated in the beginning middle or end of this thread, that Iran was not building a bomb, but pursuing peaceful nuclear energy. i want all of you to raise ur hands in NAIVE SHAME... go ahead, I'll wait.
Cracker, ahead of the pack and not looking back.... cya.
The London Times reported Monday that it had obtained "confidential intelligence documents" that "show that Iran is working on testing a key final component of a nuclear bomb."
Now, I want all those who stated in the beginning middle or end of this thread, that Iran was not building a bomb, but pursuing peaceful nuclear energy. i want all of you to raise ur hands in NAIVE SHAME... go ahead, I'll wait.
Cracker, ahead of the pack and not looking back.... cya.
I love it!!!
The naive train ROLLS on!!!
Common sense is obviously ... not that common.
Americans believing more in the enemy than their own ppl.
why shouldn't iran have a nuclear weapon?
Here's the way I see it.Personally I don't think anyone should have nuclear weapons.
But I think Cracker, Wavels, and a few others would say because they're an unstable government with terrorist ties (not sure how our government doesn't fit that criteria to a T... but I guess that's another thread).
Sour kraut anyone? I like their beer...........mmmmm, german beer!Here's the way I see it.
Yes, a world without nuclear weapons would be wonderful. But they were developed. And they were going to be developed at some point. It was inevitable. And with them came a whole hell of a lot of good things, advances which we would not have without achieved nuclear technology.
But the genie has been let out of the bottle. And the U.S. spent two billion dollars to do it in WW II. As such it's our intellectual property; which gives us the authority to have a say in who gets to use it.
Before anybody starts saying the U.S. is evil for using the bomb to end the war much earlier that it would have ended otherwise, consider this. Had the Nazis followed through with their atomic program the world would look quite different today.
Intellectual property? lol c'mon Johnny you can do better than that! Hand over all your TV's etc we invented them!Here's the way I see it.
Yes, a world without nuclear weapons would be wonderful. But they were developed. And they were going to be developed at some point. It was inevitable. And with them came a whole hell of a lot of good things, advances which we would not have achieved without nuclear technology.
But the genie has been let out of the bottle. And the U.S. spent two billion dollars to do it in WW II. As such it's our intellectual property; which gives us the authority to have a say in who gets to use it.
Before anybody starts saying the U.S. is evil for using the bomb to end the war much earlier that it would have ended otherwise, consider this. Had the Nazis followed through with their atomic program the world would look quite different today.
But the inventor sold the patent. That technology was authorized to be used.Intellectual property? lol c'mon Johnny you can do better than that! Hand over all your TV's etc we invented them!
correct me if Im wrong Johnny but I dont believe nuclear science patents are/were given are/were they? Mr Smith hereby applies for a patent to safeguard the splitting of an atom!But the inventor sold the patent. That technology was authorized to be used.