CJ, I dont believe I have ever commented on Obama before and how safe or not the world is with him in charge. I personally would prefer a world with reagan and gorbachev!!! You will probably disagree but Putin is dangerous and he is the puppet master of an integral piece in the world game of chess. Why oh why did BUsh not let people know what was known about Qom then, he knew as well! Sarkosy is no fool but Im afraid Brown is a moron who should stick to book keeping, Cameron is hardly a replacement though!
I agree with you Woo. Give us back Reagan and Gorbachev. Bush had his faults but patriotism and trying to protect the US citizens was a true value he held. he may have stumbled in the war, but wars are like that. He made the adjustments, and all in all, he was there to win. That's always the key.
I don't see this now, and it's disturbing.
the jews are gonna put a hurting on the iranians and this conflict is gonna happin soon! lets see how obama will try and play this one out, cuzz obama dont got the jews back like bush did, or so it seems like this.
I dunno Chi. I certainly think Israel has been trying to set the stage of world opinion to justify the attack they may need to perform. There's a problem though. Obama's latest maneuvering at the U.N. is a roadblock for Israel. Obama is saying, look, we're handling it over here. I've got Russia on board (seemingly), and France, and England, and Germany.... hang on over there.
This practically guarantees Iran will get their nukes.
It's interesting that Obama has known all along and the public hasn't. Not complaining about anything security wise, I understand, but it sheds a bit more light on Obama's foreign policy.
Obama has known. He rebuffs England from the get go. Several times in fact. This is kind of funny, but at the UN, Gordon asked 5 times for a quick sit down alone with Obama and 5 times was refused.

Gordon had to chase Obama around and finally caught Obama in the UN kitchens. WTH??? Obama hates that guy!!
Anyway, Obama rebuffs Gordo, then appeases Iran's election results. He then scraps the missile shield program and seemingly as a return gesture the Russians are cooperating with "suggesting" sanctions. This gives Putin a huge victory at home, he looks swell and Obama gets what he wants....cooperation on Iran.
China is the wild card and is not going to go along with sanctions. They are supplying oil right now to Iran which already violates the current sanctions...

As you can see, it's a farce.....
That's the bad news.... sanctions may be the perfect solution....... for Iran. It works perfectly.
The Russians made huge profits in building the reactors. Think the Russians didn't visit that second enrichment plant when it was being built??

You bet they did...they helped build it!
So Russia plays Obama. It offers a carrot. We can control Iran. Drop the shield ( It sounds like a bad sci fi movie). Obama does. Russia backs the sanctions and PUBLICLY scolds Iran.
Meanwhile China keeps supplying Iran with what ever they need so any further sanctions are meaningless.
Obama then muzzles Israel by setting up this very PUBLIC team of nations and makes it assured that Israel will be completely isolated if they strike. Obama is saying... I won't have ur back if you attack.
The sanctions work perfectly for Iran. They now are guaranteed of no attack and they can complete their goal.
Obama is being played..... bottom line. It's going to affect us all.