No need to get all ignorant, I'm just being real. You can still keep your opinions and I'll keep mine.
I'm pro capitalism but I see whats wrong with the current system. And the top 100,000 people are most likely crooks anyways making thousands of times more than what they pay their employees. After a certain point they should retire, You don't need more than a billion dollars anyways, after that its just greed.
I don't think you have anything to worry about Max420 so stop complaining. This would keep the worlds powers in check and help distribute more wealth to the lower classes besides just the FILTHY rich getting richer.
Yes it would be a good deal for the people of the world. 99.999999999999.....% of the population would be better off that way. The top 100k people would be happy as a pig in poop, they would be at the apex of wealth and would have enough money to support MANY generations of their children from just the interest alone.
And BTW Cracker, don't worry about the Iranians. They would get blown to pieces if they ever tried to nuke another country so stop the irrational fearmongering. The USA has got it under control, actually they are just waiting to pull the trigger on them so they can use more of the tax payers dollars to pay for the military industrial complex services and set up central banks on the last countries that don't have it.