Iran kick off looking iminant?


New Member
I'm glad we have so many well-informed Iran-sympathists's too bad that even native-born Iranian people don't share the ignorant and un-informed beliefs held by some here.

If you think that Iran has essentially "done nothing wrong" or "not attacked anyone" you are flat out wrong. All you have to do is READ any one of the number of books that detail the actions of Iranian leadership.

What's it like to have absolutely no knowledge of a subject, yet feel so strongly about it?

Blissful ignorance?
could you tell us some examples you found? Instead of just being an internet badass..

I agree there is a lot wrong there politically from what I have read and there is atrocities that they commit against humanity especially as far as criminal punishments but I can't really think of any really horrible war crimes or something that should justify going to war to share with us?


Well-Known Member
Holding dozens of hostages for almost a year....

Just 1 off the top of my head.

Dont get me wrong, I am not interested in going to war with Iran, but they have given us plenty of reason to.


Well-Known Member
Holding dozens of hostages for almost a year....

Just 1 off the top of my head.

Dont get me wrong, I am not interested in going to war with Iran, but they have given us plenty of reason to.
I agree there is probably enough reason already, and it is easy enough to manufacture reason as we've seen many times. But the reason you cite, the hostage crisis, was over 30 years ago.


Well-Known Member
yep , it was along time ago , but we dont ever forget

im still pissed , i was a little kid trying to watch after school tv , but No
that shit was on every channel , and we didnt have alot of channels back then ! :D


New Member
im pretty sure that right now at this moment iran is holding americans positive we have been fighting against their soldiers in iraq for a decade......... not to mention the nut job over there threatening to blow us up .........................some guy lives across town says hes gonna whoop my ass im gonna be on the other side of the tracks pretty quick...............


New Member
im pretty sure that right now at this moment iran is holding americans positive we have been fighting against their soldiers in iraq for a decade......... not to mention the nut job over there threatening to blow us up .........................some guy lives across town says hes gonna whoop my ass im gonna be on the other side of the tracks pretty quick...............
we havent been fighting their soldiers in iraq for a decade dude...we never fought their soldiers IN iraq and it was a long time ago the thing your thinking of.


Well-Known Member
Obama is just waiting till it is near the elections and he will Nuke Iran so he can be president again...

You have got to hand it to that "Nobel Peace Prize" winner... He is a stone cold killer....


Well-Known Member
So I guess we are already at war with Iran, they just haven't let us know about it yet.
I guess at this point is is covert action and special ops
Weve been killing their scientists and blowing up their facilitys and supplys and pipe lines


New Member it..............
sure let me just hop in my time machine to the 1980s and call IRAN territory IRAQ territory to support his statement....

your supposed to actually google it yourself before you tell someone else to "google it" etiquette..


New Member
Obama is just waiting till it is near the elections and he will Nuke Iran so he can be president again...

You have got to hand it to that "Nobel Peace Prize" winner... He is a stone cold killer....
Shit I might even vote for him if he did that !


Well-Known Member
The economy is collapsing
I watched a show on NGC last night, about Hitler's early days. It was set in 1929-33. It was really spooky because it described the conditions that led to his rise, and it sounded an awful lot like what we are seeing today, globally. They're probably going to run it many more times. I think the title of the episode was "March To Madness" or something like that.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
could you tell us some examples you found? Instead of just being an internet badass..

I agree there is a lot wrong there politically from what I have read and there is atrocities that they commit against humanity especially as far as criminal punishments but I can't really think of any really horrible war crimes or something that should justify going to war to share with us?
Umm...Hezbollah? Manipulating the people (Palestinian, Lebanese, etc) by a terrorist proxy, and yet staunchly opposing a peace process that would totally remove the manipulated partys' reason for even cooperating is a great place to start. It's kind of messed up to say "hey, were with you in your fight, just don't ever want peace because WE wont allow it." I have read quite a bit on this issues' history - granted there are miscarriages by other players as well, but when you have the PLA and Israel ready to make peace agreements and VIOLA enter Hezbollah terrorist activities SPONSORED by Iran, intentionally to wrech the process, that's pretty damn fucked up.

I know an Iranian guy and he said the Americans are full of shit about what it's like over there.
Dude...your "first-hand" account is worthless. Where did you speak to this guy, in Iran? Why is he in Europe again? Because it fucking SUCKS to live in Iran. That's why.

Furthermore, I live where there are TONS of Persians...why? Because it fucking sucks to live in Iran...If they can leave, they do. Why?

Because it fucking sucks to live in Iran.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
sure let me just hop in my time machine to the 1980s and call IRAN territory IRAQ territory to support his statement....

your supposed to actually google it yourself before you tell someone else to "google it" etiquette..
Since when are you the enforcer of etiquette? Did I miss something?


New Member
sure let me just hop in my time machine to the 1980s and call IRAN territory IRAQ territory to support his statement....

your supposed to actually google it yourself before you tell someone else to "google it" etiquette..
when your right u dont have to google it ..............go look .........turn on the news.............educate yourself instead of being a dumbass w your anti america anti government guns bombs and even soldiers coming from iran thts a fact.............and your voting for ron paul? cause tht guys a retard


Well-Known Member
So I guess we are already at war with Iran, they just haven't let us know about it yet.
I guess at this point is is covert action and special ops
Weve been killing their scientists and blowing up their facilitys and supplys and pipe lines
Well, WE doesnt necessarily mean American troops. The Israeli's are in it for sure.