Interested in micro growing?

anyone growing and selling LEGALLY doesnt have much choice....which sucks!

This is a MED section after all lol
This is what I know
Someone needs to fill theses shoes
I love to grow
I hate my path in life (work wise)
What I wouldn’t give to wake up in the morning with a smile because I want to go to work, not I feel sick and I have to go to work.
I don’t even care about being rich, if I’m happy and I can keep a roof over my family n food for them. I’ll sell the Audi, I’ll sell the bikes n toys .

The older I get , the less $$$ has meaning to me . I want to be happy .
This is what I know
Someone needs to fill theses shoes
I love to grow
I hate my path in life (work wise)
What I wouldn’t give to wake up in the morning with a smile because I want to go to work, not I feel sick and I have to go to work.
I don’t even care about being rich, if I’m happy and I can keep a roof over my family n food for them. I’ll sell the Audi, I’ll sell the bikes n toys .

The older I get , the less $$$ has meaning to me . I want to be happy .
im not telling you , not to do it.
make money...but as I said Thats got zero to do with being medical
Just giving another side is all.
I have been “picking cotton” and destroying my body to be in a position that I can say.
I got no bills , I got retirement locked down (if I live that long) Im ready for a change .
then enjoy growing for yourself and get rid of some if ya want lol
same old same old

why do something you like for WORK lol it'll just kill it ............having to do it..
then enjoy growing for yourself and get rid of some if ya want lol
same old same old

why do something you like for WORK lol it'll just kill it ............having to do it..

I have to do it aways , I’m helping my family and they can not afford meds out of pocket, I don’t want to see them in pain or on oxy .
Took me 10 years to get them to stop thinking pills pills pills , (but I do have to put it in pills for my gdad) but I made it start to finish. And being able to tell him , has never once been pesticide or chemicals on the buds , made with only natural n the best ingredients, still doesn’t even begin to pay him back. Sense I got him on board , I crop every 2 weeks none stop for the past yr . It’s a job , still love it .
No I’m not, I’m looking for passionate experienced potential owner operators interested in Sharing the fruits of their labor, while making a buck or two. This would be an opportunity to be your own boss and to follow your passion legally. Not a job,

I'm not condemning or endorsing your offer. I have no opinion at this point. Just listening. But I will say, it's nice of you to offer this possible situation to folks. I haven't investigated your proposal all that carefully. So NO opinion is being made by me.
I just wanted to tell you I feel if this were something someone would want, it is VERY decent of you to want to get someone hooked up. Bravo!

In reality if someone does take you up on this, Lawyers will be needed large time.....very costly. There is no way this complicated buyer/operator agreement would be simple. It would need to be drafted up in very specific terms in order to protect all parties. Not a simple task in my mind. Can be done....but NOT cheap.