Insomniacs anonymous


Well-Known Member
Stilnox and temaz! :lol: those sound like they could kill you :spew:

Sux though dude I feel yah. :?
thanks man

stilnox yeah umm they dont agree with some ppl ehy.... people have woken up done the stupidest shit apparently gone back to sleep and dont remember doin shit.

temaz = temazapam... these are nothing special i find they just help me relax a little bit kinda like valium.... they help when my pain killers tweak me out a bit too lol... but in all honesty i take these every now and then through the day to keep my migrains down.. my doctor said its ok... but i guess they might be strong for some ppl.

stilnox normally works but theres the odd occasion where it doesnt :(


Well-Known Member
I have a questions. I'm a night owl. I could drag ass all day but comes 10pm-11pm I'm bug eyed.
It appears that my natural sleeping schedule is 3am-11am(central time) when ever I get the chance.

So my question is, if I moved to the east cost, my internal clock would remain the same?
I would gain two hrs, so my natural sleep schedule on the east cost would be 1am-9am?
So if someone can't sleep at night, move to the other side of the world and your sleeping schedule would be normal?


New Member
I have a questions. I'm a night owl. I could drag ass all day but comes 10pm-11pm I'm bug eyed.
It appears that my natural sleeping schedule is 3am-11am(central time) when ever I get the chance.

So my question is, if I moved to the east cost, my internal clock would remain the same?
I would gain two hrs, so my natural sleep schedule on the east cost would be 1am-9am?
So if someone can't sleep at night, move to the other side of the world and your sleeping schedule would be normal?
thats a damn good question
Hey there i myself think i suffer from insomnia im 18 and really have problems sleeping. i smoke purples and that really helps. thing is when i dont smoke i stay up all night and jus sit there browsing the web and constantly thinking. when i smoke i sit there and i actually meditate and jus relax and i fall asleep. Im not sure if i suffer from insomnia but from what i know is that the purples really work for me. if anyone else here suffers like me or knows what im suffering thru message me and let me know.thanks.


Well-Known Member
damn man that sucks, do you watch tv when you go to sleep that the only way i can go to sleep.... I'll watch an old movie or something semi interesting and smoke a big bong hit and just lay there and drift off into sleep.:peace:
That's exactly what I do except instead of watching an old movie I'll watch something boring as fuck like the eukenuba dog show on animal planet lol.

Normally I can't sleep worth a damn, I'll lay in bed for at least 4-5 hours until I actually fall asleep but recently I've been sleeping pretty well. probably won't last though.

I have a questions. I'm a night owl. I could drag ass all day but comes 10pm-11pm I'm bug eyed.
It appears that my natural sleeping schedule is 3am-11am(central time) when ever I get the chance.

So my question is, if I moved to the east cost, my internal clock would remain the same?
I would gain two hrs, so my natural sleep schedule on the east cost would be 1am-9am?
So if someone can't sleep at night, move to the other side of the world and your sleeping schedule would be normal?
Fuck dude I thought of that when I was 15, my dad was cracking up at me but I was serious

grow space

Well-Known Member
yep-i use my sweet MJ as well 4 medical reasons and for just some relaxation.Im pretty young compared to ya all old time super duper smokers, but i have a back left side is a lil, a lil bit bigger than the other half(NO-its not noticable).pott eases the pain.Im going to live the end of my life with that prob"doc sayed, and I sayed"Then i smoke pot with relief till the end of my life!!!!

Stay safe ya all...


Well-Known Member
figured we could use are own thread. i have RLS. so they say. i think it might be nerve damage in my back. i've had a few brutal falls on the tail bone. now when i sit for more than a few minutes i get bad back pains. at night these pains travel from my lower back and shoot out throughout my body. then there's the itching and twitching. i'll be awaken, just as i slip into sleep, by the smallest most irritating itch on my earlobe. WTF? then i start to drift off again and my foot starts to hurt so i have to move it. then my eyebrow itches....... could be residuals from my meth days. they have put my on severals meds including clonipin. i prefer the pot. it has the least side effects and provides the most reliable relief for me. :peace:
there's nerver been a more suitable candidate for a prop 215 card hope u live in California cause sum good ganj will do you rite...:weed:


Well-Known Member
i was up until 3 then awoke this morning at 8. i'm getting ready to go blow some glass now. after 2 more pots of coffee. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I'll prolly be up late 2night. I can always feel it b4 hand. Like I feel tired right now so that means I'm gonna be awake all night watching movies and thinking what's in store for 2morrow. The mind can love you or hate you, most nights I rage war trying to go to sleep.
90% of the time I lose...


Active Member
Suffer from severe chronic PTSD... and some nights are a real bastard.... but since I have upped the MJ use and laid off some of the other meds I am getting better sleeps and many nights I sleep thru the nightmares.... fuck how i hate waking up in a cold sweat reliving the shit..... I am lucky I got my med license for another condition and the side effects are positive for me... unfortunately regulators and alot of physicians just won't explore the real rational safe alternatives....


Well-Known Member
I used to have some bad insomnia problems.I never actually got diagnosed with anything though.When I was 16 an 17 I would sleep until like 5 or 6 and stay out until 9 the next morning.
To beat it I just stayed up for 2 days straight and just went to bed at a reasonable time and was fine from there.