Insomniacs anonymous


Damn how have I missed this thread for so long? Anyway big insomniac. So far tonight ive only taken 2 lunesta but they don't do shit and I hate the way it makes me feel in the morning "girl says im grumpy as hell" and when I have no bud there about no shot of me getting more than 4 hours of sleep.


Well-Known Member
RLS and insomnia, even after the bullshit cognitive therapy.

I go with it a lot of the time, but when I need sleep I thank all that is right for good Cannabis and hookahs.


Well-Known Member
I just got prescribed Trazodone generic for desyrel for insomnia. Is this shit any good? I've been having a hard time falling asleep. How is for getting fuckered up?


Well-Known Member
Man...I haven't had any sleep problems in the past month or so *knocks on wood*...I used to fall asleep around 8 PM, wake up at 12, struggle to sleep until 3 and wake up at 5. So, 5 hours TOTAL was fucking horrible.


Well-Known Member
they tryed that shit with me to i felt so wierd dizzy and weak it sucked so bad. i got the 50mg ones.


Well-Known Member
ever get clododine not shore about the spelling but its the shit that drops your blood presure that also suck lol. all i need is a nice strong indica and it's sweet dreams.


Active Member
i used to have some insomnia problems because i smoked so much pot, but i fixed it by smoking more pot, and getting a temperpedic mattress. Now I just pass the hell out whenever Im near my bed.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
My mom has riding a bike in her sleep.They have natural supplements for it now.
figured we could use are own thread. i have RLS. so they say. i think it might be nerve damage in my back. i've had a few brutal falls on the tail bone. now when i sit for more than a few minutes i get bad back pains. at night these pains travel from my lower back and shoot out throughout my body. then there's the itching and twitching. i'll be awaken, just as i slip into sleep, by the smallest most irritating itch on my earlobe. WTF? then i start to drift off again and my foot starts to hurt so i have to move it. then my eyebrow itches....... could be residuals from my meth days. they have put my on severals meds including clonipin. i prefer the pot. it has the least side effects and provides the most reliable relief for me. :peace: