Insomniacs anonymous


Well-Known Member
I'll prolly be up late 2night. I can always feel it b4 hand. Like I feel tired right now so that means I'm gonna be awake all night watching movies and thinking what's in store for 2morrow. The mind can love you or hate you, most nights I rage war trying to go to sleep.
90% of the time I lose...
hehe i know what you mean its a draggy sorta head fuck that somehow keeps you awake go figure.. well at least for me it is.

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
I always thought I had insomnia, just because I was ignorant to the fact that there actually is a real condition for what I deal with... so I started looking insomnia up on the internet to see if muscle spasms in my legs, random twitches, or feelings of bugs crawling on me could be treated by something - all of these only occur when I lay down to sleep... ended up finding out about RLS and seeing all of the above as definite signs for it. I need to have a chat with my doctor because apparently if you do have RLS it increases the chance of a heart attack or stroke (can't remember which) by like 60% or something... There were plenty of nights in school where I would go to bed around 1pm and not fall asleep till 6 and only get like 3 hours of sleep... was awful.


Active Member
even if its 5am and i just stay up through the next day i wont end up falling asleep much faster 4+ tylenol pm will sometimes work but then i usually wake up to go to the bathroom from it and cant go back to sleep one time i woke up to go to the bathroom like a zombie from it and i wanted a smoke and lit a magazine on fire i snapped out of it and put it out tho it was smokeing i try not to take them anymore unless i have a really bad headache and bongloads arent working the lucid dreams have been pretty fun lately some nice shoot outs most of the time my brain just wont shut off i guess it could be from ritalin or adderall when i was a kid or maybe i really did and still have problems lol my wife can fall asleep mid sentence and doesnt mind the tv on so im either laying in bed with it quiet or looping it on something else hopefully all the reading here has sunk in and next grow will help my insomnia pot is the only thing that really helps me with the least harmful side effects


Well-Known Member
Those ribs look delicious :)

It's 4:28 am and now I can't go back to sleep

I got the munchies but I'm too lazy to move :\


Active Member
it affects my work. if i don't medicate i too will go sleepless for days. i get so tired my mind starts spinning and i just can't relax. this has been going on for over 10 years. i've tried it all. exercise, diet, pills, herbs,...... i can usually fall asleep after reading in bed. i lay down with a book and read until i drop the book. most nights i get in a chapter or 2. sometimes i read a book in 2 days. i can usually tell after 10 mins if i'm gonna sleep or not. until then i never know. i will fall half asleep on the couch but by the time i get to bed i'm wide awake. once i do fall asleep i get one shot. once i wake that's it. there's no going back to sleep for me. i just can't do it. it all sucks. i love sleeping.
HOLY SHAT MAN I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM only thing is medical MJ ain't legal here so that suck's and i'm young so my MD is hesitant to give me anything too strong. i've got serious back problems 2 rods 6 screws a bone graph off my hip and i ripped my intestines all up i got into a really bad car wreck .:confused:what to do what to do :peace: and hopefully tonight will be a good night for u all


Active Member
after a car crash I couldn't sleep for years.six months ago a friend said take this oz of blueberry kush.take 3 puffs around 9 and nighty night.I recommend it to anybody im living proof it works! thank god for mary jane!!


Well-Known Member
after the time I've been in car accidents the mix between silver have & pain killers always knock me rite out.Mj is the perfect sleeping medicine


Well-Known Member

FUCKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!• 5:22AM, I can't take this shit! I been smoking this bud to help me fall back but its not working tonight!:|

Time to smoke another bowl :)