Insomniacs anonymous


New Member
Fdd..I didn't know you had a son.:mrgreen:
i love my son. he just popped awake, "dude, dude, dude", what son? "those bones, you put, bones, those little ones, dude, dude......" hella funny. he was wide awake yet still asleep. i kissed him and said i loved him. he's snoring now.


New Member
Yeah I don't sleep great either. That's why you will often see my posts in the middle of the night. I usually only sleep about 4 or 5 hours a night. I have tried nytol and stuff like that BUT I hate the drug hangover you get the next day. Right now I have my parents over for the weekend and I can't sleep. My day is sleeping on the couch snoring away.:?:roll:


Well-Known Member
figured we could use are own thread. i have RLS. so they say. i think it might be nerve damage in my back. i've had a few brutal falls on the tail bone. now when i sit for more than a few minutes i get bad back pains. at night these pains travel from my lower back and shoot out throughout my body. then there's the itching and twitching. i'll be awaken, just as i slip into sleep, by the smallest most irritating itch on my earlobe. WTF? then i start to drift off again and my foot starts to hurt so i have to move it. then my eyebrow itches....... could be residuals from my meth days. they have put my on severals meds including clonipin. i prefer the pot. it has the least side effects and provides the most reliable relief for me. :peace:

I used to be a heavy pro-am skateboarder/snowboarder. Living on the Rim of MT.Hood in Oregon, and next to some of the greatest skateparks in the NW. My life growing up was always extreme, excessive sports.

few years ago i had a fat wreck on the side of the MT.

Caused my spine to stretch and combine together with force that ruptured a disc, slipped another. Jammed both of my S.I joints in my lower back completely together, caused scaring of tissues and cartiladge by my Sacrum.

Now i'm in a whole world of fuck.
anyway, i used to get heavy medication.(I just turned 18 ) recently my parents let me grow in my loft (hence why im here) yup.

As far as Insomnia, yeah. I sleep maybe 30 hours a week total.

Shooting pains in my legs lower back, loss of mobility in my legs prevent me from making it up my stairs and into my loft, continual numbness and pins and needles.

Can be fucked up. But hey, now i can grow:hump:


Well-Known Member
yeah....well nyquill doesn't work as well as it used to...*sigh* i really don't want to go back to the sleeping pills. the morning after always sucks.:wall:


Well-Known Member
oh my mind goes into fucking overdrive when i try to sleep. i can't stop thinking about every and anything. i got ambien. it'll knock me out but only for so long and when i wake up...ugh it sucks. so i pretty much stopped taking it. nyquill worked...for a i need something new.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you have the same prob as me. I like Unisom. It actually gets me to sleep without that crappy feeling the next day.


Well-Known Member
Xanax works for me but if u don't want to go the drug route, Do a real intense work-out everynite b4 bed. You'll be so exhausted that you'll just pass out.


Well-Known Member
working out doesn't work for me. i have ambien but i've already taken it twice this week...i don't want use it again.