Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

I thought part of the appeal for growing autos would be you could stagger your harvests as they all grow under the same light conditions? Would make a perpetual grow pretty easy wouldn’t it? Although I suppose you still have to negotiate humidity differences for veg and flower somewhat..
Well i do grow perpetually. Im just lucky the way the last run finished within a few weeks of each other ...mostly. i still have that 1 WW. Thank goodness its only a few days left. I just managed to start 6 at once this time instead of switching out 1 or 2 at a time. Im sure itll all change up with the finishing times. Im running 3 different strains from 70/30 I/S to about 50/50. A couple look sativa leaning so probably take weeks longer. It will be nice to have a ( hopefully) bigger harvest. Youre right about the trim jail. Its sometimes a happy burden, but sometimes you get plants that make you wanna say screw it. I am trying to talk the wife into a bowl trimmer. Probably will end up with another set of knockoff Fiskars. lol.
I think they are going to fill out.. I’ve got all my fingers and toes crossed. If it does it will be one of the most spectacular grows I have ever seen.


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Looking really good to me. Especially considering how much theyve had to rebound. Im sure youll get a nice fat harvest like usual. Theyve went crazy since your last pics! My 6 little plants would vanish in that jungle. lol. Just...Wow. :o
Speaking of my little garden, i have been doing alot. I noticed yellowing and spots on a couple and correctly diagnosed as a calcium deficency. A couple doses of Cal-mag and some Recharge fixed everything up. I have been aggressively LSTing and the other day snapped the mainstem of my best plant completely in half. I have had luck with tape before so i patched her up and so far shes doing well. If it doesnt last then ill have 6 FAT tops instead of 12. Could be worse. All plants except 1 are getting sparkly with trichomes on top. The other 1 being a week behind hasnt yet but is looking great. I chopped the last WW the other day and im pretty sure ill get the last couple zips to make my elbow last run. Either way its my personal best and not bad from a 2x4 especially considering a couple plants didnt produce much. I wish i had more space but with these babies finishing so fast, I keep plenty enough for us.


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Mate! They look great.. and nice job spotting the calcium def, I’m always nervous when correcting an issue.
I love the use of pipe cleaners for LSTing also.. might have to steal that one off you.
I feel for you with the mainstem snapping… ouch, I like to supercrop here and there and inevitably end up snapping rather than bending somewhere.. plants are pretty forgiving tho..
Fuck me, what a night. My kid decided to eat a full packet of carsick tablets yesterday. Ended up in hospital all day and night with her full on tripping balls.. I wasn’t expecting to have to deal with that until she was a teenager.. not 8.
poor kid handled it like an absolute champ tho, scary fucking shit tho.
At one point she said “I really like the golden orbs they have up there near the Ferris wheels.. you wait here and stand guard while I upgrade my armour”
Wheee.. I’m just so lucky it’s not toxic to her organs and she’s going to be ok.
Have currently got in the room.. Blue dream, Jack Herer Auto, sky walker O.G and some Gelato.
am having fun with the RDWC setup, just a homemade job but happy with it so far, has taken me a lot more tweaking to get it where I’m happy tho.. was amazed at how differently the plants act with different ph levels..I used to keep everything around the 5.5 margin but these ones really didn’t like it until I got them up around 6+ then boom.
I made a dwrc as well. Make sure you inspect all your fittings after this grow, your pumps, clamps, everything. Unless your using SS hardware, or no metals submerged then your probably going to be fine. Within one grow I had a fair share of oxidations on almost all of my fittings. Haven't gotten around to replacing anything, frankly Ill probably just buy a setup when i get back into the RDWC game.
Fuck me, what a night. My kid decided to eat a full packet of carsick tablets yesterday. Ended up in hospital all day and night with her full on tripping balls.. I wasn’t expecting to have to deal with that until she was a teenager.. not 8.
poor kid handled it like an absolute champ tho, scary fucking shit tho.
At one point she said “I really like the golden orbs they have up there near the Ferris wheels.. you wait here and stand guard while I upgrade my armour”
Wheee.. I’m just so lucky it’s not toxic to her organs and she’s going to be ok.
Omg! Dramamine overdose at 8? Shit. We used to eat them in detention in high school. 6 pills for 6 hours ,slept the day away. Id freak out too if my little guy did that. Its always scary when theyre talking out of their head whether meds or fever. Hope she gets well soon!
I made a dwrc as well. Make sure you inspect all your fittings after this grow, your pumps, clamps, everything. Unless your using SS hardware, or no metals submerged then your probably going to be fine. Within one grow I had a fair share of oxidations on almost all of my fittings. Haven't gotten around to replacing anything, frankly Ill probably just buy a setup when i get back into the RDWC game.
Thanks mate, I used all plastic fittings.. I ended up canning the DWC and ended up just recirculating top feed over clay balls.
want to go back to RDWC tho at some stage
Omg! Dramamine overdose at 8? Shit. We used to eat them in detention in high school. 6 pills for 6 hours ,slept the day away. Id freak out too if my little guy did that. Its always scary when theyre talking out of their head whether meds or fever. Hope she gets well soon!
Hyoscine Hydrobromide is the active.. she ate 12 adult doses. o_O
Hyoscine Hydrobromide is the active.. she ate 12 adult doses. o_O
Geesh. Glad shes ok. Nothing like a child emergency to shake you up. I read that that drug is made from scopolamine part of the nightshade family. Christ man, i bet she was tripping. Scary stuff. I dont think we can get that here. A good thing as these fools where i live would be taking a fistfull on purpose.
Geesh. Glad shes ok. Nothing like a child emergency to shake you up. I read that that drug is made from scopolamine part of the nightshade family. Christ man, i bet she was tripping. Scary stuff. I dont think we can get that here. A good thing as these fools where i live would be taking a fistfull on purpose.
Christ.. scopolamine, I have heard that name before. Nasty stuff.
Finished drying and trimming the last WW from last run. That thing was in a 2 gallon bucket and it still ended up giving me 3 zips 2 g. Less than an 1/8 of larf. Final weight for the run is over 17 zips so i nailed my goal. 480g ÷ 400w=1.2 gpw. I know others could get alot more but its my personal best. And none of the plants were homely either. My friends have said that the Hubbabubbahaze x Livers bx1 is my best yet. It definately has an old school taste and smell and is much more Indica leaning than i woulda thought. Overall a great run for me. This current run is progressing rapidly. All the Grape Crush are covered in frost. Even the fan leaves on top are frosty. The others are progressing nicely but more slowly. Gonna be another staggered harvest but honestly I kind of like it that way as trim jail isnt as intense and i have something fresh popping off every few weeks. Hey man, post up some pics of yours soon. I need some inspiration. I see your plants and realize how much farther there is to go and how much more i have to learn. ( bud porn has nothing to do with it, lol). Peace!
Finished drying and trimming the last WW from last run. That thing was in a 2 gallon bucket and it still ended up giving me 3 zips 2 g. Less than an 1/8 of larf. Final weight for the run is over 17 zips so i nailed my goal. 480g ÷ 400w=1.2 gpw. I know others could get alot more but its my personal best. And none of the plants were homely either. My friends have said that the Hubbabubbahaze x Livers bx1 is my best yet. It definately has an old school taste and smell and is much more Indica leaning than i woulda thought. Overall a great run for me. This current run is progressing rapidly. All the Grape Crush are covered in frost. Even the fan leaves on top are frosty. The others are progressing nicely but more slowly. Gonna be another staggered harvest but honestly I kind of like it that way as trim jail isnt as intense and i have something fresh popping off every few weeks. Hey man, post up some pics of yours soon. I need some inspiration. I see your plants and realize how much farther there is to go and how much more i have to learn. ( bud porn has nothing to do with it, lol). Peace!
I don’t know about that CP, we are just doing different volume.. your stuff all looks beautiful.
mine still looks pretty mental this grow.. it seems to be filling out after the accidental re-veg but still not sure how it’s going to end up.
Im thinking a month on the Grape Crush. The others are looking to be a bit longer. The GC is very greasy and absolutely reeks of blueberries not grapes. The side lighting is pumping up the lowers. I still cant believe theyre only a tad over 50 days.


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