injunction/court case updates

While in BC I visited 4 CC's and all were run by extemely nice, knowledgeable, professional, clean staff. I mean just look at the youth today. If you dont have a tattoo or piercing you look outta place. That look is the new norm. When I was a kid 1 in a hundred had that punk look.. now 1 in a hundred dont. Have you seen those big discs they put in their earlobes? Fuck I am getting old.
i completely agree. when i was young, the only people who had tattoo's were badasses or guys in the Navy. it was rebellion for me but now the way to rebel is not having them...everyone has ink these days. i am sorry i got one now because it's the "norm" and I don't like that
as for old-I was talking to some people at work and when I mentioned Led Zeppelin-they said who?? that one hurt!
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i completely agree. when i was young, the only people who had tattoo's were badasses or guys in the Navy. it was rebellion for me but now they way to rebel is not having them...everyone has ink these days. i am sorry i got one now because it's the "norm" and I don't like that
as for old-I was talking to some people at work and when I mentioned Led Zeppelin-they said who?? that one hurt!
Who's the " Zep "......creatons..........