injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
Well if this Israeli guy is going to visit devil tilray's Phillipe Loucas we know where he stands -
For corporate takeover of medical patient rights.
Tilray really likes having vets as patients because our government pays for the vets pot
Yet our government also knows where tilray bought their initial stock from
And did nothing about it, unless their rcmp investigation of tilray yields results??

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Well if this Israeli guy is going to visit devil tilray's Phillipe Loucas we know where he stands -
For corporate takeover of medical patient rights.
Tilray really likes having vets as patients because our government pays for the vets pot
Yet our government also knows where tilray bought their initial stock from
And did nothing about it, unless their rcmp investigation of tilray yields results??
This is why I Am always on to buy else where. these lp would like nothing better than us forced not to grow. I HAVE SAID THIS ALL ALONG AND GOT CRAP FROM LP BUYERS FOR IT. But i know if you make them stronger by purchasing their schwagg they will have a better shot at you going down.
Anyone ever heard me say .....BOYCOTT ...BOYCOTT....BOYCOTT
This is why it says so below in my sig line can't be on both sides of the fence at the same time.
Either you can grow now or want to in the future, so buy from anywhere else just to protest....or if you buy from the LP's.... they got ya and will forever after. If you patronize them you are screwing your own chances.
No LP's = No MMPR and you get to grow maybe.
Buy CC....better prices, better service, better slection, better chance at you growing your own....for all of us.
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Well-Known Member
Didn't catch the tillweed tour ..
You can see that the defense will use the bad system as a guideline but without the Israeli take on the way the system should be set up is all. They have issues as well we can draw from and make much better, :lol: ;)
Our Feds should pay for the sick if they want a high priced system to push the sick out.
It has to be the same or better than what the sick already have themselves.


Well-Known Member
It won't drag on forever...just till the election. The judge may be limited in what he can do, like ordering HC to fix things, but simply restoring possession limits and the ability to move our gardens in the short term is not going to fly. There are still all those patients who were excluded because of dates or were forced into the mmpr that can't afford their medicine and will continue to be denied access. They will have a legit discrimination argument.
Take HC out of the equation all together. They have proven repeatedly that they are not capable of developing or administering a mmj program that meets the needs of patients. I do not need to reveal personal details to HC for any other medical treatment or drug, why am I forced to give up my privacy to improve my quality of life? That will be the next hurdle. Why can it not be as simple as going to a doctor, getting a script and either buying or growing some medicine? I can have a 60 day supply of oxy's from a doctor by noon today if I wanted and I don't need HC's permission for that, but they get to decide if I can have a plant?


Well-Known Member
It won't drag on forever...just till the election. The judge may be limited in what he can do, like ordering HC to fix things, but simply restoring possession limits and the ability to move our gardens in the short term is not going to fly. There are still all those patients who were excluded because of dates or were forced into the mmpr that can't afford their medicine and will continue to be denied access. They will have a legit discrimination argument.
Take HC out of the equation all together. They have proven repeatedly that they are not capable of developing or administering a mmj program that meets the needs of patients. I do not need to reveal personal details to HC for any other medical treatment or drug, why am I forced to give up my privacy to improve my quality of life? That will be the next hurdle. Why can it not be as simple as going to a doctor, getting a script and either buying or growing some medicine? I can have a 60 day supply of oxy's from a doctor by noon today if I wanted and I don't need HC's permission for that, but they get to decide if I can have a plant?
I have to agree with Raider. I have said in the past and continue to say that regardless of the outcome this will drag on for years.
I say this based on the history of Court decisions and demands made of HC to make changes, and how HC responds.
HC will appeal everything, delay, and implement the bare minimum.

It takes time for change. Small steps. We are moving forward though.

I tell you what moves change faster though...having some patients (martyrs?) get arrested and go to trial. If cases get into court it speeds things up. Why do you think there have been no charges and trials for concentrates over the last year?
You think the feds want to go to court with a home grow cultivation charge of 12 plants with a patient?....No way, they know they will lose. Better for them to not lay the charges.
I've said this over a year ago...the best thing to happen is to get a few volunteers to be demanded to be arrested and go to court.