yes well we all can learn a thing or two,,,I know because I went to medical school and actually learned how to properly vet scientific studies unlike you who are limited to throwing childish insults and do not understand the need for doing research. I can also give an anecdotal account of my own. It also means exactly nothing as do your specious assumptions.
I worked with a Ph.D. Organic chemist (who is also on this site), to produce extract and I was taking 2 grams/day of that extract for neuropathic pain. During that time I developed Basal Cell carcinoma and applied it topically. It did nothing.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Now you are dismissed, go play on the freeway and relieve the gene pool of another Darwin Award candidate.
just like I taught my GP and his wife who is one as well....who would never think this is possible.
so join the club.

cheers so sure ears!

ps Try another strain!
I have a video showing basal cell going away off of my face (in five weeks time)and is what convinced my GP to sign my papers. after all

Thanks for bringin that one up!