Ingesting cannabis oil cures cancer and much more!

I know because I went to medical school and actually learned how to properly vet scientific studies unlike you who are limited to throwing childish insults and do not understand the need for doing research. I can also give an anecdotal account of my own. It also means exactly nothing as do your specious assumptions.

I worked with a Ph.D. Organic chemist (who is also on this site), to produce extract and I was taking 2 grams/day of that extract for neuropathic pain. During that time I developed Basal Cell carcinoma and applied it topically. It did nothing.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Now you are dismissed, go play on the freeway and relieve the gene pool of another Darwin Award candidate.
yes well we all can learn a thing or two,,,
just like I taught my GP and his wife who is one as well....who would never think this is possible.
so join the club.(: Time to learn a new trade ..

cheers so sure ears! ;)

ps Try another strain!

I have a video showing basal cell going away off of my face (in five weeks time)and is what convinced my GP to sign my papers. after all :lol:
Thanks for bringin that one up!
Heres some annicdotal info for the ones who care.,

before... same cancer Gordie had ....

almost 5 years later... and she still looks friggin awesome! ;)

more for the ones who need to know..
Heres some annicdotal info for the ones who care.,

before... same cancer Gordie had ....

almost 5 years later... and she still looks friggin awesome! ;)

Here are all the vitamins ajwain seeds, Chitrak capsules, pippli but the technical names is piper Longum, triphala, and guggulu. The tinctures are Ruta 4 drops alternating with calc-p 4 drops every ten mins for an hour. And take the croc LM1 4 drops one time a day!!
Also had brain surgery. Not sure if cannabis is curing anything here but if it makes her feel better for one more day then thats cure enough for me and mine.
Here are all the vitamins ajwain seeds, Chitrak capsules, pippli but the technical names is piper Longum, triphala, and guggulu. The tinctures are Ruta 4 drops alternating with calc-p 4 drops every ten mins for an hour. And take the croc LM1 4 drops one time a day!!
Also had brain surgery. Not sure if cannabis is curing anything here but if it makes her feel better for one more day then thats cure enough for me and mine.
watch all her videos from start to finnnish.
see how her fight has been.
times off meds..getting sick..and right back on the band wagon to get better each time.:weed:
We can all fall off our paths when things are going fast. How quick we are reminded when we do...:idea:
x 1000
or not..... :)
yet the doc made hand and fist she made it or not...

Well I'm not a fan of our health care system or even arguing that they will do procedures just for the money. And often. But I come from a family of doctors, teachers and scientists and there are many fantastic things medicine has done for many people.

And I am one of the people seriously hurt by doctors.
Well I'm not a fan of our health care system or even arguing that they will do procedures just for the money. And often. But I come from a family of doctors, teachers and scientists and there are many fantastic things medicine has done for many people.

And I am one of the people seriously hurt by doctors.
There is ALWAYS HOPE! (:

I was hurt by "make work" type projects.
VERY lucky to still be here, thanks to saying NO! after saying YES, one to many times! :lol: Can't blame them. No one like to see work walk away! and all they have is chemo and radiation to offer and you came to them for help after all! ;)

ask your relatives how many would take chemo!?!? and see what kind of answer s ya get? lol
There is ALWAYS HOPE! (:

I was hurt by "make work" type projects.
VERY lucky to still be here, thanks to saying NO! after saying YES, one to many times! :lol: Can't blame them. No one like to see work walk away! and all they have is chemo and radiation to offer and you came to them for help after all! ;)

ask your relatives how many would take chemo!?!? and see what kind of answer s ya get? lol

I just told you why all of my relatives would try chemo. It works. But it works in conjunction with all kinds of pharmaceutical medicine they have developed to help battle very specific cancers.

Many survive many different cancers today with Medical treatment. They have gotten quite good at it.

My brother survived testicular and he is a straight edge and a doctor. And mom never used pot but once in the 70's.

Again. I have been hurt personally by doctors and medical care. I am still stating the truth.
I just told you why all of my relatives would try chemo. It works. But it works in conjunction with all kinds of pharmaceutical medicine they have developed to help battle very specific cancers.

Many survive many different cancers today with Medical treatment. They have gotten quite good at it.

My brother survived testicular and he is a straight edge and a doctor. And mom never used pot but once in the 70's.

Again. I have been hurt personally by doctors and medical care. I am still stating the truth.
99% of the time chemo does not work! no way around that FACT!
Google “The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies”

Well I did some reading after I read the link and learned some things. One thing is there is quite a difference of opinion out there on why to implement chemo and how effective it actually is.

And also why patients think it's effective even if it isn't for their kind of cancer.

The link above is old. It's from 2004. It also groups in all of the cancers that are not usually affected by chemo. And it is testing the contribution percentage not the percentage of cases it worked on.

In other words with the worst most advanced cancers chemo only contributed to 2% of the survivors. And that is over 5 years so from 2001 Medical practices not 2017.

And there is still 2% that live not 1% as argued above.

Certain kinds of cancers like leukemia and breast cancer have a far higher percentage of success.

I even came across a 60% statistic of success with cancer patients but the success is from multiple treatments and usually surgery.

The only thing the linked article proves is the that things like stage 4 lung cancer is usually unaffected by chemo therapy. Not all cancers are.
The study is only 14 years old and was conducted over a 14 year span. Chemotherapy success rate hasn’t achieved leaps and bounds since then. This graph better demonstrates the statistics of study.

The study is only 14 years old and was conducted over a 14 year span. Chemotherapy success rate hasn’t achieved leaps and bounds since then. This graph better demonstrates the statistics of study.


Ok. But in 14 more years they have learned much more and can identify and treat many different cancers. They utilize chemo to shrink tumors for surgery and many other multi method treatments.

The test only shows the effect of chemo itself and includes cancers that are largely unaffected.

And I only originally asked for proof of 99% straight doesn't work. It's actually 2% and only in an old study that is not specific enough to make that claim. Will will a dying person want to try for 2 in 100 chance of beating a fatal disease? A parent sure might.

If it was a breast cancer study alone the percentage would be very high in comparison.

It's easy to manipulate numbers to agree with an argument. I have negotiated a lot of deals with over 25 years in sales management as a career and 35 as a "recreational plant procurer".

If we are drifting into an unnecessary health care being done on people and their insurance charged for all of it that is quite a different discussion.

But I think such may be the case for the reason of this discussion. Mrs. MMG's dad is dying of very advanced cancer and is dealing with that issue right now.
I'm thinking one could carry the bulk of cancerous tumors around in a knapsack without a biopsy for more than five years and no infectious hospitals, pokes, radiation, chemo, empty wallets or tears.
a painless dollar store helium ballon exit , if the growth gets too heavy, too obstructive or too painful.
Tommy Chong’s prostate cancer went in remission from anally inserting cannabis oil. Cannabis oil does kill cancer. There’s a reason why the US government patented cannabinoids.

1)prostate cancer being treated anally with cannabis oil
2) colorectal cancer ensues
(after rectally inserting cannabis oil)

could this be relative, maybe why he stopped putting cannabis oil in his rectum too?
I cant find any info of his concerning this yet
I know of a person who contracted breast cancer while taking 2 grams/day of extremely clean edible. Anecdotal stories prove nothing. Correlation is not causation and that is why well designed scientific studies are necessary to prove correlation. So we can define the domain of the medical efficacy of cannabinoids.

Right now it's pure speculation and hopeful optimism.
Scientifically labeled as- extrapolation