"We recieved a puppy that had gotten trampled by a very large human. She is a toy chihuahua, she had a four by four inch welt that covered her entire bottom half. She got really bad and started to grow cold, so I decided that trying the tears couldn't hurt her too much.
When i first dosed her, she was barely able to move her head. I am however extremely happy to tell you that after a week of tears three times a day, she is a happy, healthy and yippy lil butthead. Thanks Rick and JB for exposing us to the truth. My wife and i believe the tears saved her." Joshua Lamoreaux
Yes, I cured my cat of cancer in June, when the vet said to put him down. Just fed him the Oil, and within 10 days the fatal tumour was gone! The vet said it was a miracle!" Charlie Renaud
"My Psoriasis disappeared after I started eating the oil...Just using the oil topically was not helping mine that much- didn't disappear completely until i started using it orally.
It has not returned yet. I am on a maintenance dose now, so I HOPE that is enough to keep the psoriasis away.
I haven't had any signs of it in almost 4 months.
The doctors told me it would never go away completely, and that the only time it would 'clear up' was when I was really sick and my immune system had other things to fight.
Well... I don't feel sick, and the crap is GONE!"
Lindsay Bunn Rogers
"My 4 year old always had constipation problem.....i applied coconut oil /RSO on his belly before bed and he has been going to the bathroom every day (usually he would go every 4-5 days).
That is just amazing and this little guy is so much more happier now and mama too!!! Thanks Rick and JB, I am a full believer!"
- Estelle Richard
"I know what your going through Billie, I myself have just cured myself of liver cancer, I was told 4 year ago to get my affairs in order I had a 5% chance of making it through 2 years.
They started me on a treatment program of radiation and chemotherapy, the treatment was awful it was stripping the life out of me. My wife found Rick Simpson's cannabis oil cure on Youtube, so away we went even though in Australia it's illegal.
We made oil from flowering heads and I started consuming 5ml a day as well as vaporizing and cooking it in food, 8 weeks later I was totally clear of any cancer and the cannabis helped me cope with the side affects of modern medicine." Craig Goodwin
"This CT scan was done 14 days after a 2-3 cm tumor was observed, via scope, in my bladder.
In only 14 days, using only essential cannabis oil, no tumor is observed in the bladder.
Cannabis only .. 14 days .. gone.
Lawmakers please understand this. Don't take away my medicine.
This isn't just another way to get drunk. This medicine saves my life." - Gersh Avery
"Today is day 3 for a treatment on my dog with RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) which is a cannabis concentrate for medicinal treatment for many serious ailments.
She is 13 years old and about 7 months ago, she got something that caused her extreme snottiness, major mucas and some days she was lethargic. Looked it up online, said "kennel cough or canine cold" so I had some antibiotics here and started her on a course. Didn't help at all, so we took her to the vet.
Of course, they wanted to do blood work, xrays and mucas screening. Approximately 500 in vet bills, I declined so we started her on a broad antibiotic which also didn't touch it in a month. Took her back in and got two more stronger antibiotics, went a month on them religiously. Didn't touch it either!
So then the vet tried a fungicide medication... STILL DIDN'T TOUCH HER SICKNESS!! It's hard to determine what is justified in spending on a 13 year old dog...
So I stopped all medication about a month ago to let her body recoup and started her on RSO just 3 days ago, a total of 6 treatments and she is a totally new dog!
No snot, no coughing, she's got the munchies and in general we've seen a REMARKABLE improvement. Unbelievable really. From my personal experience, I can attest that this is some awesome surreal medication. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!" Survival Canine
"My niece Sherri and her man herb introduced to me this Simpson oil, which i have been taking. My doctor told me there was no cure for my cancer. When i started 8 months ago with the findings of my cancer, my psa count was at 2.3 and now get ready for this, it is now at 0.1. Thank you Sherri and herb for saving my life i love you both so much." (when he started, his PSA count was 3.

"My niece Sherri and her man herb introduced to me this Simpson oil, which i have been taking. My doctor told me there was no cure for my cancer. When i started 8 months ago with the findings of my cancer, my psa count was at 2.3 and now get ready for this, it is now at 0.1. Thank you Sherri and herb for saving my life i love you both so much." (when he started, his PSA was 3.

"Good news. Dad's liver enzymes are normal and he's had HEP C for over 10 years. He's been taking the RSO for 2.5 months, the Dr didn't say the HEP C is gone but his liver enzymes are normal, which is an improvement!
And dad has been a hard core drinker with Hep C the last 1-2 decades, his liver was shot and now its healed!" Roger Robinson