Indoor CFL Journal 1'st grow


Well I had today off, and i decided to re vamp the cab.. Changed around the lights and changed some venting issues. I have now 6 cfls, 5 26w and 1 42. Temps remain the same around 80-83 lights on and 69-71 when off.
These gals are getting bigg. i have been tieing them down every little while. Thinking about topping them very soon, just not too sure when. I have a few pics for now, more later on!
Awesome man, I like the new setup. Looks like you're doing pretty good. Mine are doing pretty crappy. Take a look, I dont know whats wrong.

Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, updating with pics again. Today is day 26. Topped the plants yesterday. Pics of the topping are the last 2. Anyone who has topped before if u can chime in if it looks ok or not? the spot where i topped is now turning black. Normal? I'll monitor over the next few days.

Pics of family portraits, the new exhaust system with duct work and filter on the back of the one fan. Also some pics of the lst which is ever going!

Please, comments/advice are always welcomed. Thanks for checking out the grow!



Well-Known Member
wassup mikey, grow is comin along nicely.
The topping looks like you did it right. I didn't experience any blackening, but it's prolly nothin. Just wait a few days and you'll have a couple more tops growin out. :D
Hell yeah man, 26 days and they are lookin real good. Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
hey mikey, 'bout time for a pic update huh? your plants are close to the same age as mine. i am on day 33 today. i think mine has shown sex too, but the growths are all so small it is hard to tell. check me out, my grow is in my signature. now lets see some pics!!


Well-Known Member
lookin good man, im growing with cfl's too. I just started flowering 5 days ago, check out my grow journal. I'm subscribed to yours


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, thanks for checkin out the grow. Today is day 30, been getting crushed with homework and what not so i have been slacking on the pics, with lil time yesterday i prepared some stuff for my sog screen, and switched the lights horizontal. Im hoping everything continues to go well, the budda gods have been good to me thus far!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, have a few pics to add in for updates, unfortunately can't get a good pic of the white hairs one my one gal, but hopefully soon enuff they will become visible to the camera.

Normally i thought males would show their sex first, is this the same with fem seeds???

Well pics are below please comment or add in advice or whatever, you know the drill

Thanks for checking out the grow!

You can see the lights have been switched and the fans have been re positioned!



Well-Known Member
Good bloom fertz in canada. Im trying to find some jacks classic, anyone from canada or ontario know who sells this?


Active Member
Looks great dude, make sure to seal off those cracks when you flower. My girl just surfaced 11 days ago, and is working on its 3rd leaf set. Yours look nice and healthy! keep it up man.
hey man im just startin my first grow now so ima follow your grow so i know what to expect. and im probably just missin somethin here but in that last picture, its looks like you only got about 3-4" below the lights, and you said its for veg / flowering??? If your keepiin the lights 2" above the foliage, plus the pot, you'll have no space for growth?? idk though man, as i said im probably just missing somethin really obvious , but just pointin it out.

good luck wit the grow though bud, ill be followin

**fuck man lol my bad ignore this post i didnt read past the first page .


Well-Known Member
Great job Mikey, I had to check out ur grow after you said those fine words of wisdom to me. i'm about a month ahead of you. I planned on taking a few tops when my tricomes are clear, and most of the rest when theyre cloudy, and i plan on taking a few buds amber for some couch lock stock. With the Aurora Indicva, does this sound doable. I'm not sure, but im going to give it a go.


Well-Known Member
thanks peeps for checkin the grow out!
Oldmancronic - I will re position the lights, i am using Y splitters right now and have the plants elevated, i have about 10" to go in that box. when the time comes i will be using more of the single splitters with connections on the sides to keep the lights lower and closer to the foliage.

Chickengutz- no problem dude, everyone needs a lil boost of confidence from time to time, it helps moral you know! I dont understand your question tho budd!

GDP - thanks dude! over the grow i have tried to give these girls great vibes! like talking to them, telling them they will be big a stinky bitches when the grow up! giving them a few tokes from the pipe from time to time, and most importantly *Trying to patient with them. I am a big believer in Karma, hopefully the budda god will keep being good to me, and to you as well! good luck with the grow i'll come stop by yours when i get a chance!

I'll update with some pics later on! happy thanksgiving to you Yanks also! feel free to send some leftovers North! lol =)


Well-Known Member
hey guys, pics as promised.
Still having some issues in ventilation, cant keep this bitches temps down, and its starting to get frustrating. I believe the issues are being aggravated by the grow being in the closet, and not able to get fresh air. The closet door is usually closed, opened for about 6-7 hours a day, so half of the 12/12 light sched. Oh well, maybe i'll add another exhaust to keep this hot air moving out.
The last pic, with the screwdriver, is showing a small hole with brown around the edges of the hole. Is this some lil critter fucking with my girls???

As always, advice is always appreciated!



Well-Known Member
hey guys, pics as promised.
Still having some issues in ventilation, cant keep this bitches temps down, and its starting to get frustrating. I believe the issues are being aggravated by the grow being in the closet, and not able to get fresh air. The closet door is usually closed, opened for about 6-7 hours a day, so half of the 12/12 light sched. Oh well, maybe i'll add another exhaust to keep this hot air moving out.
The last pic, with the screwdriver, is showing a small hole with brown around the edges of the hole. Is this some lil critter fucking with my girls???

As always, advice is always appreciated!
hey mikey. i am not 100% how you have your cabinet, but from what I can tell your ventilation is a fan behind a whole in the back of your cabinet. this is bad because there is really no where for that fan to pull/push air. i think if you cut a hole in the top of your box, and set the fan on top of it where the fan is pulling air out of the box and blowing it into your closet. then use the hole in the back as a passive intake. you may have to add another hole in the bottom or bottom side as an additional intake if need be. what you can do for light blocking is put a vacuum cleaner bag with odor control (walmart for like 3 bucks) between the cabinet and the fan. I also used some black landscaping fabric to keep weeds out of a garden, it is not very thick and will let air through. you could try to put this in between the box and the fan etc. this way you are pulling the hot air out before it builds up in the box, and there is more space on top for the aire to dissipate.

you might be able to also leave the door to your closet cracked where you cant see in when you walk in your room. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
hey mikey. i am not 100% how you have your cabinet, but from what I can tell your ventilation is a fan behind a whole in the back of your cabinet. this is bad because there is really no where for that fan to pull/push air. i think if you cut a hole in the top of your box, and set the fan on top of it where the fan is pulling air out of the box and blowing it into your closet. then use the hole in the back as a passive intake. you may have to add another hole in the bottom or bottom side as an additional intake if need be. what you can do for light blocking is put a vacuum cleaner bag with odor control (walmart for like 3 bucks) between the cabinet and the fan. I also used some black landscaping fabric to keep weeds out of a garden, it is not very thick and will let air through. you could try to put this in between the box and the fan etc. this way you are pulling the hot air out before it builds up in the box, and there is more space on top for the aire to dissipate.

you might be able to also leave the door to your closet cracked where you cant see in when you walk in your room. hope this helps.

Hey bro, thanks, i appreciate that adivce! im going to try it out


Well-Known Member
oh, and if you can remove any unwanted metal reflector, that would help a bunch. i had the metal or aluminum reflectors that come with the shop lights from lowes or home depot and have the clamps on my lights, and my temps right by the lights, and the plants, were always aroundd 90-100. once i took the metal reflectors off they dropped to 75-85.