Indoor CFL Journal 1'st grow


Well-Known Member
when i transplant i use a bit of super thrive or some B12 supplement if you have any....just fyi....plants look good!


hey man, awesome grow. Im attempting my first grow using cfls and so far so good. My temps and humidity are about the same as yours, 80-85 and about 47-50% humidity. Most people seem to think that is okay until the plants get a little bigger. I've read about using ice to both cool your space and introduce moisture at the same time but i havn't tried it yet. I might ask around about that first though as Im no expert (only on my first real grow attempt)

Your setup looks great btw, keep us updated. Scribed! +rep for a great job with your first grow :)

P.S. swing by and check out my grow. Im only on day 5 , seeds sprouted 2 days ago.
Closet CFL Grow - Lots of Pics!


Well-Known Member
Nov,09, 2009.

Everything seems well after the transplant, new growth is noticeable, after i had taken the ladies out of the party cups the roots seemed to be growing all at the bottom of the cup, maybe root bound??? well im not too sure but anyways i was thinking about beginning lst soon, i was checking out the stem;s and they seem to be getting much more flexible, anyone have any advice on this???

Pics are updated below, i had just watered about an half hour prior to the pics, so they seem a lil down =)

bongsmilie happy token!



Well-Known Member
The ladies have been introduced to the flowering stage.
So far i have noticed a few lower leaves becoming yellowish or dried out, maybe deals with light efficiency, lower leaves not getting as much light? I am not concerned as everything looks well thus far. I also bought some new things today for the grow cab, dryer vent for ventiliation(exhaust) a sweet ass fan, which can be seen here

Anyone have any experience with this fan??? love the ratings on it. 72cfm at 14db, with fluid dynamic bearings, got a great deal also from some computer shop in bc! 20.19 shipped to my door, gotta love that! i'll let u know how it is when i get it! i plan on attaching this as my exhaust and venting the stinky/hot air thru the dryer vent into a carbon filter, possible with a small fan in front of the filter to help push the air through.

Was also thinking about an lst soon, any opinions on if it is to early to do this or should i wait, same with adding neutrience

Thanks for the 1000+ views guys! i'll keep posting if you all keep reading
pics later as my ho's are sleeping
Peace for now!


Well-Known Member
Heu guys, we are on about day 18 now, i recieved my new 120mm fan in the mail today, that was super fast shipping, epically across a country like Canada! It usually takes forever for shit to get here!anyways, i am hooking this fan up to vinyl duct work, the vinyl will be about 20-30 inches long, with a activated carbon filter on the end, and a carbon filter inside the duct work. I am also thinking about installing another fan to help push the air through the filters. Smell is a problem as i cannot have any suspension of the stinkeyness. I can already get a taste of the smell when i open the grow cab doors.
The specs on the new fan are 72cfm and 14 db. Should 2 fans help circulate the air if the grow cab is moderately sealed. Negative pressure will hopefully work in my favor as the exhaust fans is much stronger than the intake fan.

I also believe i am having a Phospourus problem, if you chekc out the pics the lower leaves tend to desinagrate at the tips, then turn yellow, and then brown, until they crumble

I also have completed my First LST job! tied the babies down with Twist ties. check out the pics and tell me what you think!


looking good man, keep it up! You're just a little ahead of me :) I hope my girls look that big in another week, they have been 7 days above soil now and still super small. Ill post some new pics probably tomorrow


Well-Known Member
looking good man, keep it up! You're just a little ahead of me :) I hope my girls look that big in another week, they have been 7 days above soil now and still super small. Ill post some new pics probably tomorrow
Ya bro, i just started on some nutes, im going to try out some 30-10-10, hopefully this will give the plant some nitrogen to help cure the neutrience deficiency. I'll post pics 2morrow and check out how you are doing! too bad you were not at the same pace we could compare and review methods like scrog and lst! Keep in touch! Happy token !:weed:


Well-Known Member
Well, today is about day 20-21. Seems like everything is going along ok, some minor problems have not been fixed, but dealing with them as we go along. Got some new nuts today, miracle grow all purpose, 24-8-16. Hopefully the plant will react well with the amount of nitrogen. I have given the plants one small dose and will add more in a few days. How often should i add nuts? every other watering? the container says every 7 to 14 days, and i think that is a big stretch.

Tonight i will be hooking up my new exhaust with fiter installed. Its an electrostatic filter hammock filter pad, i will be adding a carbon filter to the end when the time comes, i'll take pics of this when i am done, but for now, new pics are at the bottom, enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Hey wassup man, just found the grow.
I have been usin the same miracle grow as you. My grow started off real slow due to low lights. Now they seem to be doin better.
I recently got 7 CFL's and they are helpin out a lot.
Your plants look really good. keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Hey wassup man, just found the grow.
I have been usin the same miracle grow as you. My grow started off real slow due to low lights. Now they seem to be doin better.
I recently got 7 CFL's and they are helpin out a lot.
Your plants look really good. keep it up!

You have been using that nutrient? Do you find it does well in veg with this? i will switch to a blooming fert once the time comes.
Are you stealth or how are you growin! post a few pics of your ladies! Thanks for stopping by.


Well-Known Member
hey dude looks like a good setup, what are the temps. Is that fan loud? loud where i mean can u hear it outside the box?, how many do you have 3?? what day are you on?


Active Member
hey dude looks like a good setup, what are the temps. Is that fan loud? loud where i mean can u hear it outside the box?, how many do you have 3?? what day are you on?

ya check my other pics .. the fans are not too bad with the doors closed its about as loud as my laptop.... but i am gonna get another 4 inch fan for exaust soon... PS 6 of my top44 sprouted last night and 4 out of the 5 mystery seeds sprouted!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
You have been using that nutrient? Do you find it does well in veg with this? i will switch to a blooming fert once the time comes.
Are you stealth or how are you growin! post a few pics of your ladies! Thanks for stopping by.
Yeah, I have been usin that same MG, all purpose water soluble. I can't say too much about it since this is my first grow. Your plants look better than mine did that young. I kept mine in plastic SOLO cups for way too long and i didn't have enough lights. From what I can tell the Miracle grow works. I've seen my plants look really pale and after a feeding the next day or two I could really tell a difference. The leaves got thicker and a prettier dark green. Looked alive. I have a lot of pics on the links in my signature. What I have noticed is that using the miracle grow at full strength hasn't hurt the plants at all. I would feed them like the box says, once a week or so and work the feedings up to twice a week then maybe once every couple days. Like i said, this is still my first grow and im learning by trial and error. Yours look healthy, keep doin what your doin. Looks like it will turn out good.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have been usin that same MG, all purpose water soluble. I can't say too much about it since this is my first grow. Your plants look better than mine did that young. I kept mine in plastic SOLO cups for way too long and i didn't have enough lights. From what I can tell the Miracle grow works. I've seen my plants look really pale and after a feeding the next day or two I could really tell a difference. The leaves got thicker and a prettier dark green. Looked alive. I have a lot of pics on the links in my signature. What I have noticed is that using the miracle grow at full strength hasn't hurt the plants at all. I would feed them like the box says, once a week or so and work the feedings up to twice a week then maybe once every couple days. Like i said, this is still my first grow and im learning by trial and error. Yours look healthy, keep doin what your doin. Looks like it will turn out good.
Oh ok, i guess its hit or miss with mg stuff.I have nuted once very lil and I may do it again Wednesday night. So far everything is working out well, thinking about topping the plant maybe next week.
The links seem not to be working for your grow!


Well-Known Member
Well I had today off, and i decided to re vamp the cab.. Changed around the lights and changed some venting issues. I have now 6 cfls, 5 26w and 1 42. Temps remain the same around 80-83 lights on and 69-71 when off.
These gals are getting bigg. i have been tieing them down every little while. Thinking about topping them very soon, just not too sure when. I have a few pics for now, more later on!

