Indica Vs Sativa High - Is it really a thing?

Indica High Vs Sativa High

  • Real

    Votes: 105 70.9%
  • Myth

    Votes: 19 12.8%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 24 16.2%

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G'day folks

Indica Vs Sative High
The "narcotic, couchlock high of indicas" vs The "buzzy, head high of the sativas".

I've been growing for over a decade. I've grown probably 30+ different strains (so not a lot by any means, but a fair sampling nonetheless). I've grown a few indica, a bunch of indica dominant hybrids, and a few sativa dominant hybrids here or there. But as much as I want to, I havent grown a pure sativa yet because of the very long flowering lengths. And I live where weed is illegal so can't just go and buy sativa buds to try.

My experience makes me believe its more about the mood you're in, if you're hungry or not, if you're tired or not, what time you started smoking, or a million other environmental factors. Like, I've had one strain of weed for months on end, and some days it puts me on my ass really quickly with that couchlock feeling, but other days I'll feel energetic and productive, and other days the high seems to plateau early...and to reiterate, thats all from the same bud from the same plant. This happens to me with basically every batch I do, regardless of strain.

So with that taken into account, Im a little weary of the claim of the indica vs sativa high. Im not making any proclamations or anything, but it's just what it seems like from my experience. Granted, I've grown mostly hybrids, and have probably never had a pure sativa. But if an indica or indica dom hybrid can give me ALL the highs, then is trying a sativa really necessary? Doesnt that just disprove it?

I know people can be pretty easily manipulated with this kind of thing. Like the famous experiement where the researcher put dye in white wine, and let a bunch of oenology students taste the wine. The results? The students overwhelmingly used words usually used to describe red wine...despite the fact it was 100% a white wine that was merely dyed red. Or cut a banana in half, tell people that one is organic and the other isnt and they'll overwhelmingly choose the "organic" one as the best tasting, even though they both the same banana. So I see how people can be easily swayed if they're primed with what to expect.

And I didnt do a deep dive but in my basic quick google search the couple of results I looked at basically said nobody knows what causes each supposed effect, and some things once thought to be responsible have since been proven wrong.

So, thoughts?

Is it entirely a myth? Or at least slightly (or more so) over exaggerated?

Im leaning to the slighly (or more so) exaggerated at this point. Willing to listen to either side though (assuming there are sides...maybe its just me who is leaning this way). After all, maybe Im just an idiot...
From my experience with old school Mexican and Taiwan saliva. They send you into a soaring high. Second to none. Try a pure saliva land race if possible these days and a Northants lights pure indica and see for yourself. I just wish I still had the saliva seeds I was growing some40yrs ago to send you some.
Wrote similar in another thread but Scientist believe it's the biggest shit show in the industry.

No one has successfully been able to identify indica or sativa in a blind test with a believable sample size.

A description of an indica by a French naturalist described indica as a thin leafed variety. Contrary to what we all believe today.

Forumers say clear to cloudy gives you uplifting high and cloudy to amber a couch lock.

But what about indica with clear/cloudy trichs
Or sativa with cloudy /amber trichs

Cbf referencing these.
I have cut bud early in 6 weeks and given them as samples and the end user was totally oblivious and high af like they were usually.
I also believe it’s primarily the terpenes which dictate the “type” of high.. To me atleast, thc and cbd control the intensity of the effects, and the terpene profile guides the high in either a more uplifting or sedating manner.

Many of the terpenes that are common with relaxation and sedation seem to be more commonly found in Indicas. Other terpenes that may have analgesic type effects that in combination with their “heady” high can often relate to a more uplifting high are more commonly found in Sativa type strains.

That being said, since there doesn’t seem to be a hard rule as far as which type of plants can have which type of terpene profile, I guess I wouldn’t really say that the differing high types are due to Indica/Sativa. Again, this is all my opinion from my experience combined with the knowledge I’ve been able to gain primarily from other growers and heavy smokers.
Could it all be placebo? only blind tests with large sample sizes will know.
I admit I'm probably a victim to placebo, and spreading these 'unproved' infomation at times to my fellow tokers.
One interesting factor is that the individuals cannabinoid receptors can vary. This meaning not everyone will experience the same high...

But in my experience there’s a difference between sativa and indica. Mostly in my mind. Sativa make my thoughts race but indica slow them down
That's very interesting. Now that you mentioned it I too have had similar experiences. Never associated them with sativa/indica tho, as I didn't know what I was getting, but the "speed of thought" is something definitely noticeable
There is debate today regarding cannabis taxonomy. Is what you think of as a sativa actually a sativa?

Food for thought.

Back in the '60s all we had was sativa.. Late '70s early '80s Indica made its appearance.. Big difference..
Went from playing frisbee and laughing to sitting on the couch with headphones..
IMO todays weed has been overbred.. Seems all the same to me..
I definitely have noticed differences from strain to strain but mostly with distinctly indica or sativa dominant examples, hybrids muddy the waters quickly. I attribute it heavily to terpenes, and minor cannabinoid content. I've grown pure sativas a few times, 16 weeks of actual flower time is a challenge but definitely doable if you manage the plants. The buds get huge and highs are awesome. I've had a buddy of mine ask me for years to grow some more of the one plant.

I personally feel like the effect of weed is mostly strain-specific, and that "when you harvest" either weakens or intensifies what that strain has to offer. That's why I am always such a fan of properly allowing buds to ripen and reach that ideal potential.
I feel like it is. I'm a relatively new smoker.
Typically indicas are greatfor me to chill at night. Or if the Mrs and I can't sleep. A few hits of a real heavy indica and boom. 15 or 20 minutes later out cold.

Conversely sativas are great for going for walks or to the beach to swim. If we smoke a sativa past 9pm we won't sleep till past midnight.

Only 1 strain had that odd effect. Sour Amnesia. First time we smoked it it put us on our ass and fell asleep(to be fair we were tired). The next few times were either active go for a walk. Or couch lock. Very odd. Wouldn't buy again due to that effect and not a fan of the smell/taste.
Maybe it also depends on your mindset+location?

For istance, if you are watching a movie on the couch and you smoke some sativa, maybe it would couchlock you anyways.

On the other hand, if you are out having a walk in the woods, and you smoke some indica, you wont't feel tired but adventurous.

Idk just a thought...
wonder how paranoia enters the think theres a certain terpene/cannabanoid profile that triggers the paranoia type high? ill be honest ive had it once or twice but i dont remember if they were sativa or indica sessions