Damn no wonder people get cranky on these forums. The guy says he's been growing and smoking the same three autos for three years and your intelligent prognosis is: harvest too early? That's the most brain-dead conclusion I'd read on this board.
OP: 1. Stop growing autos. Auto is cannabis' retarded, drooling family member.
2. Have several strains on rotation, if you smoke everyday do not smoke the same strain longer than a week. I'd like to have 6 - 7 high quality strains that I can cycle through.
3. If those two fails, grow pure sativa's. No they don't take 6 months to flower unless you're N idiot and grow unworked landrace indoor. Ace seeds have well worked sativa's that only take 11-14 weeks to flower, a little longer yes, but most are enormous yielders and the high last 3 hours+. This is your key to trippy weed. Add a few of landrace, pure sativa's to your rotation.