Inda-gro Induction...


Well-Known Member
My next attempt. Timewreck mainlined to eight tops. Didnt get them as even as I should have. 14 days in.
Got 5 out of 5 females. Was expecting three maybe four, so the room is a bit crowded. Should have changed to 13.5/10.5 earlier, the stretch was more than I expected.

Debating how much to trim them.



Well-Known Member
Hey Loon! The plants look very healthy and I think your trim is good. I wouldn't take off any more just keep some good canopy movement. Keep us posted.

This isn't my garden but I thought I'd share this pic of a Romulan run @ day 14.


Rumulan @ 2 weeks.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking Good Brutha Loon!

Me thinks your 13.5/10.5 is gonna really fatten up those frosty lil bitches. Pulling up a chair


Well-Known Member
Looks to me you are doing fine as far as node spacing man, some nice looking bitches there. I remember you saying they are in super soil, no deficiencies, but have you been feeding sugars, and re-inoculating your microbial life? Not a scientist or nothing just heard this can make your super soil have that much more bang, just starting to use the stuff myself. Can't remember whether you said you have CO2 or not, but do you?


Well-Known Member
I add CaMg+ to RO water to somewhere between 200-300 ppm. No CO2. Just a very simple routine.
I was just curious about the stretch with the pontoon.


Well-Known Member
Chaz were those kits bought or built?. The hydro companies get those white fence posts from home depot. The company that makes them for home depot is in Anaheim on Jefferson rd or ave. Next to a car auction lot . Off of kramer and la palma. I forget the name of the company. They sell to the public. They will make or cut the post to what ever size you want. Then grab a drill and a 3 inch hole saw 13/16 hole saw and PVC glue and sealant for the end caps. I built a 9 plants per row 9 rows with 3 resi's and 3 pumps for less than $250


Well-Known Member
Wat up inda-groers thought I would drop a pic of my Space bombs that just flipped to 12/12 on the 9/20 and already got some nice flowers forming, did not get to use the pontoon at the start of flower last time so my results/effects were limited but I def think this is the fastest I have seen a plant react to 12/12 since it is already slowing down stretch and forming clusters.
2013-10-03 07.17.26.jpg2013-10-03 07.17.39.jpg2013-10-03 07.18.21.jpg2013-10-03 07.19.05.jpg2013-10-03 07.19.29.jpg
Including a shot of some swiss cheese I am doing a 12/12 from seed on, really shows the versatility of these lights if you ask me, had not started any seeds under my 420, usually use my LED to keep the wattage a lil lower since not much is needed, but glad to know they do well.
2013-10-03 07.18.44.jpg
EDIT: just realized on the shot of the seedlings my phone macro'd on the leaf 2 in. from the camera, doh. Oh well, what can I say, I take all these pics with my phone so it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
LOL Garden Psychic. That'll look good on my resume.

Love this image as you can really see the trichome development on these ladies. You can also see the pistils as you look down to the lower buds. BTW I meant to tell you on your last post those main branches are pretty thick. I think your in for some heavy fruit by friend. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I sure hope so man, appreciate the compliments. if you can believe I took those pics on my samsung. Been mainlinging and super cropping those two hard to get those stems strong, gonna put a support ring in next week still just in case they do get floppy.:bigjoint:
oh and this is only day 20 since flip of 12/12 so like 15 days flowering officially...hard to put a real number on it with the pontoon factor, saw pistils on day 4. these were real stubborn and didnt show sex till flip unlike the boys.
hello everyone

i've been lurking here off and on for a while now, but been growing with inda-gro for about a year and a half or so... as of late, mostly propagation to support local club and patient demand for clones... my last bloom run was several months ago.

2 months ago, i built a RDWC system out of 3.5 gallon buckets to allow for a veg side-by-side. i even gave the soil (control) plants a 3 day head start, as i was making some last minute changes to the system design. i'll spare you all the details of how fast the buckets blew away the soil (which i have been using exclusively up to this point)... so to say the least i decided to make the move from soil...

so... at the hydro shop i work at, we had a customer order up two 12 plant UC systems with the 13 gallon modules and 3" bulkheads. i guess he didn't check the online resources or something, but at some point in his build he determined that he needed silicone to make it leak proof... a lot of silicone. he then decided to check out their website, and saw the video on how to install the bulkheads correctly and realized he had pulled a bonehead. so he tries to return the 11 modules that had the bulkheads glued in... we don't accept the return on that (obv)... he decides to order another full system anyways, and just leaves his siliconed mess there at the shop. well, the boss said that if i found a way to work with it, i could have them. so, i managed to find a way to get the bulkheads cut out without leaving a mark on the module itself (literally good as new!), and then placed the order for the rest of the components i needed to complete a system. i also managed to score a pair of 1/4hp chillers off CL for $150 each. :hump:

so here i am with a really sweet RDWC system and the only plants that i have in net pots are the 3 that were in the experiment system and had been grown with minimal attention and a lot of clones having been cut from them. what did i decide to do?

thats right... put them in and flip em!

here's a pic from the 8th, right after all the building and transplanting was done. the plant on the right is Papaya and the other 2 are Grand Daddy Purp.

honestly, i'm not super thrilled with the stature of the plants right now... what can i say, i was not ever intending to flip them... but it's been almost 5 months since i've bloomed some girls and i wanna do it ~ now! besides, these lil tarts have literally no less that one volumetric gallon of roots each! my bets are that with the highly reduced number of bud sites and the 40 gallons of 65F nute solution and 100lpm of air in it, that the plants are gonna toss wtfhuge buds.

besides, in the tradition of hedging ones bets, i have another tent running next to that one with some Durban Poisons in soil.

i'll leave my 'hello' at that, for now... i'm at work anyways and gotta start looking busy ;)


Well-Known Member
Hiya Urb! Great score on that RDWC system. We'll be pulling for ya as that GDP is one delicious smoke. That DP looks like some healthy beasts so consider me on for the ride.

Looking at your work it seems like your already an old friend. Nice work and welcome to RIU!



Well-Known Member
I see that BigBuds got around to posting up their conclusions on the Inda-Gro run. Not to shabby @ 364G dry but had they vegged under the IG, pushed a 13/11 or 14/10nd ran the ESC they would seen more weight. All things they plan on doing the next run. They may even expand the grow area with a second Pontoon combo to show the differences. Should be fun to watch. Nice job guys!