Income tax and freedom!


Well-Known Member
Media Wants Waco-Style Massacre

American Free Press | January 28, 2007
Mark Anderson

The circumstances surrounding the Browns, a New Hampshire couple convicted of federal income tax evasion, could turn on a dime.

Recently AFP interviewed Ed Brown, a Plainfield home owner who grew up in the Roxbury slums of Boston. He and Mrs. Brown, who is a dentist, are self-made people who worked hard for their lot in life, only to see it swept away by a government that takes in gargantuan sums of money via taxes on the domestic populace to pay enormous interest on the national debt (which cannot be repaid), much of which is due to America‚s endless military conflicts.

When AFP contacted Brown recently, he was living everyday life as best he can at the house he built on their 110 acres. His wife, who he said is in a state of arrest wearing an electronic ankle bracelet—is staying with a son in a neighboring state.

“The dental business died a week ago Tuesday,” Brown told AFP. “My wife's a prisoner—like she's a flight risk!”

The two are supposed to be sentenced April 24, having each been convicted Jan. 18 in federal court in Concord for not paying income taxes since 1996. The government claims the Browns owe some $625,000.

“Everybody should say, ‘show me the law and I'll pay the tax,' ” Brown told AFP. That is what he told federal authorities who can't seem to produce a copy of a law requiring payment of the federal income tax.

Filmmaker Aaron Russo's America: From Freedom to Fascism documentary interviews a number of former IRS agents and other authoritative people who say that the powers that be, when asked to provide a copy of the law, such as an enabling statute, that requires U.S. workers to pay federal income tax on their wages, come up empty-handed.

Russo concluded that if the federal income tax applies to anyone or anything, it applies to corporate capital gains, not the incomes of individuals, and that the IRS doesn't even define income.

The proverbial “tax man” came down on the Browns just as they had considered selling their home and acreage so they could live in a warmer climate. Notably, their property is across the road from 500 acres owned by Supreme Court Justice Steven Breyer.

But making the best of the winter weather, individuals and families with children have been over to Brown's place lately for sledding and skating—before and since the tax trouble began. Life still seems more or less normal, though Brown suspects that federal agents may eventually storm the house and arrest him, perhaps after the publicity on his and his wife's plight calms down.

As of Jan. 25, he said the publicity was still significant, with TV news crews continuing to pay attention. He also told AFP that while he has always paid the 54 other kinds of taxes levied on Americans—with property taxes hitting $14,000 a year on their home and $18,000 a year on their office building for the former dental business—he won't budge on the federal income tax.

For one thing, as already noted, no one can produce a copy of the law that requires payment of an unapportioned tax on the labor of Americans. Moreover, there are due-process issues whereby U.S. District Court Judge Steven McAuliffe apparently disallowed the Browns from bringing forth any evidence or witnesses they needed for defending themselves in court. Also, the issue of federal jurisdiction, or the lack thereof, comes into play, Brown pointed out.

Addressing some conventional media reports that characterized his home as a virtual fortress, or “compound” with a “lookout tower,” Brown replied, “It's a deck, for crying out loud—an octagon-shaped compass deck.”

Just below the elevated deck on the large, well-built house—which has solar-power capability and was off the grid from 1990 to 2003—is a reading room.

“We're very mainstream, middle-class people,” said Brown, who noted that media reports suggesting he's “holed up” in his house are off base.

Some areas of the house have been boarded up to keep out blowing snow, so he is not “barricading” himself in the house, he explained.

The Union Leader seems also to have played the “antigovernment” card, even though many American patriots make a careful distinction by saying they are anti-corruption of government, not anti-government.

Notably, the Associated Press article in The Union Leader couldn't resist the highly charged word “compound,” which conceivably could create a bunker mentality in the minds of readers and may quell public outrage if federal agents ever decide to forcibly enter Brown's home to arrest him. As the article claimed:

“A jury decided that the Browns plotted to hide their income and avoid taxes on Elaine Brown's income of $1.9 million between 1996 and 2003. Over 10 years, they also used $215,890 of postal money orders broken into increments just below the reporting threshold to pay for their hilltop compound and for Elaine Brown's dental offices.”

U.S. marshals said on a couple occasions they had no plans to forcibly enter Brown's property and arrest him, though national media sources quoted marshals as saying that they “have to decide how to seize the Browns' assets, possibly including their home.”

Citing a new twist in this case, a recent issue of The Boston Globe noted that federal agents “seized more than 30 weapons from the Brown house in May.”

Brown commented by telling AFP, “They stole $15,000 worth of my guns and turned them over to a gun shop.”

Brown was still at home on Jan. 25, preferring only to comment off the record about the situation.

Media Wants Waco-Style Massacre


New Member
much of which is due to America‚s endless military conflicts.
Maybe if we stopped fighting endless premptive wars, we wouldn't have to tax so much.


Well-Known Member
agreed, war is expensive. it's been nice not having any national landmarks blown to pieces for the last several years though...


New Member
Well, in case you guyz have never noticed, the federal government does this type of thing every tax season. They usually use wealthy people like Leona Hensley or top entertainment people, like Willie Nelson to make examples of. The message they are trying to send us is: "Look here all you little people, be sure to pay your taxes on time like good little citizens and workers, because if you don't, just look at what we can do to the famous and wealthy among you ... then think how easily we could make YOU comply! So pay up now!



New Member
Well, in case you guyz have never noticed, the federal government does this type of thing every tax season. They usually use wealthy people like Leona Hensley or top entertainment people, like Willie Nelson to make examples of. The message they are trying to send us is: "Look here all you little people, be sure to pay your taxes on time like good little citizens and workers, because if you don't, just look at what we can do to the famous and wealthy among you ... then think how easily we could make YOU comply! So pay up now!

So now I get it, you're so pissed off because pay-up time is coming for you, HA, HA, HA, pay up sucker, I just got a raise from your labor, Thanks Vi.


New Member
So now I get it, you're so pissed off because pay-up time is coming for you, HA, HA, HA, pay up sucker, I just got a raise from your labor, Thanks Vi.

Trying to get a point across to you Med, is impossible. You are completely jaded by your class envy. Sorry for ya Bro.



New Member
So now I get it, you're so pissed off because pay-up time is coming for you, HA, HA, HA, pay up sucker, I just got a raise from your labor, Thanks Vi.

Trying to get a point across to you Med, is impossible. You are completely jaded by your class envy. Sorry for ya Bro.

Well to be sure everyone wishes they had a little more than survival money, but considering, I've done quite allright. It's just the superior attitude all you rich assholes have that pisses me off. Hey we bleed the same color and feel the same pain, just because you live on top of the hill, doesn't give you the right to piss on us. To claim that you are something special and need to remove the un-fair taxation so you can have even more is un-conscienceable. Hey if you make more, you pay more. You 3 guys that talk about everyone has the chance to succeed if they work hard, play by the rules and are in the top 10% (your own words), are just talking crap. If you do the simplest of math, you see that leaves 90% behind. Not everyone can attain the 100,000 dollar+ a year jobs. There are lots of great people whom never made over 40K a year in their life, and you act like they are second class citizens. When I pick up on that Vibe from you, I must give you crap, Like Ha Ha I'm living on your labor! Do I wish that I had achieved the 100K jobs, well, I'd sure like the pay but the dedication would be way too much, unless you were handed one of those jobs (relatives and such) it would be way to much work and ass kissing. The ones that really piss me off, are the royality, the ones given everything from birth. They can redeem themselves by doing genuine charity work, but a large majority just go through life squandering their money on wine, women, and song. These ner-do wells put a bad face on the rich, one that sticks in my craw! I definently had my party years, and wasted some pretty good oportunities, but Every penny I've ever had came through my sweat. I left home at 16 and never looked back. I had no backing from my family, from the gates it was what I could do for myself. I hold no grudges, my family had it worse than me, my step-dad had a 6th grade education. I managed to accumulaste 2 years of Jr. college with a degree in Business management while working a full time job during the week and a part time job on weekends, I was a busy little guy. This still never opend up the door to riches, but I always made a better than average living, a solid middle class living bolstered with Union affiliation. Without the union backing, I doubt the wages and benefits would have been so sweet. Yes I am pro Union as the measly 30-60 bucks a month dues come back ten times. Non-union jobs in the same trade are usually 5-20 dollars less an hour with no benefits. I have seen the generosity of the corporations time after time and it sucks! I think I have qualified myself as a hard worker and not one to rely on the government for my livelyhood, except now I am retired and do collect my social security along with a small pension. I paid into SS for 50 years and feel like it is my money anyway, so don't lump me into your lazy worthless category!


New Member
And what exactly is your message, Med. I've been trying to figure that one out from the very beginning.
I seriously doubt if you'll ever figure out any message from a middle class worker. You obviously feel superior in both physical realm and intellectually. Having met you, I am puzzeled by your outlook. For you To genuinely say you don't know what my message is smacks of arrogance. Basically I have layed my life story at your feet and you say something like that to me, go figure. My message is simple, stop being an annoying prick!


New Member
The only message I get from you is: Achievement is bad. Setting goals and attaining them is something to be punished. If one has worked hard and aquired an above average amount of property, that property should be confiscated and redistributed to make everything "fair." That a positive mental attitude is something to avoid. That government bureaucrats are more efficent than the private sector.That self interest is something that should be stamped out of the subconcious mind and/or altered genetically. Does that about sum it up?



New Member
The only message I get from you is: Achievement is bad. Setting goals and attaining them is something to be punished. If one has worked hard and aquired an above average amount of property, that property should be confiscated and redistributed to make everything "fair." That a positive mental attitude is something to avoid. That government bureaucrats are more efficent than the private sector.That self interest is something that should be stamped out of the subconcious mind and/or altered genetically. Does that about sum it up?

You should have been a clairvoyant, just brilliant how you seem to know what my character is. what a dickhead!


New Member
Yes, a dickhead who has read every one of your posts and has found this to be true:

The only message I get from you is: Achievement is bad. Setting goals and attaining them is something to be punished. If one has worked hard and aquired an above average amount of property, that property should be confiscated and redistributed to make everything "fair." That a positive mental attitude is something to avoid. That government bureaucrats are more efficent than the private sector.That self interest is something that should be stamped out of the subconcious mind and/or altered genetically. Does that about sum it up?




New Member
Yes, a dickhead who has read every one of your posts and has found this to be true:

The only message I get from you is: Achievement is bad. Setting goals and attaining them is something to be punished. If one has worked hard and aquired an above average amount of property, that property should be confiscated and redistributed to make everything "fair." That a positive mental attitude is something to avoid. That government bureaucrats are more efficent than the private sector.That self interest is something that should be stamped out of the subconcious mind and/or altered genetically. Does that about sum it up?

This sums it up, you are a dickhead from top to bottom, My avatar is a direct caricature of you. You have no redeeming social values and think all of humanity was put here to serve your purpose. You think that you are a superior being and have an ego the size of a whale. you find anyone with a differing view on life to be revolting and expect direct subservience. Common sense is something you avoid with a passion. You have a pre concieved view of the world and anyone that differs is un-intelligent and or boring, have I forgotten anything, oh yeah, you are a dickhead!


New Member
"You have no redeeming social values and think all of humanity was put here to serve your purpose."

And you "feel" that I, (or any individual) was put here to serve all of humanity's purposes. That's the difference in our political viewpoints in a nutshell, Med.

I was not placed upon this earth as a milk-cow to be used for the purpose of having my teats sucked dry so that you can have more affordable health insurance ... or any other purpose for that matter. As I said, your lack of planning does not, in turn, evolve into an emergency for me.

Greed is NOT the desire to hold on to what one has earned through hard, honest work. Greed is the blind desire to obtain that which one has not earned. Greed is not having the ability to recognize as theft, the taking of what isn't earned. Delusion is the feeling of self worth gained by over-seeing the theft of one person's propety, then directing that stolen property to another and calling it "charity."



New Member
I was not placed upon this earth as a milk-cow to be used for the purpose of having my teats sucked dry so that you can have more affordable health insurance ... or any other purpose for that matter. As I said, your lack of planning does not, in turn, evolve into an emergency for me.

Ah yes, the Christian way. What a huge phony you are. All talk and no substance. Love one another. Love thy neighbor as thyself etc. I'm pretty sure you flunked Christian 1-A. Greed: the desire to have more no matter how much you already have. The inability to share. Hoarding. There I've described your ambition, now go on and be all that you can be!


Well-Known Member
you need to consider not using Christianity as a basis for disparaging people, you create emotional rifts among people who aren't even taking part in the discussion and provide ammunition for people who work against the good news.

greed and not submitting to an involuntary parasitic system of rewarding people for choices they themselves regret are not the same thing.


New Member
you need to consider not using Christianity as a basis for disparaging people, you create emotional rifts among people who aren't even taking part in the discussion and provide ammunition for people who work against the good news.

greed and not submitting to an involuntary parasitic system of rewarding people for choices they themselves regret are not the same thing.
The good news, what fucking good news. There is a war raging in a foriegn land where our children are dying daily and the best you can come up with is don't disparage anyone by wrecking their good news. There is a do-nothing congress led by right wing puppets of an insane leader, that is going to put another 40,000 of our children into the meat grinder and you say don't disparage any good news, What fucking good news are you talking about. Our insane leader is trying to get support for an expanded war into Iran and you say don't disparage, are you a fucking idiot or are you just an insane puppet of this evil leader. Look I know the good news of Christianity is we are saved, But what if we're not and this shit is real and a nuclear war is looming and no-one with an ounce of sense is doing anything about it, what about that. Don't tell me not to disparage those idiots that have their heads stuck either in the sand or up Bushs' ass, it's time to stand up and be counted!